Royal Pain part 2

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Star's POV:

Unfortunately, Marco had to go to his karate lessons that day. Comet politely declined the offer to come with us, opting to finish her painting.

"Marco taught me how to play this. You are absolutely gonna love it!", I explained and showed Dad how I used the club to swing my golf ball into the hole at the end of the course. "Ohhh...", Dad gasped. "The goal is to knock the tiny moon into that hole. I pointed to where my ball had landed. "Ha-ha! What fun!" Dad picked up his club, but upside-down.

"Uh, you're holding your club upside-down", I informed him. "This is a club?", Dad looked at it with surprise, "There's one thing we got better on Mewni." He pulled up a large club from Mewni, with the end shaped like a ram's head. He hit his ball with his own club and it flew into a metal frog statue. Dad turned around and spotted the Candy Castle. "What's that?", he asked. "That's the Candy Castle. The next hole", I explained.

Dad looked utterly appalled. "Lord Salivary of the Weebler elf clan, you sly dog!", he roared and ran to the course, smashing the castle with his club. I looked around to see all the other visitors staring at us with horror. "Mommy, why is Santa doing that?", a small girl asked her mother, holding onto her mother's leg. "Stay away from them, Emma", her mother whispered, "those people are mental!"

"I'll teach you to give my wife the google eye!", Dad yelled, pulling my attention back to him. I saw him hurl a torch into the ruins of the Candy Castle, lighting it on fire. "Dad, stop it!", I exclaimed, pulling him from the course. We ran to the exit with the other guests as the mini-golf course burst into flames. "Ha-ha! The ball's in your court, Salivary!", Dad yelled in what he perceived to be a victory. I let out an exhausted sigh, failing to explain to him that the Candy Castle was not Lord Salivary's (whoever that was) castle.


"You're back early", Comet muttered, glancing up from her painting when I entered our room, "where's Dad?" I simply sighed, and let myself fall onto her bed. "He's still outside looking at all 52 ice cream flavors of the ice cream parlor", I groaned, into Comet's pillow, "he's so exhausting..."

"Well, Mom's not going to ban him from the castle forever... In a few days, he'll be back in Mewni", Comet said nonchalantly, and put her paints away, "I mean, we both love Dad, but I think we're all better off if he returns to the castle..." I hummed in agreement. "You're right", I agreed, "and as long as Dad's here, might as well have fun with him" I tried to see the situation positively.

Just then, we heard the sound of glass breaking downstairs. "Ow, ow, ow, ow", I heard Dad saying. I jumped up from Comet's bed and rushed to the stairs. There, in front of the broken window next to the door stood Dad. He had multiple big bowls of ice cream of all sorts in his arms, which had miraculously not gotten littered with glass splinters. Dad looked at me dumbfounded. "I couldn't open the door, so I used the window", he said, before offering me a bowl of ice cream, "do you want some?" I looked at him incredulously, then glanced at the bowl of ice cream. I smiled, and took it from him. "Of course!"

<>< That night ><>

I was awoken by a weird smell. I snapped my eyes open, and saw a piece of underwear. "Ah!", I fell out of bed, and shook my hands frantically, "Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross!" I looked around our darkened room. Even in the darkness, I could see the silhouette of piles of clothes all around the floor, stairs, and even across the framework of our beds. A big shirt fell from Comet's bed's framework onto her face, and she awoke with a start. "Eww... What is that?", she asked, picking up the shirt and throwing it to the side.

I used my wand to illuminate the room. Comet had stood up from bed, and we noticed my magical creatures running in fear from some place. Looking to what they were running from revealed a huge pile of clothes, from which noise was coming from. Comet and I glanced at each other, and I grasped her hand. Slowly, we approached the pile, and entered.

The air was stuffy and hot, the smell of sweat penetrating my nose. Looking at Comet's expression, I knew she smelled it too. Looking to the center of the pile/cave, we saw Dad and Kevin in a fighting ring while the other magical creatures watched. "Dad, what are you doing?", I asked him. "Oh, hello darling!", he laughed, and continued fighting Kevin. "It's the middle of the night", Comet said. "Ah, the perfect time for a tussle. Isn't that right, clowney?"

"The name's Kevin, old man!", Kevin said, and was tossed into the wall, falling to the floor with a squeak. "Give it up, clown!", Dad cheered. "Bring the pain!", Kevin yelled back, and the two of them started grappling. "I can do this all night!", Dad exclaimed.

Comet let out an exasperated sigh. "Okay, I cannot deal with this right now. Let's just try to get some sleep, Star."

<>< The next morning ><>

Comet's POV:

I sat at the table, my eyes barely open. Marco had done breakfast today, and looked at me and Star while eating his cereal. "Good morning, Star, Comet", he said. Star babbled something incoherently, barely awake. My eyelids felt so heavy, and I had to force myself awake again multiple times. "It was ridiculously loud last night", Marco noted, continuing eating his cereal.

"It wasn't me, Oskar", Star defended, "It was our dad. He's insane! He just thinks he can come down to Earth and do whatever he wants! He is so inconsiderate!" "Huh. I can weirdly relate", Marco deadpanned. "What do you mean?", Star asked. "Doesn't that sound familiar?", Marco replied. I looked at him, then to the ground. Obviously, he was talking about us. And he wasn't wrong; our arrival here must have shaken his life up quite a bit...

"Yeah...", Star thought, "He does this to our mom!" Marco sighed, "Never mind." "Well, I'm just glad he's leaving today. I don't know how much more of this I can take", Star grumbled. Suddenly, Dad swung swung himself into the kitchen window, hangin on Christmas lights. I flinched in surprise at the sudden loud thump. "Hello girls!", he greeted from outside, and opened the window to enter the kitchen.

"Dad, what are you doing?", Star asked incredulously. "I'm hanging lights for the party!", Dad replied, as if it was the most normal thing to do right now. "Wait, what party?", I asked. I hadn't heard of a party, and from the confused faces of Star and Marco, I knew they hadn't either.

"Oh, jeez!" Dad hit himself against his forehead, "I forgot to tell you. I'm having such a great time here, I've decided to stay! Isn't that great?" "Greeeeeat" Star tried to seem excited at the news. Dad seemed oblivious to the lack of joy in our expressions. "Oh, and in celebration of moving here, I've invited some friends to check out my new digs", Dad continued. The doorbell rang, and Dad happily jumped to get the door. "They're here!"

When he opened the door, the house was filled with various people of all kinds of dimensions. Star, Marco and I were shooed away from the table, and Dad's friends instead started occupying it. "Great. Now we have to deal with that", Marco grumbled. 

Word Count: 1280

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