School Spirit part 2

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A/N: So, just to be clear: The picture shows Comet in her 'armor' (Or whatever you prefer to call it). I edited it myself though the original pictures do not belong to me. Anyways, with that being said: Enjoy ^-^!

Marco's POV

"Okay, if a Warrior tries to kidnap you, blow on this stranger danger whistle" I told Ferguson as I pulled out a whistle. "This is ridiculous. I just wanted to dress up like a possum to pick up on ladies" Ferguson complained. How did he not get that his life depended on me and Alfonzo looking out for him? The Warriors have always kidnapped the opossum when we had a football game against them. Why should it be any different this year? "Hey, this whistle's gonna save your life! Put it in your mouth! Do it!" I stubbornly told him and tried to force the whistle into his mouth."No!" he argued back. Alfonzo, who listened to the whole argument and stood silently beside us said "Oh, dear." "Blow it!" I now shouted at Ferguson. "Never! You get it away from me!" he exclaimed back. "Let me hear you blow!" "Get that whistle away from me!" Ferguson still resisted. From the corner of my eye, I saw Star and Comet. Star was looking into the dumpster and Comet was next to her. Weird I thought, but then I realized that the girls had distracted me from Ferguson. I looked back and realized that he was running away from us. "Stop it right there!" I screamed at Ferguson and tackled him down. I started to pull him to my home while he was trying to get away. We finally got into my room and I immediately closed and locked the door to my room. I pulled down the Venetian blind. I saw a movement outside and suspiciously looked outside my room's window. It was just a squirrel running across a power line. I got away from the window as Ferguson complained "Why can't I go home?! Dude, it's Taco Wednesday. It's the day we eat all the leftovers from Taco Tuesday!" I faced him and explained bewildered "Because your house would be the first place the Warriors would look when they  try to kidnap you!" "It kinda feels like you're trying to kidnap me" Ferguson told me. "I'd watch that talk if you ever want to see your parents again" I said menacingly but was stopped when I heard Star's voice from outside calling "Marco!" I opened the blinds and saw her hanging off the power line while holding the squirrel I saw earlier by its tail. "Hey, Marco, do you have any highly flammable liquid?" she asked me. "I don't know. Check the garage" I replied. Then I realized something. "Hey, where's Comet?" I asked her. "Down here" I looked down and saw Comet waving from the ground. "Well anyways... Thanks!" Star said. She lost her balance and dropped to the ground, taking the squirrel with her. Luckily for her, Comet created a cotton-candy-like pillow under her so that she did not break her bones. What is going on with these girls? I asked myself but decided there were more pressing matters than the girls right now.

Comet's POV

Star landed with the squirrel and we got into the garage. In there we prepared everything we had. I still wasn't so sure if this would go well, but knew better than to stop her now. When Star is determined to do something, it's really hard to speak her out of it. "Star, I think that's enough" I remarked. She looked at everything we had collected this afternoon. She nodded and put a bucket of gasoline to the rest. "Yeah, I believe so too. All we have to do now is to booby-trap the field and change our outfits. Radiant Shadow Transform!" Star cried. Her appearance changed and she wore a greyish-blue armor. "Ohhh" Star said "Your turn!" I used the same spell and I too wore an armor, only it was more purple-greyish and the style was a bit different. "Wow" I said. We looked at the clock in the garage. "We still have one hour till the battle" I noticed. "Then let's get going!" Star exclaimed and we packed our stuff and the animals and headed towards the field.


Thanks to a little magic we were done even before anyone arrived. "Okay, I think that's everything" Star said and put the last bomb in place. "I'm still not so comfortable about this" I told her. "Well it's too late now" Star said and turned her wand into a battleaxe. "Nice! Will you turn your wand into a weapon?" she asked me. "Sure..." I replied and turned my wand into a bow and a few arrows. We noticed the first person started to arrive. We quickly got off the field, avoiding falling into our own booby traps, and started to search for the boys. We still hadn't found the boys when we saw the Spirit Committee and the football teams. "Two, four, six, eight, distract them with our booty shake!" The committee chanted. I saw the Warriors warming up for the battle. One of them cracked their neck and laughed. I shivered and saw our team watching them too. One of them even fainted. Star came beside me and said in a deep voice "It's time."

A/N: Here we have it. Hope you enjoyed it and I would be happy if you checked in tomorrow, when I publish the next chapter. If you didn't notice yet, I publish one chapter every day (till now). I'm also thinking about starting a Gravity Falls fan-fic, but I'm not sure yet. 

CU, Yvie 

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