Match Maker part 1

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Comet's POV

"I like red, I like hoodies. So I bought a dozen of them" Marco explained to my sister and me as we walked through the school. We were headed to math, when a group of students passed us. "Hey, there are the magic girls!" a boy shouted. I flushed red and hid myself behind Star, who grinned and waved "Hi new friends! Hi!" She turned to me "Aww, Comet don't be shy. Everyone's so cool here. It makes me wish our parents had tossed me out of the castle years ago." The redness in my face faded and luckily, the students were gone. Marco joined the conversation. "You haven't even met the coolest guys" he claimed and pointed over to two boys  standing next to some lockers. "Alfonzo and Ferguson" he introduced. One of them, the brown haired boy with the glasses, said "Quick, here she comes", referring to a girl about to pass them. The chubby, red-head next to him lifted his shirt. It revealed a face drawn onto his stomach. The girl passing by stopped when he moved his stomach to make it look like it was talking. "Hey, hey. Are those books? Where are you going with those books? Do you like to read-" He was cut off by the girl first slapping his face and then his stomach. "Oh dear" the boy with glasses said. "They're usually cooler" Marco claimed and Star grinned. "I need to fix Ferguson up" "No" Marco simply stated. We heard the sound of rolling wheels and turned to where it came from. A blonde girl, which I knew was called Jackie, made a kickflip on her skateboard and rolled pass us. I silently giggled when I saw Marco. "Jackie Lynn Thomas!" He said, going into raptures. "Hey, magic twins" she greeted us. "Hi Jackie!" Star cheered. She looked over to Marco. "I need to fix you up" she gasped. "What?!" he asked alarmed. "Oh, come on. I'm almost as good at matchmaking as I am with magic" she said. Unfortunately, she managed to blast magic into Marco's face, leaving him with a burnt face and frizzy hair with a bald spot. "I'm good" he assured. Star headed in front of us into class. I fixed Marco up with a simple spell, and we followed her. "You better try to distract her from matchmaking. When we were ten, she  tried to couple me up with our cousin" I whispered "It didn't go very well. Rock and she didn't talk a lot with each other ever since." 


"Look-look-look-look-look!" Star said. Marco turned left to look at her and I bend over my table to look over her shoulder. "It's my name! With a star inside a butterfly and two hearts. And a spider" She showed us the drawing, she had done on her table. Suddenly, Miss Skullnick slammed the test we had last time on her desk. I quickly got back into my seat. She looked extremely annoyed and handed back the tests to the class. "As you can see, class, most of you have done a pathetic job" she said. As she handed me my tests I whispered a small "Thank You". Star turned in her seat and the three of us made a triangle. "Not me!" Star said and proudly showed us her test "I got an 'F' for 'fantastic'!" "That's an 'F' for'fail'" Marco corrected her "What? You don't have tests on Mewni?" he asked when he saw Star's expression. "Uh..." Star put her test back on her table "So what did you two get?" "I got an 'B'" I said happily "The tutoring really paid off. Thank you, Marco" "You're welcome" he replied. "What did you get?" Star asked. "Only the best grade you can get: A+ with a smiley face" He showed us his test sheet. "Ooh... I want the best one too!" Star declared and got up from her seat. She headed towards Miss Skullnick. "Wait, don't!" Marco warned her, but she ignored him. "Oh, Miss Skullnick" she sing-sang. Miss Skullnick, who was writing down the right answers to the test, crushed the chalk in her hand and turned to Star with a growl. It was obvious she didn't like us a lot, but even more that she nearly hated Star. But my sister stayed as optimistic as ever. "Hey, Skullzy! Can you please do me a teeny favor and turn my'F' into an 'A'?" Miss Skullnick was obviously in a very bad mood and Star just so happened to cross the line. "You're whining about a lousy grade? I finally got a guy with a boat, and he left me at the dock!" Miss Skullnick shouted. "The dock?" Star asked. "The Dock isn't the important part! I guess I'm doomed to dry land." Star nibbled at her wand. I could see the wheels turning in her head. "Oh, no, please don't Star" I whispered. But of course, I knew Star well enough to know that she would do exactly what I hoped she didn't. "I got it! I'll cast a spell to get you the perfect guy, and you can give me the perfect grade" she said. I sighed. "What?!" Miss Skullnick asked. "Man Magnet..." "Wait" Miss Skullnick waned to stop her, but it was already too late. "... Love Storm!" When the light faded, I looked at horror at what Star had done. Instead of the Miss Skullnick I knew, now stood a green-skinned troll. Marco and I ran up to them. "What did you do?!" Marco asked in horror. "I-I think I turned her into a troll" Star replied. "Why in the world would someone need a spell like this? Where did you find it?" I asked Star. "Dunno. It was in the book, in a chapter full of text. It just popped out to me." "Star Butterfly rules!" One of the students cheered. The others followed him. Marco, who had been trying to calm our teacher down, said "Quick change her back!" "Oh, okay, yeah right!" Star laughed nervously "Okay, yeah... Lightning Change Back!" she yelled. Miss Skullnick screamed and the four of us were suddenly gone.

A/N: I think I'll make a cut here. Hope you enjoyed it ^-^. Also, quick reminder, I would be happy if you voted. 

CU, Yvie

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