Interdimensional Field Trip part 2

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Star's POV:

I skipped around with Comet in tow. As long as no one dies and everyone's having fun, this is a piece of cake. The first people we found were Alfonzo and Ferguson. They were standing in front of a blue portal, when they spotted us. "Star, can we jump through this light-ray thing?"

"You don't have to ask my permission. Fly free my curious little sparrows!", I told them, completely chill. A portal like this was standard practice back home, so I was not at all concerned about it. Comet and I continued on. "Being a leader is easy. Just say yes all the time", I said, more to myself than her.

"That's not how it works. You can't just carelessly let everyone do whatever they want", Comet argued, "You kinda have a respnsibillity to keep them safe too."

I blew a raspberry. "Oh come on, sis. You're starting to sound like Mom..." Comet stopped walking and crossed her arms, making me turn around in surprise. "But Mom's right! I know you want to have fun and all, but you also need to make sure nobody gets hurt! At the end of the day, you'll have to answer to their parents should anything bad happen."

I held my arms up in defense. I hated the feeling of a fight building up between us and tried to destress the situation. "Alright, alright, but as long no one comes to serious harm, it'll be fine. Trust me Comet..."

Just then, I heard Jackie's laughter. Turning around we saw her riding a Dermathian stingray like she would her skateboard. "Oh no...", Comet mumbled. Jackie rode past us without a care in the world. "Uhm, Jackie, I don't think you're supposed to ride a Dermathian stingray like that..."

"Miss Star, can I jump into this ominous looking vortex?", Francis' voice called out. Starting to panic, I turned around and tried to encourage him to stop, without actually forcing him to do so. That would ruin the fun. "Francis, please, stop where you are and ask yourself: Is this something you really want to do...?"

Suddenly I saw Justin trying to touch a dangerous machine. "Justin, no!"

Comet looked around too in worry. "Sabrina, that's not a good idea...!"

"Hey Star! Isn't this great!?", Sabrina cheered, upside down in an infinite stairwell. "Real great", I tried really hard to smile and not to panic, "But you might wanna come down. Justin!"

Miss Skullnick's POV:

"Alright, what is this?", I mumbled to myself, walking around the hallway. At least I finally got some peace and quiet and a break from those brats...

I arrived at a small pillar in the center of the hallway. Looking at it, I pushed the button in the pillar under which stood 'Push for Audio Tour'. Suddenly, a small spider with a huge megaphone strung down from the ceiling.

"Trolls are one of the universes' few ultra-supercentenaties", the it started,  and different pictures of trolls were shown on the walls in the room. "That means they live a really really really long time."

"I'm gonna live to be four hundred?", I let out, "And here I thought I was going through 'the big change'. Turns out, I'm a teenager again!"

This realization filled me both with exhaustion and elatedness. Now that I knew I would live for that long, it seemed as if all the doors that had long since closed were starting to open again for me. I could find a new place to live and pursue a new career if I wanted too... but at the same time... Who on earth would ever give a troll a job...

"Human expansion during the Industrialization Period of the Third Mebulic Millenium gave rise to the fierce 'Troll Warrior'. Trolls are abnormally strong, able to lift nine hundred times their own body weight", the spider guide continued. That I did not believe one bit.

"Oh please, there's no muscle here", I mocked, and lifted my arm, only to see a lots muscles decorating my once human and weak arms. "... Did that just happen?" The spider guide nodded. "Alright, come along, troll kid! There's a lot more to see!"

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm very much an adult!", I argued. The spider guide chuckled and turned around. "How old did you say you were again?" "58..." The spider let out a laugh. "Ah, teenagers! Believe me, you'll look back to these days in a couple of decades and wish you were a kid again."

... Can't argue with that.

Comet's POV:

"Star, Comet, anyone! Help!", Sabrina yelled. I turned around and saw her falling down the neverending staircases She had just been happily walking in five minutes ago. Star was already by her side but seemed to not know how to help.

I picked up a string on the ground that seemed surprisingly sturdy. An idea popped into my mind.

 "Come on, Star, we've got this." I threw one end of the rope into the staircase to Sabrina.

"Sabrina! Put this around your waist! We'll try to pull you out", Star exclaimed. Sabrina obliged and Star and I pulled the other end of the rope, pulling Sabrina inch by inch out of the staircase. When she was out, she fell to the ground, holding her head.

"Sabrina, are you okay?" Star crouched down to help the girl up again. "Y-Yeah... everything's just a little dizzy-!" Sabrina had to hold onto Star's arm to not stumble and fall.

"Star!", Hope called out, "Can I get mutant superpowers?"

"I got this here. You go stop her", I told Star, who nodded and ran off. "Okay, Sabrina, how about I take you back to the bus so you can sit down and have some water?", I offered. Sabrina merely nodded, grasping onto my shoulder to walk. We silently walked to the vehicle. When we finally arrived, and she had sat down, I looked out of the bus' window in awkward silence.

"So umm... Do you happen to have a water bottle with you or something...?", I hesitantly asked. She's a cheerleader right? Surely she's got water with her... But what if she doesn't? What do I do then? Oh no...

"Yeah, it's right by my bag. The blue one with sunflowers", Sabrina answered, cutting off my anxious thoughts. I nodded and looked around for her bag. In its side pocket was the water bottle. I let out a sigh and gave it to her. She took it and took a few sips before putting the bottle down. And we were back to silence...

"Comet? Thanks for helping me over", Sabrina suddenly broke the silence. "Huh? Oh, umm... of course. You're welcome...", I replied, a bit startled. Before we could converse more, Star stormed into the bus.

"Comet! You gotta help me! I lost them!", she frantically said. "What?! You lost who?", I asked, alarmed.


"What?!", Miss Skullnick's voice boomed from behind her. "I trusted you with the class for five minutes, and you lost them!"

"Are we about to go back?", Marco asked, also having arrived at the bus, "But we still need to get the others back to the bus. Jackie just sent me this." He turned his phone's screen to us and showed us a picture of some place filled with socks.

"Where's that?", I asked.

"Wait! I remember seeing a trail of socks right after the class disappeared! So they're not lost", Star triumphantly said, "They're just potentially in mortal danger. That's way easier." "Star! Being in mortal danger is not a good thing!", I scolded her.

"Marco, you're staying with Sabrina", Miss Skullnick ordered, "Star, Comet, you're coming with me. We'll need all the magic we can get." She grimly took the lead, Star and I quickly following her, wands ready in hand.

Word Count: 1280

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