Sleep Spells part 2

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Comet's POV :

The next day Marco brought us to the living room. There, Star lay down on the couch, while Marco and I pulled over some chairs to sit on. Marco had put on a pair of glasses, and a sweater vest over his pajama. "All right, Miss Butterfly. I'm going to administer a series of psychological tests to uncover what's bothering you. My assistant, Miss... Butterfly too, will be aiding me", he said. "Ooh, tests. Sounds fun!", Star started, "Oh, wait. No, it doesn't."

"Test number one: role playing!" Marco ignored Star's antics. "I want you to pretend to be someone close to you", he explained. Star sat up from the couch, pondered a second. "I got it!", she exclaimed and dashed upstairs. Shortly after, she returned, wearing one of Marco's red hoodies and pants, and her hair tied up in a ponytail to mirror Marco's hair cut (with more or less success). "Hi, I'm Marco", Star pretended to be him, "My skinny jeans are awesome! Ooh, here comes Jackie Lynn Thomas! I'm gonna impress her with my karate! I got this cute little mole!" She ran around the room, pretending to be Marco. I glanced over to him. Was this really how it was suppose to work? Marco sighed exasperated, and jotted into his notebook: 'THIS ISN'T WORKING'.

"Test number two: art therapy!", Marco said, and pushed one of my paint brushes into Star's hand. "Miss Butterfly kindly offered her own material for this test. Paint me a picture of your childhood." Star looked at the brush, the paint and the empty canvas for a second, before quickly starting to draw something. "Alright, we'll leave you to it, so you can fully concentrate on your psyche", Marco said, and we left Star alone.

In the kitchen, Marco let out a sigh. "Exhausted?", I asked him, offering him a glass of water. "Yeah", Marco admitted, flipping through (the very few) notes he had taken. "I mean, even if we find out what is going on with Star, it still doesn't solve the root problem of her sleep-spelling." "Well, yeah, but at least we would probably find the cause", I tried to cheer him up, "if we know the cause, we can work on it to stop her sleep-spelling."

We returned to Star in the living room. "So, how far are you?", I asked her. "I'm pretty much done!", Star proudly replied, and held up the painting. In the center was a drawing of Star, who was entangled by a snake with our mother's face. On one side were a three-headed monster with Ludo's, Buff Frog's and a fly monster's faces, on the other a unicorn. "Uhh..." I was a bit confused, "that sure looks interesting." "Hmmm. Such depth!", Marco exclaimed. He didn't seem the least confused by Star's... caricature? "So many symbols! What does this say about your childhood?" "Oh, I was just drawing unicorns and monsters 'cause they're cool", Star explained, unbothered by Marco's deflated expression. "Maybe drawing is not Star's way to channel her emotions", I told him.

"Test three: ink blot test!", Marco announced, "Tell me what you see on this paper." He was holding up a piece of paper with a black ink splatter on it. Star looked at it shortly, and replied: "An ink blot! I win!" "Okay, no-no-no. What does this remind you of?", Marco explained. "A fat porcupine", Star said. "Oh yes, that's good", Marco encouraged, and held up a different piece of paper with another ink blot. "What about this one?" "A little alien in a gnome cap." Star gasped: "Maybe I'm sleep-spelling because I'm secretly a little alien guy in a gnome cap!"

"Yeah... no. I don't think so", I said. "Okay, what about... Ugh, wait. Hold on, this is a mistake." Marco looked around to find the paper he had actually wanted to show Star. However, Star let out another gasp. "That reminds me of my overbearing mother suffocating me with all the duties of becoming a queen for the rest of my life!"

"Star! How can you say something like that about Mom!?", I let out. "But it's true", she defended herself. "... I think we may have found the root of your problem, Star", Marco concluded, "You have mother issues!" "Yay! I have mother issues!", Star cheered, clapping her hands happily. I sighed. "No Star. That's bad", I told her. "Aww. I have mother issues..."

"It's okay, Star. Identifying the problem is the first step to recovery", Marco comforted her. We left it at that for that day, since Star had no motivation to go on for now. "Maybe this'll be enough for the sleep-spelling to stop for now", Marco said hopefully.

<><That night><>

"Yeah... No", I said, standing next to an exasperated Marco. He groaned, got out his notebook and crossed out one of the check marks on his side. "Get away...!", Star muttered in her sleep. I stiffened when I heard a noise from upstairs of our loft. "Marco...", I whispered. "Huh? Wh-what? What is it?", he asked. I hushed him and pulled him over to hide behind my bed. I heard grunting from upstairs, as someone descended the stairs, and by how Marco seemed to get into a karate pose, ready to attack the intruder, I knew he heard it to.

We silently waited, the tension rising. From the stairs, a creature came. Its silhouette was dimly illuminated by the moon's light flowing into the room. It revealed the creatures' lavender skin, and big, dark blue hair. It was wearing a light blue dress and white high heels. "Do you know her?", Marco whispered. I shook my head. "No idea...", I whispered back. The creature was mumbling something under her breath, something apparently not too nice.

We watched as the creature reached out to Star. I grabbed my wand, ready to attack the creature. However, Star seemed to do just fine in her sleep herself. Using her laser blasts, she defended herself from the creature. "Alright, we've seen enough. Let's go!", Marco said, and ran towards the creature to attack her with a karate kick. I too came up from our hiding place. "Lunar Tide!", I exclaimed, casting a huge wave to sweep away the creature.

The creature turned around, revealing its yellow and blue eyes, face plastered with heavy make-up, and... a crown sitting on top of its head?! The creature- a princess! - looked up to see Marco in the air, jumping at her. She let out a loud screech and jumped to the side, only to be swept away by my wave. Marco fell onto Star, waking her up. "Ugh, what is going on?", she mumbled, as she levitated different objects in our room. "Undy pants? Oh, no! Maroc's naked!", she let out. I ran over to them to help Marco off my sister. "No, I'm in my jamjams", Marco told Star. "Look." He pointed over to the strange princess. We all looked over to her, now completely soaked by the wave. Her big hair was now sticking to her face in strands, her make-up was running down her face, and her expression furious.

"I want your face!", the princess said. 

Word Count: 1193

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