Chapter 2

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   Blackout takes a sip of the coffee in front of her as the servers cower behind the counter inside. Funny how all she must do nowadays is show up and everyone panics. She glances towards the café where customers sit as far away from the windows as they can while eyeing her nervously. She flashes them a smile from her seat on the patio, causing them to scurry even further away.

"Blackout, are we really going to do this again?" An irritated voice grumble from behind her.

Her smile falters for a half second as she steels herself and stands to her full height at 6'0.

"Warfalcon! Whatever do you mean? I was just here for a quick drink." Blackout grins as she faces the man.

At 6'2 he stands a bit taller than she does, chestnut brown hair settle in waves on top of his head. His piercing brown eyes seem to be searching her red ones as he frowns. A dark blue one-piece suit hugs his body, showing off his pecks and 6 pack, and a black vest hangs off his shoulders. The golden belt around his waist is the only piece that bears his emblem, a falcon head with a W behind it.

"No Gold Claw with you today?" Blackout smirks, hiding her shock at the absence of the snarky blonde who usually accompanies him. "Given up already, has she?"

Instead, a shorter woman, probably around 5'9, with dark brown hair and stunning green eyes stood behind him. Sparks seemed to radiate off the royal purple crop top and pants that fit her slender frame. Blackout felt a bit out of place in her black trench coat that hung from her frame and her usual outfit with the addition of a black corset that fit snugly around her waist.

"And who's this young thing?" Blackout interrupts Warfalcon before he can reply to her last statement, not caring for the whereabouts of his other teammate.

In a puff of smoke she disappears, only to reappear behind the young woman, running a finger through her hair. Electricity snaps around her hand, causing her to pull away with a smirk as the young woman jumps away from her.

"I'm Fiesta, and I would appreciate it if you didn't touch my hair." The young woman growls in response, a hint of fury building in her eyes.

"Ah feisty young thing." Blackout chuckles, "Apologies dear but I just couldn't help myself. Pretty young to be an apprentice don't you think? Didn't know the hero academy was bringing kids out to fight their battles now."

"I'm 25 lady. Aren't you too old to be playing games with people?" Fiesta fires back, her voice dripped with venom.

Blackout's eyes sparkled, amused at the hero's anger.

"Mm perhaps, but at least I don't hide behind strong men to protect me." Blackout retorts, ignoring the fact that she's only 2 years older than the young hero.

The response was immediate as a bolt of purple and blue lightening zips past her head. The young hero's face turns red from anger as she stalks towards blackout.

"Not again..." Warfalcon groans as he covers his face with one hand.

"Did I hit a nerve princess?" Blackout grins as she dodges another bolt.

Fiesta doesn't respond as she points a finger at Blackout, releasing a round of bolts. Her frustration grows as the tall woman skips around, dodging each round with ease. Before long Fiesta has reached her limit, slumping forward with her hands on her knees and sweat dripping from her face.

"What's... wrong? Afraid... to... fight... a... hero?" She pants out, one last effort to get under the dark woman's skin.

"A hero?" Blackout laughs as she leans to whisper in the young woman's ear. "A hero doesn't fire first."

A smirk flashes a crossed Blackout's lips as a look of horror creeps onto the young woman's face. The beep in her ear confirms that Vinyl's team was finished with their mission.

"This has been fun but I gotta go. Hope we can play again someday." Blackout grins at Fiesta as a black cloud enveloped her, pulling her away from the two heroes.

Broken heroOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant