Blood Moon Ball part 3

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Comet's POV:

The way back was tread in awkward silence. I had no idea how exactly Marco had managed to come down undetected, and what exactly he had done, but whatever it was, Star sure was not happy about it. I looked at Marco, who glanced back. 'What did you do?', I mouthed. Marco shook his head. I sighed, and upped my walking speed to catch up with Star.

We entered the elevator to Tom's abode. In it, Star took off her shoes. I too, decided I had had enough for the day. I opened the bun and let my hair down. When we finally arrived back home, Star was the first to exit the elevator. "Thanks for the lift!", she thanked the demon who had brought us up. I bowed in politeness, while Marco simply exited the elevator carriage. "Ugh, so infuriating!", Star let out when the demon had left us. "Well, I hate to say it, but I told you he was no good", Marco shrugged, clearly meaning Tom. Star turned to him. "No! You! YOU'RE infuriating!" She threw her boots at Marco, which he ducked from. They fell off the balcony.

"Me? I was just trying to help-"

"You don't trust me to do things on my own. I'm fourteen! I can handle a demon", Star said. She leaned onto the balcony's railing. "I know you're trying to look out for me and Comet, but you gotta let us do our own thing too, Marco. I don't need a hero. I need a friend", she said. By now, I had somewhat gotten the gist of what had happened. I silently stepped beside her. Marco sighed, took a place on the other side of Star, and took off his mask. "You're right. I should've trusted you guys. I'm sorry I ruined your night", he apologized. Star turned, and leaned her back on the railing. "Well, it wasn't a total disaster...", she started, and grabbed his hat from his head to put it on hers, "now I know you can dance."

She giggled at the sight of Marco's unruly hair. "Hat hair", she and Marco said simultaneously. Then they gasped. "We both said", they started, "the same thing. Okay stop that!" For a second they looked at each other incredulously, before they started laughing. "Well, that was new", Star remarked. "Yeah. Weird", Marco added.

"Now go make me some nachos!", Star randomly demanded. "... Okay", Marco agreed. "Yay! Let's go", Star and Marco left the balcony to head to the kitchen. "Comet, wanna come too?", Star asked. "Huh? Oh, no, you two go ahead. I think I'm done with doing anything for today", I said. "Alrighty! Good night my loveliest of lovely sisters!", Star cheered and I was left alone on the balcony.

I sighed and breathed in the cool night air. The whole evening had been extremely exhausting. Only now did I have time to reflect on it all. I thought back to Tom's rage, and Star's reaction. Tom was a demon, so he would probably be fine, even after being in ice for a while. He probably was already thawing again. Yet I couldn't help but be a bit worried. Had he wanted to rekindle his relationship with Star at this ball? With the help of the Blood Moon? If he had, he was probably not doing too well emotionally, knowing this plan had failed.

Tom and I had only become acquaintances by chance. Star had met him at the Silver Bell Ball, and soon, they had become a couple. It was only through her that I met him, and for the sake of my sister, he agreed to get along with me. Tom had always been a figure of intimidation to me; sometimes I felt like he saw me as a huge burden or obstacle in his and Star's relationship. Maybe he thought so because it had been a fight concerning me that had ended in their break-up back then.

My eyes wandered to the small bell and hammer still lying on Star's shelf. Without giving it much thought, I took it from its place. Only now did I notice how intricately the pieces had been designed. It had been made of light silver metal, and painted red and black. I stared at all the thought out details. A sudden, strong impulse made me use it. A loud gong rung through the night, and from the depths, the demon carrying the elevator returned. "And here I thought I was done for the day", he groaned. "Oh, umm... sorry?", I said. "You only have to be sorry if you don't get in and I had to move for no reason", the demon said. "Right... umm...", I thought about it. Maybe I should go check up on Tom. Just to make sure he wouldn't go after Star after today. "Could you just wait one quick minute?" I quickly ran down to my bed and arranged the pillows in a way that looked like I was sleeping in my bed. Then I slipped out of the shoes (they really were getting uncomfortable) and exchanged them for my usual flats. When I returned upstairs to the balcony, the demon looked at me expectantly. "Well, are you going to get in or what?"

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