Star and Comet come to earth part 3

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A/N: Picture doesn't belong to me, but to the rightful owner.

Comet's POV

We got out of the carriage at a big building. There was a big sign above the doors that read Echo Creek Academy. There was a statue of an opossum. So this is what earth was like. Seems to me like some kind of alternative Mewni. Mom and Dad appeared next to me and Mom explained "I know it doesn't seem a lot different to Mewni, but I want to inform you that the people here don't use magic. I doubt they even have it here." Star seemed to doubt what mom said. She waved at everyone passing by. The people here never seemed to have seen something like manticores. They stared at us and the carriage and stopped walking. We got inside the building. Star tucked my dress and I looked at her questioningly. She pointed to a boy who slowly walked towards the manticores and took out some rectangular device. It seemed to be something like an interdimensional mirror. He did something and a flash came out of the device. The manticore roared at him, and he dropped his rectangular thing and ran away. We both giggled and ran to keep up with our parents. 


We entered a room where a man sat at his table. A metal card with the words Principal Skeeves stood on his table. Dad coughed, making the man, Principal Skeeves look up from his papers. He eyed us suspiciously and said "come in". Star was fascinated by everything in the room. I stood next to her and looked at her while she tried to figure out, what the white thing on the wall was for. "What kind of magic is this?" She asked the principal. He looked at her and seemed to figure out, whether he was astonished or annoyed. "Magic doesn't exist" he replied. "Star, no magic on earth, remember?" I reminded her quietly. "Oh yeah" she said and continued examining the thing on the wall. The principal shook his head in confusion and asked " Can I help you?" Mom answered "W e would like to enroll our daughters, Star and Comet Celeste Butterfly in this school" she pointed at each of us at our names "You see, good sir, we're from another dimension, but we believe it's safer for them to stay here for their training." Skeeves leaned back in his chair. "So you say from another dimension" he summarized, sounding unconvinced. I looked to Star. She seemed to have figured out how to use the white thing. She pushed it up and down. Every time it clicked and the room went dark and when it clicked again, there was light again. Both our parents and the principal looked at us. Star was stunned and looked to the principal. "And you said that there was no magic on earth" she remarked. "Yeah... this isn't going to work." But one look at the chest of treasures that dad showed him made him change his mind. "They are gonna love it here!" he declared. Star still toyed with the click-thing. "They're going to need a guide" mom mentioned. "I know just the one" Skeeves said.

Marco's POV

Oh, this is easy I thought, as I wrote down the solution to the last question. "Marco Diaz, to the principal's office. Marco Diaz, to the principal's office" Skeeves voice sounded through the P.A. system. I smirked. This is my chance. I stood up and turned to the class. "Oooooh... looks like someone's in trouble. So, I guess everyone who voted me 'Safest Kid' must be feeling pretty embarrassed right about now." No reply. Before I got out of the room I asked "Do I need a hall pass?" "Would you just go already?!" Mrs. Skullnick said. I quickly went to the principal. He and two girls, who looked like about the same as me, stood there. One of them had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was standing by the water fountain and seemed extremely intrigued by it for no reason. The other one was blonde too, but had purple eyes -how did that even work?- and stood next to her sister, I supposed. I  joined the three of them. "Marco!" Principal Skeeves said. The purple-eye girl looked at me. "I want you to meet our new exchange students - Star and Comet Celeste Butterfly" he explained. "Just Comet" mumbled the girl, who had looked at me. I heard a growl. Her sister, who I assumed was Star, pressed the button of the fountain. As a spout of water appears, she growled again and immediately stood in a fighting position, holding a fancy looking stick at the fountain. "Huh?" I felt dumbfounded. What did that have to do with me? Skeeves clarified "I need a responsible, never-take-chances type to keep an eye on them, and who better than you, the safe kid?" I was offended. "What ?! No-no-no-no! I am completely wrong for this. I'm a misunderstood bad boy!" I tried to convince him. "You're adorable" Skeeves just responded, pinching my cheek. "Now I'm off to the ice cream shop. Daddy's getting all 52 flavors!" He walked away with  huge treasure chest. I looked at the girls. Star still stood by the fountain, now trying to eat it. There was an awkward silence. Then the girl with purple eyes said- correction whispered "I'm Comet" Seriously, if she had spoken any more quiet, she would have been completely inaudible. "Oh, Hi I'm Star" the other girl said excitedly, hoping to us and hugging her sister. "Comet's just a bit shy" Well, it seemed like I got the names right. Comet flushed red. "Well, let's start with our tour"


Throughout the tour Star was bubbly and hopping up and down, waving at everyone she came across and amazed by everything. Comet was interested in the things here too. I sensed these girls were different. Why else would they be so interested in completely normal things? Star remarked "Thanks for showing us around, safe kid" "What? No! Look, whatever you two heard about me isn't true. I don't know where people get the idea I'm so safe! Oh, watch your step. Loose tile" I warned Comet. "It's ridiculous! Careful" I closed an open locker before Star could bump into it. "You wear a helmet in the gym shower one time, and you're labeled for life! Oop. Broken glass." I shoved Comet around it. She mumbled a small "thank you". I continued and explained "Frankly, I like taking risks and would welcome a little danger in my life." Star stopped hopping and took out her fancy stick. I wanted to ask her what she was doing, but then she somehow turned a butterfly flying past, into a screeching monster. It picked up a nearby student, who screamed, and flew away with him. "What the heck was that ?!" I yelped. "Star!" Comet screamed in surprise and terror, well said in a more audible tone. "Oops" Star just said "Heh. I thought you wanted a little 'danga'." Comet looked at her disapprovingly. I looked at them suspiciously. "Who are you?" I demanded them, not sure if I wanted to know the answer. Star grinned. She took her sister by the hand. "We are magical princesses from another dimension" While she said that she turned around herself and created a rainbow and cute animals over hers and her sister's heads. Suddenly, the rainbow burst into flames, making the creatures run away. Okay, I was crazy. "Well, that brings us to the end of our tour. I'm going home now" I told them faking my friendliness. I quickly started to walk away from them, faster and faster, till I started to run. Star yelled after me "Bye, new friend! See you tomorrow! Bye! Say bye Comet! See you later!"

A/N: Here's part 3 Hope you enjoyed it. I finally have Easter break, so I'll have more time to continue this story. I'm off to drawing lessons now. Have a nice day and weekend!^-^

CU, Yvie

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