Fortune Cookies part 1

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Ludo's POV:

I looked at my group of monsters with dissatisfaction, as I watched them getting beat up by those Butterfly children. Again. "How are you losing?! You guys have, like, 200 pounds on her!", I screamed at them, flinging my staff around. Bearicorn was flung against the rock I was standing on. "Watch out! At least hit her with a rock or something!"

Bearicorn picked up a pebble, and threw it at Star Butterfly's head. She didn't budge a bit. "Woo-hoo!", she cheered, jumping from monster to plant, "Off the cactus over the tree! Nothin' but net!" She fired a spell towards the cactus she had jumped off from. It ricochet off and into the back of Gerald, the giraffe monster's, neck. "Told you I could do it!", Star yelled towards her sister and the karate boy.

Marco nodded, and pulled a dollar paper to give to her. "Charge!", I ordered, determined to take advantage of their temporary distraction. "Double or nothing! One kick, seven monsters!", he exclaimed, and charged towards my army. He kicked Buff Frog in the chin, knocking him into Gerald behind him. One after the other, they fell to the ground. I could hardly contain my groan. All of a sudden, Potato Baby fell on top of me, burrowing me underneath the pathetic pile that was my army.

"After a victory like this, there's only one thing to do: get Chinese food!", Marco cheered. "Ooh Chinese food!", Star repeated. "We have no idea what that is", Comet added, and the group of teenagers left the yard.

I fumed with rage and let out an angry scream. I pulled myself out of the pile, and opened the dimensional portal to my castle. Without even waiting for the rest, I stomped through it.


"You guys are USELESS!!!!!", I yelled, letting out my frustration. The common room grew silent, and everyone looked at me with big, empty stares. Potato Baby hovered over the water dispenser, and silently pressed the button to get some water. Boo Fly, who was inside the water dispenser, didn't seem to mind. Gerald sat in a corner, playing his guitar. Big Chicken knocked over the coffee machine. I glanced next to me, seeing Bearicorn trying to insert a dollar into the vending machine again and again. My eye twitched in annoyance. "You're always screwing up my brilliant plans! I need someone who can wrangle you imbeciles!" I slapped Bearicorn's hand away from the vending machine, having enough of his constantly failing attempts, "Oh, go get change!"

<>< Meanwhile ><>

Comet's POV:

Marco had led us to a small restaurant run by a kind lady. The inside of the rooms were painted red, and everywhere was red and gold decor. "These are called spring rolls", Marco explained, and showed us how to use the wooden sticks he had called 'chopsticks'. I tried to imitate the way he had used them, while Star simply used one of the chopsticks to stab it into the spring roll.

"Delicious!" She swallowed the spring roll, "And it's so fun eating with these tiny wands!" She proceeded to play with them, making laser sounds. The lady came up behind us and placed a plate of cookies in front of us. "Oh, and there's cookies too!", Star cheered, picking one up and eating it whole. Her expression dropped suddenly, and she spit out a small piece of paper. "I don't like the filling", she said.

Marco laughed. "These are fortune cookies. They can magically predict the future", he explained. "What?! No way!", Star let out. Marco took one of the cookies from a plate, and broke it up. He took out the paper slip and ate the rest. "A friend will greet you with a smile", he read out loud. "Aww, how sweet", I remarked, smiling at him. "See? The cookies know all", Marco said, pointing at my smile. "You try one, Comet."

I took a cookie from the plate and carefully opened it. "A magical future awaits you", I read from the fortune slip. "Oh! How did it know?", Star gasped, with wide eyes. "Like I said", Marco confidently stated, "The cookies know all."

"No, it can't be", Star exclaimed, taking another cookie and breaking it like Marco had. "Think positive and good luck will come your way", she read. Just then, the lady passed the table with a box of fortune cookies. Star jumped out of her seat and followed her. "More cookies!", she yelped. "They're stale", the lady informed. Star didn't mind one bit. "Gimme!", she yelled, making grabby hands towards the box of stale cookies. "You're a weird girl", the lady chuckled, but gave Star the cookies without second thought.

"Wow, Star. Good luck did come your way" Marco put his arm on her shoulder, as she looked at the box of cookies as if it were the most magical things she had ever seen. "...Star?" I waved my hand in front of her face, but she didn't so much as blink.

<>< The next day at Ludo's castle ><>

Ludo's POV:

"Alright, listen up", I said, pulling the attention of the monsters on me, "Gerald will be calling you up one at a time to my office. You have ten minutes for the interview." Murmurs filled the room, as I left for my office again. I sat down on my chair, with Buff Frog standing next to me as assistant. "Gerald, send the first one in!"

"Eh, previous job experience? Nope. No one's ever been dumb enough to hire me", the first applicant said, laying back in his chair. "Next!", I screamed, not even bothering to continue the interview.

"Weaknesses? I don't have any", the next applicant said. Right After he had uttered these words, his head fell over to the left, to big for his slim neck. "Next!"

"How am I under pressure? Awesome!" "Hmm, is that so?", I asked, looking at the monster before me. "Uh, yeah", she stuttered, "Um, w-why? D-did you hear otherwise?" She started breathing unevenly. "I can't take this anymore!", she screamed, and threw herself out the window. "...Next."

"Where do I see myself in ten years? Oh, we're best friends and hang out all the time sharin' feelings and holdin' hands." "Next!"

I stared incredulously at Potato Baby, who sat across from me in the interviewee's chair. He babbled something incomprehensible. "You make absolutely no sense! Go away!"

The next few applicants were just as useless as the one's before. After the eighth I sighed, rubbing my temples. "These idiots are even dumber than you idiots!", I grumbled, ready to give up on this entirely.

"West Mewnian swamp water." The voice pushed a glass of the beverage to me. I looked up to see a blue-skinned lizard monster, wearing a black suit and red tie. "Or, do you drink from the bottle?", he asked me. "On days like this...", I replied, taking the glass. "Tell me about it." "Oh, I'll tell you...", I took a sip from the swamp water, "I've been trying to steal the wands from two teenagers. It's harder than it ought to be." I set down the now empty glass, before squinting at the monster before me. Using the lever on my chair, I stacked pillows under me to reach his height. "Where did you come from?", I asked him.

"I let myself in."


"After you hired me."

"I hired you?"

"I accept."

"... Excellent!", I exclaimed, shaking the monster's hand. "We'll start tomorrow. Get some rest", the monster eloquently said, and left the room, giving Bearicorn, who stood by the door, a nod.

"Uhh... Did anybody catch his name?", I asked, before noticing a black card in my hand, which the monster had left there. Bearicorn and Buff Frog gathered around me, as I flipped the card. In bold, capitalized white letters it read 'TOFFEE.'

"Toffee", I read, "I guess his name is Toffee!"

Word Count: 1290

A/N: Short announcement: I've started a new Fanfiction called The Mage: Remembrance back in September. It follows my OC Mirabelle in the Harry Potter universe during Tom Riddle's Era. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy, please go check it out! I would be happy about any support I get. Thank you ★ 

CU, YvieLeaf ♡

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