Cheer Up, Star part 1

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Marco's POV

Star, Comet, and I were running through the yard, fighting off Ludo and his monsters. I hid behind the coyote statue from my parents. Star jumped on top of it while Comet ran to the side of the coyote and Star yelled "Cupcake Blast!" A monster cut off the head of the statue and we ran to the backyard shed as the monsters followed. I pushed the girls inside, entered the shed myself. "How could I have been so stupid?" I asked myself angrily and started collecting various things for our armors. "Marco, what the heck is going on?" Star asked me. She and Comet were still at the door, trying to barricade the door with random stuff. I hesitated "Uh... this may be all my fault." "What?! What did you..." Star asked, but noticed a three-eyed monster looking inside through the open window blinds. Star closed them and repeated "What did you do?" "Um..." I fell off the shelf and handed the skull bust to Star. "Hold this. Uh, we're gonna need to build some armor." "Marco?" Comet asked worriedly. I put on a protective mask and murmured "Okay. Where does Dad keep his blowtorch?" A monster outside shook the shed and the blowtorch fell into my hand. "Heh-heh! There it is!" I was really glad now that Dad used to teach me to work with metal and wood. It was quite useful now. "Marco Diaz!" Star's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. She seemed to have tried to get my attention multiple times now. I lifted up the mask and turned to face the girls. Star dropped the skull bust on the floor and asked "What... is going... on?" She and Comet had no clue what was going on. "Look, do you remember when I was having that really bad day?"

<> Flashback <>

I had overslept that day and was running after the bus. "Wait! Stop!" I pounded on the bus trying to draw attention to Star, Comet, or someone else in the bus. Star noticed me but didn't do what I had hoped her to do. Instead, she opened the window and said "Look at you, jogging to school. In the zone." I was out of breath and tried to tell her "I'm trying... to catch... the bus!" But Star ignored what I said and stated "Got to keep focus. I get it. Stay in that zone." Star closed the window and I suddenly ran into the bus' stop sign. I fell on the ground and groaned in pain. The bus driver opened the door and complained "Who punched the bus? Who does that Bus never did nothin' to you." I sat up as he closed the door and started moving again. Unfortunately, my hood was caught on the bus and it pulled me with it. "Whoa!" As I jumped over a speed bump, my hoodie ripped and I crashed right into a pile of garbage. "Oof!" I emerged from the garbage and my eye was pounding. I bet it was a black eye. A guy on a bicycle rode up to me. "Whoa..." he laughed at me and pointed at my shirt. It showed me kissing a ninja with the caption 'I KISSED A NINJA AT KARATEKON 2012' "You kissed a ninja" the guy laughed. I blushed and covered the shirt with a newspaper before running away. I finally arrived at school. The sign outside it read PICTURE DAY! "You've got to be kidding me. School picture day?!" A student from the photography class came to me with a camera in her hands. "Smile" she said and took a picture of me. "I wanna go home "I groaned. As if the day couldn't get any worse, Jeremy Birnbaum appeared from behind me. "Well, well, well. Marco Diaz" he said. I felt the anger immediately boiling up inside me when I heard his annoying voice. "Not today, Jeremy." "I came to give you a black eye for picture day, but apparently, there's no need" he mocked me. "I said not today!" I snapped. I heard wood breaking under my foot. I look down and saw it was Jackie's skateboard in half. It was really the worst day of my life. "Marco... you broke my skateboard" Jackie, who was now holding the pieces in her hands looked at me. Jeremy laughed in malicious joy behind me. "Jackie, I" I started. "It's fine, Marco. I'll just live with it." She rolled off on half of her skateboard. "I think my work here is done" Jeremy said and ran off.

<> End of Flashback <>

Star's POV

"I'm sorry you had a bad day, Marco, but what does that have to do with right now?" I asked Marco. He was starting to saw the skull bust in half. "I'm getting to that" he assured. A monster's arm crashed through the wall. "Whoa!" Marco yelled. The arm pawed at the air trying to grab one of us. Marco placed the skull bust within its reach. It grabbed the bust and broke off the top half. "Thank you!" Marco exclaimed and boarded up the hole in the wall with a painting. "I was so bummed out" Marco continued. "But you two did everything you could to cheer me up."


Comet and I watched Marco as he lied on the couch looking depressed. "I feel bad for Marco" Comet said. "We have to do something to cheer him up" I told her. We were in our room. I pulled out a treasure chest with my things that I sometimes use. I pulled out a fake beard and tapped it on my face. "Why do you have this here?" Comet asked. I shrugged and gave her a colorful and strange-looking hat. She put it on her head. Then we got downstairs and tried to cheer Marco up by doing silly things, including juggling the laser puppies and performing a magic show. Comet pulled out a large fish out of her hat "Ta-da!" I exclaimed. The fish swallowed my head and I started to panic and run around the room. The fish swallowed me whole. "Star!" Comet yelled and Marco started laughing. I laughed too and Comet giggled. "I'm in a fish" I stated.

<> End of Flashback<>

"And then, Star met Oskar" Marco said.

<> Flashback <>

A wonderful sound filled the air as the students screamed and a male student begged "Make it stop! Make it stop!" "No, no, no, no!" Janna screamed. I looked over to the direction where the beautiful melody came from. I pulled Skeeves to me and asked him "Skeeves. Who is that fresh of breath air?" A boy with brown hair and a turquoise device that looked like a mix of a piano and a guitar was sitting on a car. "Oh, that degenerate is Oskar Greason. I'd stay away if I were you. That boy has a record" Skeeves informed me. "Ohhh, a record..." I sneaked up to his car and listened to him singing to the sounds of the record. I pulled out a star-shaped sticky note and wrote down Marco's phone number. I taped it on his record and sighed dreamily "Call me."

<> End of the flashback <>

A/N: This is the chapter for today. Unfortunately, today is the end of my Easter break. I don't know if I will be able to publish a new chapter every day, but as I said before, I'll do my best. The other option could be that the chapters will become shorter. What would you prefer? ^-^

CU, Yvie

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