Sleep Spells part 3

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Comet's POV:

"Ugh, you weren't sleep-spelling. You were just defending yourself against that sleep goblin... elephant", Marco realized. "Wow! I'm hardcore!", Star exclaimed. "Can we get back to the matter please?", I interrupted them, looking at the intruding princess. "I came her for your face!", she exclaimed again, "To steal your face! And you hurt me in my butt! And ruined my hair and make up!" She turned around to show us the narwhal of Star's spell that was stuck in her body. I looked away, shuddering at the sight.

"Could you stop yelling?", Star asked the princess, but she merely scoffed. "Well, I'm sorry. I don't have any ears. Camera phone." The princess took out her portable mirror to take a photo of herself, "Ugh, I hate you guys for ruining my clothes and makeup! Camera phone." I grew irritated by her attitude. "Now listen here young lady!", I curtly said, yanking her phone from her, much to her protest, "Who do you think you are, sneaking into our home, disturbing our peace, and then complain to us, when we defend ourselves?! What do you even want from us, who are you?"

The princess grabbed her phone back from me. "I'm on the run from St. O's", she said, seemingly bored. "Well, you can't stay here. I don't want us to go to St. O's!", Star told her. "Oh, you're going to St. O's", the princess said, "it's you, or your purple-eyed clone. You see, we're all big girls. We got the same highs and lows, the same east and west. You can hardly tell us apart. Except for in the face. Camera phone.", the princess took another photo of herself, "So I'm gonna finger laser off your face off your head. Oh, you can have my face. See, I'm gonna wear your face, and then you can go to jail. 'Cause you look just like me. It's just a classic face-switch scenario."

We all looked at her with stunned expressions, then glanced at each other. Then, Star and Marco started laughing, and even I had to let out a small chuckle. "Oh yeah. Oh, that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard", Marco wheezed out, holding his stomach. The princess glared at us, and suddenly grabbed Star, "It's not funny!"

"Star!",Marco and I yelled. The princess ran through the door, with Star under her arm. "Don't worry Star. I'll safe you!", Marco exclaimed, as we chased after them. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, sliding through the sculpture of Star, that had (for some inexplicable reason) been moved to the front of the staircase. Marco was closely behind, and quickly caught up, running past me. He ran past the couch, with the princess very obviously sitting on it, hiding her face behind a newspaper with the headline 'PRINCESS MONSTER ON THE LOOSE'.

Marco seemed to have noticed too, for he returned to us not impressed at all. "Ahem", he said. The princess put the newspaper down and laughed nervously, before grabbing running to the backyard. We ran after her, but lost sight of her when we stepped into the yard. "Up there!", Marco said, patting my shoulder. I looked up and saw the princess climbing up the pipe. "Comet! Marco! Help!", Star called out, thrashing her legs to no avail. "Marco, hold on", I grabbed his hand, and used a spell to levitate us up to the roof. Up there we continued running after the princess and Star.

The princess used her trunk-like nose to get up the roof of our loft. There she took out a pair of scissors and opened a dimensional portal. "Stop!", Marco yelled, but nearly slipped and fell of the roof. "Whoa, watch out!", I called out to him. The princess laughed maniacally. "Be careful on this roof. It is slippery from the evening dew!", she mocked. "Let me go, you weirdly weirdo!", Star exclaimed. The princess paid her no mind.

"Are your clone and Marco small? Or are they just really far away?", she shortly contemplated, before shrugging her shoulder and pointing her finger at Star's face. A pink laser beam came from her finger on Star's forehead. "Comet! Marco!", Star screamed, genuinely scared. "No!" Marco tried climbing the tower, but slipped once more. "Marco!" I held him by his arm to stop him from falling. I pulled him back up, when his glasses fell from his pocket. This gave him an idea.

He put on the glasses, his sweater vest, and pulled out his 'PSYCH 101' book. "Glasses! Paper! Clothes! Book! Dr. Marco, Ph.D!", he announced, and turned to the princess: "You don't have to do this! I have an 'A' in psychology! I can help you!" "No thank you", the princess said, uninterested. "Use your mind karate!", Star called out, trying to get away from the dimensional portal.

"Listen to him!", I called out to the princess. "I already told you. I don't have any ears!", she exclaimed. "Well, maybe that's why you're in this mess!" "Okay, I do have ears", she admitted, "But I don't use them to listen to people. The only people I listen to is my mind. And right now, my mind is telling me to steal her face." "But you can't keep running from your problems", Marco reasoned, putting down his glasses, "When you steal other people's faces, all you're really stealing is your future." "But... but I like my future." For a second, it seemed as if the princess was hesitating. Star, Marco, and I smiled in relief. However, this relief was only short-felt, for the princess' face returned to her evil smile. "I don't like my future! Camera phone" She proceeded to walk towards the portal. Without even thinking, I grabbed Marco's book, and threw it at her. It hit her in her face, causing her to drop Star to the floor, and her falling of the roof.

"Oh my gosh I killed her!", I gasped, clasping my hands in front of my mouth. "She deserved it", Marco said without a care. He went to help Star down from the loft, as I saw a blue lion monster appearing next to the princess. She let out a screech, as the lion monster growled at her. Star, Marco, and I winced, as we watched her getting dragged to St. Olga's guards by the monster.

When it was all over, Star said: "Wow, Marco. You really saved my face. You too, Comet." "Yes! Finally!", Marco cheered. He got out his notebook to give him a check mark. "I don't get it. Why is this tally thing such a big deal to you?", Star asked him.

"Uhhh... I don't know. I guess you guys are these magic princesses from another dimension, and I'm just...", he trailed off. Star and I looked at each other surprised. We hadn't known it mattered that much to him. Star put on Marco's glasses. "Ahem. Star, Ph.D. Marco, you are awesome", she said, "We don't need caught up in who saves who." "That's right", I agreed, "all that matters is that we have each other's back."

"Yeah, you're right" Marco bashfully smiled at us. "But this time... I totally saved you! Woo-hoo! Whoa!"

Marco was hanging off the side of the roof, with Star and I each having grabbed him at one arm. He looked at us, while we playfully stringed back. "You're right. We shouldn't keep track anymore", he chuckled.

Word Count: 1238

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