Mewnipendence Day part 3

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Comet's POV:

"Comet, should we... cancel the reenactment and just have the feast...?" Star asked, doubting our decision to organize the whole reenactment. I looked down to the groups, watching as the Mewman team struggled with the heavy weaponry, while the monster team struggled with their lack of weapons. 'This seems... Unfair.' Marco's statement circled in my thoughts.

Monsters, in nature, were built a lot stronger than Mewmans, with claws and fangs to rip their victims apart. Mom had once told me off the monsters she had had to fight: terrible beings that could regenerate their entire body if needed. Of course, Marco had no way of knowing that; even Star had no idea of this. But this gave the monsters an advantage that Mewmans could never have. Was it so wrong then that our ancestor had made up for this disadvantage by helping out her people with the magic she had been granted? I didn't think so.

Maybe the reenactment was wrong then: At the end of the day we were all just kids, so maybe giving one side dangerous weaponry they weren't knowledgeable about was the wrong way to go here... But Star and I had precisely chosen to do this the right way to give our friends the accurate depiction of our culture...

"Hey guys, everything's set up. We'll start whenever you give the signal", Marco said, "Or not, and we can just go eat." "No, it's okay... It'll... It'll be fun", Star assured, taking my hand in hers. "Okay, whatever you say. Here we go!", Marco agreed, and Star and I stepped to the front of the balcony to start the reenactment.

"Knights of Mewni!", we called out in unison, reciting the famous words of Queen Solaria, "Take off with your newfound strength and bravery, and drive off the evil monsters! For our families, for our future, for our homeland!" We rose up to the sky and united our wands to create a huge firework, signaling the beginning of the fight.

Both teams started charging at one another as Star and I floated back to the balcony, watching the fight unfold from above.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Ferguson!", I heard StarFan13 say, as she picked up the mace again. The reenactment had always been the highlight of Mewnipendence Day, but seeing our friends fight like this filled me with a sense of dread. I didn't want any of them to actually get hurt...

I felt Star squeeze my hand, signaling to me that she was just as anxious as I was... I looked across the backyard, and noticed there were only seven people there. Who was missing?

"Ferguson?", Star asked. I glanced to her side, and saw Ferguson standing by the balcony. Before I could ask what he was doing, Francis' unicorn attacked him, flinging him to the other side of the garden. "Ferguson!" Star and I flew to Ferguson's side. The fight had abruptly stopped, everyone horrified at what had just happened. "I am so sorry! Marco was right this is unfair!", Star panicked, trying to shake the unconscious Ferguson awake. "We're so sorry, we should've known better than to let you fight each other like this", I admitted, both to Ferguson as well as to everyone else. Ferguson started to stir. "Ferguson! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm just invisible...", Ferguson's voice suddenly came from within a tree. "What? Then who?", Star asked. I suddenly put the pieces together in my mind, and pulled Star back from this false 'Ferguson'. "Star, watch out!" The false Ferguson, Buff Frog, stood up, panicked, and started to run away. Star raised her wand, already ready to blast him with a spell, but lowered her wand again. We watched as Buff Frog escaped through a portal back to his home dimension.

"Alright, let's go eat some corn", Marco said when Buff Frog was gone. The guests hummed in agreement, and headed inside. I felt like I was frozen in the moment, not able to move. Star and I sat side by side in empty silence. "We... we should go inside", Star said. I merely hummed in agreement, and we left the garden to enjoy the meal we had prepared as the feast.

<>< Back in Ludo's Castle ><>

Buff Frog's POV:

"What a disgrace! This is what you get when you hire people from the swamp!", Ludo fumed, and rewinded the video from the All-seeing Eye back to the moment I was flung from the balcony by the unicorn. "I'm telling you! This thin! It didn't work", I tried to defend myself, waving the mace around. It simply hadn't wanted to open when I needed it. Toffee ripped it from my grasp, and pressed the button. The mace opened as he had showcased before.

"It works fine for me...", he said. "He sabotaged it!", I tried to tell Ludo. How else could one possibly explain that it only worked whenever Toffee used it? But Ludo had had enough. "I rescued you from a life in the swamp! I took you in, I gave you pants! And this is how you repay me!? Get real, you brought shame upon this house! Now go to your room."

Embarrassed and ashamed, I went to my room, keeping my head down.

I lay in my bad, under the small blanket, when Toffee entered the room. "What you want?", I grumbled. "You're no longer needed", was all he said. I was filled with dread, and turned to him, hoping he was joking. But he was not; he merely smiled at me with his cold, distant smirk. "I won", he said, clearly bathing in his small victory.

And just like that, I was evicted from my home for the past five years. I had nothing left; the very few of my belongings in the blanket the was now a makeshift bag. I had nowhere to go anymore, no one who would be willing to take me in...

With no plan of what to do, I used my scissors to go back to Earth: next to Ludo's Castle, this was the dimension I had spent the most time in for the past few months.

I sat in the tree by the karate kid's house. I knew it was risky: should one of the people notice me, I was sure to be chased away again. Yet the moment earlier this day gave me hope that perhaps, they would let me stay her till the morning if I proved myself not to be a threat...

I felt the gaze of someone on me, but when I cautiously looked through the window into the living room, where I saw the princesses, the karate boy, and all their friends chatting the night a way. I saw Comet Butterfly glancing at me, before turning away quickly, talking to her sister. My heart dropped: I knew this was probably the end of my stay here. Hungry and tired, I was already getting ready to go, when I heard the window open, and a plate and glass being set down on the window sill.

I only saw a glimpse of blonde hair when the princesses left the window again, and looked down to the window sill. On the plate was some corn, a bowl of fruit and a few cookies. The glass was filled with some juice. I smiled gratefully, my heart filled with warmth. Maybe there was something left for me...

Word Count: 1222 

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