Pie Butterflies

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A/N: Video doesn't belong to me. This is again, my own little scenario. Star and Comet are about five-years-old.

3rd person POV

"I'm bored" Star whined as she lay on the ground of the room. Annoyed, Queen Moon looked at her daughter and said "Star, please be quiet, I have important paperwork to sign." Pouting, Star stood up and tried to stay quiet. Moon sighed in relief, but then... "Mom, I'm boooooored." Exasperated, Moon stood up from her desk and walked over to Star. "Then go play with your sister." "But I want to do something with you and Comet" Star complained, and the queen's expression softened. "Well" she muttered "I suppose the paperwork can wait." Then, a little bit louder, she decided "Then let's go find your sister and think about what we could do." "Yay!" Star exclaimed, holding her mom's hand as she ran down the floors, heading straight towards Comet's room, Moon quickly following her.

"Guess what, Comet!" the young, purple-eyed girl jumped when her door was opened with a loud bang. "Are you gonna learn to knock?!" she asked, slightly irritated. "So much better" Star yelped, letting go of Moon's hand and pulling her sister of her bed. She took the book Comet was currently reading and closed it before tossing it back onto her bed. "Mom is going to bake with us!" Moon smiled at the sight of her twin daughters cheering and being excited. It reminded her of herself, when she used to bake with her mother. 

After leading the twins to the kitchens and occupying one of them, Moon asked what they wanted to bake. "I wanna make lots of pies!" Star immediately suggested "The ones with little butterflies on them!" Comet nodded excitedly and added "We can hand them out to the staff in the castle" "And to us!" Star exclaimed. "That's a wonderful idea" Moon agreed. "I'll make the dough and the fillings, and you two can help me make butterflies and filling the pies. Please try to not make a complete mess, do you understand, girls?" Both of the six-year-olds nodded their heads.

"Why is it so hard!" Star groaned, trying to form a butterfly with her dough, but failing at it miserably. Comet, too, had a hard time figuring out how it was done. Moon looked at them and smiled at their efforts. "Let me help you" she offered, taking a roll of dough and skillfully forming it into a little butterfly. "How do you do that, Mom?" Comet asked, trying to copy her mother's hand moves. After some more attempts, the twins were starting to give up. "This really is too hard" Star said, Comet nodding in agreement. Moon pulled her daughters on each of her side and said "It takes a lot of time and practice. I had troubles when I first made the butterflies too. But I had always a little song that would help." "Really?" Star asked while Comet wanted to know "Can you teach us?" "Of course" I agreed, taking another piece of dough and sang:

Over, under, around and through
Grab the little Mewni rabbit, pull him through
Pinch it and fold it and tie it in a bow
Like two little bunny ears made out of dough
Over and under, wherever you roam
Sweet little Mewni rabbit, hop back home

And so another butterfly was finished. The blond girls listened in awe and grabbed their pieces of dough, trying on more time to make a butterfly out of it. Moon helped them while the three of them sung the song, and at last, they had made little butterflies made out of dough. Excitedly and proudly, the twins cheered and showed their butterflies to their mother, who, too, was proudly watching her daughters learn through the same song as she had learned with the help of her mother, Comet. 

An hour later, the pies were done, and the three royals cut them in equal slices and handed them out to every member of the staff. Surprised and glad, the staff members took their slice, complementing the taste as they ate it. Suddenly, River came running into the kitchen. "I heard you made pie" he exclaimed. The other three members of the family stared at him before laughing at his sudden entry. "We were just about to come to you to eat the last pie together" Moon said. River blushed slightly. "Oh, well... Now I'm here, so we might as well eat here." As they ate their pie together as a family, River mumbled "You've made very beautiful butterflies, you three."

A/N: As I said above, this one is a none-cannon scenario that popped up in my head, and I thought it was really cute. I hope you enjoyed it ^-^.

CU, Yvie

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