Fortune Cookies part 2

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Comet's POV:

"Oh, wise and powerful cookies, bestow your sugary prophecies upon me", Star said, hailing the box of fortune cookies she had kept. I sat next to her at the table, finishing up some homework. Marco stood in the kitchen, preparing his Super Awesome Nachos. He took them out of the oven, and glanced over to us.

"Ehh... Gotcha, Star! Those fortunes aren't magic. They're out there by people in a factory", he claimed. Star let out a laugh. "Yeah right. Next you'll tell me that's how they get the snow in snow globes", she happily said, before seriously stating, "It's clear they're the work of dark wizards." "I'm serious", Marco insisted, "They're just vague so you can read things into them."

"Maybe that might be", I objected, "but these fortune cookies clearly have not yet failed to predict the future. Maybe it's just that restaurant we went to that gets the magic fortune cookies." "Exactly, what Comet said", Star agreed. She broke another cookie, discarding of the actual cookie and only keeping the fortune slip. "An unexpected visitor will soon arrive", she read, and turned to the front door expectantly. Marco deadpanned, and walked to the door, opening and closing it repeatedly. "See? No one's here. Now, who wants nachos?"

Just when he said that, Ferguson appeared at the door. "Did someone say nachos?!", he exclaimed. Star smirked, confident of victory, and walked past Marco to greet Ferguson: "Well, hello, my unexpected visitor." Marco groaned. "Ferguson, Star and Comet think fortune cookies are magical. Will you please tell them they're not?", he asked. "Now, whoa, man. Whoa. Cookies are magical!", Ferguson exclaimed, "Once, I ate one from the floor of a cab, and I met my spirit animal that night. It was a wolf."

"Well Marco, can't argue with that." I smiled at him. "Why are you suddenly a non-believer?", Star asked, breaking another cookie, "Reach for the stars and achieve your dream." She gasped excitedly, and blasted a hole through the roof. "Woah, watch out!", Marco called, and leapt forward to push Star out of the way of the falling rubble. Instead, it hit him.

"Pegasus feathers! I have always dreamed of having a skylight in here!", Star exclaimed. She knelt down to Marco, who was lying on the ground. "Blindly following these fortune cookies is the best decision I've ever made."

"Can you give me a hand?", Marco asked, his voice straining. Star pulled out a cookie, broke it, and read the fortune. "Yes", she said, and helped him up. "Are you alright Marco?" I closed my notebook and walked up to him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a couple of bruises", Marco assured, giving me an unconvincing smile.

<>< Meanwhile at Ludo's ><>

Toffee's POV:

The next day, Ludo greeted me at the gates of his castle. He led me through the halls to his army's room. "Okay, Toffee. I'm going to show you what we're working with here", Ludo said as we entered the common room. Loud music blasted from a boom box. The monsters were gathered in a circle around a two-headed monster and one with a frilly neck, both wearing black caps and sunglasses. This place is even worse than I expected. I can't believe I'm going to have to cooperate with these dimwits...

"Guess I'm doomed, huh?", Ludo asked, "Be honest, I can handle it." Next to him, a portal opened, and the monster that had stood next to him during the interview appeared from it. "Ludo, master. The girls think the messages in their cookies are fortunes. She does whatever they say", he informed us. Well, doesn't that sound promising... Before I had the chance to voice my thoughts, Ludo yelled at the monster, "Interrupting!" He turned to me again. "Well, Toffee? Give it to me straight. Are my monsters the worst ever or what?" "Uh..." As much as I would've liked to get rid of these walking liabilities, I knew they were the key to gaining power in this 'organization'. I watched as a warthog monster punched another over and over, until his fist was stuck in the other's mouth. "Aw, man. It's stuck", he complained.

Not wanting to give my statement to Ludo, I redirected his focus. "Maybe... we can do something with those... fortune cookies", I suggested. Ludo was pulled to the side by the monster from the portal. "What? What is... What? What?", Ludo asked, very irritated. "You sure you trust him, boss?", the monster tried to whisper so I would be unable to hear. I hid a smirk, when Ludo replied: "Of course!" Oh, how gullible the desperate are. Pathetic.

