Monster Arm part 3

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Star's POV

I angrily entered our room and got on my bed. I took the pillow and screamed into it. I heard Comet enter and coming to me. I turned around to lie on my back and looked at her. She sat on the edge of my bed and asked "Is it all out?" I sighed and nodded. "I can't believe him. First, he is totally upset about it, and now he doesn't want to get his arm back to normal." "I don't think it's his fault. I believe this arm is a bad influence on him. It acted as if it had an own mind" Comet told me. I nodded again and yawned. "I don't think I want to go to the tournament. I'm exhausted" I said and yawned again. "Star, we have to go. I'm sure he'll come back to his senses, and when he does, you need to be there to turn his arm back to normal" Comet said determinedly. I groaned and gave her an annoyed look. "Come on, Star, you know I'm right. But you seem to need some rest." "You think?" I asked sarcastically. She smiled. "You get some rest. I'll wake you up in time, okay?" she suggested. I nodded and thanked her, and before I knew it, I was asleep.


"Star... Star" a voice called. I grumbled and turned around. "Wake up, or we'll be late!" I opened my eyes and saw Comet trying to wake me up. I sat up in my bed. "Finally! I thought I wouldn't be able to wake you up anymore. We need to go" Comet said and stood up. I got up and slowly followed her. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere. I was still tired and just wanted to sleep again. "Are you coming?" Comet asked from downstairs. "Yeah, totally, totally, totally" I said and got to her. We headed towards the dojo.


"Excuse us, sorry" I said as Comet and I moved through the crowd to Alfonzo and Ferguson. Exhausted, I let myself fall onto the seat next to them. "Sorry.Sorry. ...Sorry" Comet apologized and took a seat next to me. "Are you two okay?" Alfonzo asked. "You look terrible, and I have very low standards" Ferguson added. "We've been up for two nights trying to fix his monster arm then he gets mad, and then we got to come here and watch him karate, you know?" Star explained. "I gave her some rest, but it seems as if that plan has backfired" Comet told them. "Allow me to introduce our first competitor, Jeremy Birnbaum!" the Sensei announced. We looked over to a tall man in a blue cloak, sipping water served by a butler, and another butler massaging his shoulders. However, when Jeremy yelled "Hiii-yah" he pushed the butlers away and threw off the cloak, revealing a little boy standing on a footstool. "That's Jeremy?!" Star asked bewildered. Ferguson remarked "That kid can't be any more than eight years old!" Jeremy laughed and a woman, who apparently was Jeremy's mom, yelled from the side "We love you, son!" Jeremy glared at her and snapped "Shut it, Mom!" "And his opponent, Marco Diaz" Sensei stated. We looked at the other side of the room and saw Marco standing in the shadows. His monster arm was visible to everyone. The audience gasped. "Now that's an appendage" Jeremy's father said. "Hey, wait! He's got a monster arm! That's not fair!" Jeremy complained. "Yeah! Pretty cool, right" Sensei replied. I felt my eyelids getting heavier again and I closed my eyes to sleep for just a while.


I felt something cold and liquidy splash in my face and I woke up with a start. Comet pointed to Marco, whose monster arm coiled around his neck, choking him. I acted quickly and cried "Returnio Armius Normalrino!" The monster arm dodged the blast of magic. After many attempts, the whole dojo was filled with arms. Marco was sitting on the monster arm, who was hanging from the ceiling, and swung gently back and forth. It laughed and said "I could do this all day." Ugh! He's too wiggly!" I yelled. Marco seemed to have an idea and pushed himself off the ceiling, taking the monster arm with him. The arms on the ground caught them as they fell and held the monster arm in place. "Now!" Marco yelled. I saw my chance and cried "Returnio Armius Normalrinooooo!" My magic finally hit the monster arm and the tentacle shrunk back to normal. "You'll never get rid of me! I'm part of you now! You can treat the symptoms, but you'll never cure the virus...!" The monster arm threatened, getting more and more high-pitched before vanishing completely. Marco's arm was finally back to normal. He groaned. Comet and I ran down the stand to him. "Marco, are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at his arm and gasped "My arm! My beautiful arm. It's back to normal." Marco's fingers suddenly cracked and snapped out of place. "And totally broken" Comet added. Jeremy jumped up and yelled "Broken arm? Hah! Well, it looks like I win." A set of brass knuckles fell out of one of Jeremy's gloves and clanged to the floor. One of the arms picked it up and Sensei examined it. "Brass knuckles? Seriously?" he asked. "Pfft! Brass? They're gold." Sensei looked at both boys in disappointment and said "You two have brought shame and dishonor to this great and noble sport. 'Tis a sad day for strip mall dojos everywhere." Jeremy briefly looked at Marco before angrily kicking over some arms and walking away. His parents still cheered for him, but one threat from him made them go quiet and the Birnbaum's walked out of the room. "Sorry. I should've listened to you, girls" Marco apologized. "We know" I replied. "Hey, uh, when the monster arm said he'd be back, that's nothing to worry about, right?" he asked as we went home. "Uhhh... Probably not?" I answered rather unsure. When we got home Marco asked "So what are we going to do now?" "Sleep" Comet and I said in unison.

A/N: Monster Arm is with this part done. Thank you to everyone who read it ^-^

CU, Yvie

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