The Other Exchange Student part 2

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Star's POV
I yawned as Comet and I walked down the stairs when the Diazes exclaimed "Surprise!". "Aah! A party for us-!" I stopped in my tracks when I saw what the banner said. "Happy second day of your visit, Gustav!" the Diazes shouted. Gustav appeared behind me and shoved past my sister and me. "Oh, Diaz family. You are full of pleasantness" he said and opened his arms to hug them. Marco and his parents laughed and chanted "Gustav, Gustav, Gustav, Gustav!" Comet sat down on the couch and I decided I rather wanted to join her instead of this Gustav. As I annoyed sat beside her, I accidentally knocked down Gustav's huge backpack. I was surprised when a map and books about the Scandinavian language and customs. I picked up one of the books and showed it to Comet. "What?" she asked confused when she read the title. Suddenly the book was grabbed out of my hands. We looked up and saw Gustav. "Oh, look at you. Such curious girls" Gustav said and shoved two plates with a slice of cake into Comet's and my hands. Then he whispered threateningly "Now, eat your cake and mind your own business!" "Okay...?" I said and he smiled and turned away from us. "More cake for everyone!" he announced. I saw Comet looking at him a bit frightened. I pulled Marco to us and told him "Marco, listen. I think there's something off about Gustav. I found Scandinavian books and language tapes in his bag. Why would someone need to learn his own language? Why is he always making meatballs? Meatballs aren't so great. I can make things too!" I conjured a spider with a top hat, which crawled away behind Marco. Marco grinned and asked "Uh, jealous much?" "What? No! Comet saw it too!" I said and Marco looked at her. She nodded slightly, still looking slightly frightened. Marco was just about to say something, when Gustav yelled "Hey, Marco! Think fast!" He threw a meatball in his direction and Marco jumped up to catch it. "I hope he never leaves!" he said. I watched Gustav as he shoved a piece of cake into Mrs. Diaz's mouth. He looked at me menacingly. Something was wrong with him. And I am going to prove it.
Gustav's POV
These girls, especially the blue-eyed one, were a threat to me. If they found out about my secret and told the Diazes, I couldn't show myself here anymore. I decided to be even more cautious than normal. Luckily, the Diazes didn't seem to notice anything. The purple-eyed twin kept to herself, which I assumed was because I frightened her the other day. I kinda felt bad for her. The other twin also kept quiet, but I was pretty sure she was still suspicious of me. "Lunch!" I called through the house. Marco was the first one to arrive, followed by his parents and the girls. Marco sat down next to me, while the twins seemed to take places furthest away from me. Not that I cared. We had a nice time and I suggested we should do a picnic in a few days. "With meatballs" I promised in my fake Scandinavian accent. The Diazes agreed excitedly. I saw from the corner of my eye how Star gave me a glare before announcing that she wasn't hungry anymore and left the room with her sister. "Where should we do the picnic?" Mr. Diaz asked. "Maybe at the Isolation Point" Marco suggested "That's where we went last time."


"I'm going now" I announced. "What? But we thought we were going to picnic" Marco said disappointed. I laughed "Oh, no. I mean I'm going to the location to get things ready. You just stay here and we'll meet in an hour" I assured him. "Oh, okay" Marco said and I took the bus to the Isolation Point. I prepared the firewood and made a fire. After an hour everything was ready. I just had to wait for the Diazes. I noticed the fire getting smaller and decided to chop some more firewood. Just as I took out the axe, someone jumped out of the bushes. "I knew you were up to no good, meatball boy!" I turned around and saw Comet and a crazy-looking Star. I screamed and ran for dear life. I heard them chasing after me. The girls were somehow conjuring crazy things. I ran over a rope bridge and used my pocket knife to cut the ropes on the other side. I laughed in triumph and relief. But that didn't last long. Star cried "Glitter Dragon Escalation!" and I watched in horror as a dragon was created. "Give it up, Gustav!" To my surprise, it was Comet who said that. She hadn't talked to anyone at all with me in the room since my second day here. The glitter dragon chomped the ground near me and exploded. The girls were now at my side of the bridge with their wands pointed at me. "It's over Gustav! We know you aren't what you say you are" Star told me. I surrendered "It's true! I'm full of lies!" I cried. "So, you admit you're planning to eat the Diazes?!" Star asked. "Yes, yes!" I said before realizing what she had asked. "Wait what?"

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