<>< Back on Earth ><>

Comet's POV:

We walked along the streets of Echo Creek, coming from the arts and crafts store. I had needed more paint. Star broke her last fortune cookie and read its fortune: 'Adventure awaits you.' "Aw. Last cookie", she noted when she looked into her pocket, "I can't wait to get more!" "Star, I'm telling you, they'll back me up at the restaurant. Food can't predict the future!", Marco kept insisting. "Sure it can. We have loads of those back home on Mewni", Star objected, "There's a place where you can get calzones that'll tell you how you're going to die." I nodded. We walked past an alleyway, and stopped, watching the two people there. At the end of the alley they had put up a red blanket. On it stood a boom box, and the two people were breakdancing to the song.

"What are they doing?", Star wondered. "Shhh. I think one of them's about to get served", Marco whispered in anticipation. We silently watched the two people dancing. Star grabbed the last cookie from her pocket, and opened it. I glanced over her shoulder. 'Love is always the answer', the writing said.

Suddenly, the two people removed their disguise, revealing they were not people at all: they were monsters! "Fooled you!", a laugh came from behind us. I whirled around to see Ludo's army having cornered us in the alleyway. Marco was the first to react. "Hiiiii-yah-!" He was held back by Star. "Love is always the answer", she said, repeating the fortune's words, "Hmm."

"What?! Not in this case!", Marco yelled, "Fighting is!" "Sorry Marco. It's not the will of the cookie", Star said, and walked up to the closest monster to give them a hug. "Really?! Now?! Whoa!" Marco ran from Big Chicken and the rest of the monster army. I looked from my sister to him, unsure of how to act. To my surprise, I noticed how Star's method seemed to be a lot more effective than Marco's. But then again, these were monsters! The same creatures that had killed Grandma!

I remembered when Mom had told me the story of how she brought peace to Mewni and fought of the monsters, as well as how her mother died in the war, protecting her and the people of Mewni. "Comet, in this world there are creatures that are simply born evil", she had told me, "one can overcome great evil, but these monsters... I'm afraid they'll never be able to. They simply don't have the willpower to do so."

"Star! Forget that stupid fortune! Help me!", Marco's voice snapped me out of my train of thoughts. "Marco, don't fight. Then they'll stop fighting you. Trust the cookie!", Star yelled back at him. The monsters seemed to be gathering around Star. "You guys really need some hugs", she said, laughing in a carefree manner. I heard Marco's muffled voice coming from the dumpster: "Hey! Let me out!"

I ran to the dumpster, trying to open the lid. It seemed to be stuck. "Marco? Get away from the lid, I'm gonna bust you open!", I yelled, so that he could hear me from inside the dumpster. I set the bag of paints down and pulled out my wand. "Crystal Sparkle Cascade!" A rain of crystal shards thundered upon the lid, and exploded into rainbow-colored sparkles on impact. The explosions created a hole in the lid, big enough for Marco to climb through it. I helped him out of the dumpster.

"Thanks, Comet", he sighed. We turned to Star, only to see Ludo running to her to get the wand. "Star, watch out!", we exclaimed. Just before Ludo got his hands on the wand, he was held back by the two headed monster Star was currently hugging,

"Back off, dude. I've been waiting for this since middle school", his right head said, as he (they?) continued hugging Star. "What?! You idiots are screwing the plan!", Ludo screamed. "Plan?" Star let go off the monster in confusion. The monster looked up, glanced at his other head, and sighed.

"Okay, look, Star", his right head began, "This is really hard to say, but if this is gonna go any further, I want our relationship to have a foundation of honesty." "Me too", the left head agreed. "So confused", Star mumbled. "Fortune cookies aren't real", the right head admitted, "It was all a trap so Ludo could steal your and your sisters wand. Anyway, I hope-" "We hope!", the left head interrupted him. "We hope this isn't a deal breaker."

We finally had pushed through to Star. "You know what this means, don't you, Star?", Marco asked. Star's expression darkened to a deathly glare. "Oh, yeah. Love is never the answer."

Word Count: 1543

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