Match Maker part 3

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Comet's POV

We looked down from Miss Skullnick and saw Ludo and his army of monsters. "Ludo! What are you doing here?" Star asked. "Caching you at your most distracted!" he replied. "What? We have been way more distracted than this" Star argued. "I don't know. You seem... pretty distracted. "Nah, not really" "Oh, well... What's that over there?" "What?! Where?!" Star  looked into the direction where Ludo had pointed. As she was distracted, Ludo cried"Get them!" The monsters roared and we screamed. We jumped up and ran away, tripping on Miss Skullnick in the process. "Sorry" I told her. Star jumped into the air and screamed "Dagger Crystal Heart Attack! Feel the love!" The monsters attacking us flew backward with hearts stuck in their bodies. "Cupcake blast" I defended myself from a monster. I saw Marco attack three monsters with his karate and a rake. It seemed to be going good for him till the Big Chicken attacked him from behind. He pecked Marco continuously. Marco kicked the chicken, but a monster who seemed to be called Emmitt by Ludo, appeared behind him and cracked his knuckles. I heard a pained yelling from the other side of the yard. Star was there defeating monster after monster. She saw Marco struggling against Emmitt and cried "Rainbow Blast!" Marco and I ducked and Emmitt flew backward, right into Miss Skullnick. The two of them stared into each other's eyes. It was obvious that both them fell in love at first sight. I nudged Star, who turned around. I pointed to the pair, and she awed "Awww... Narwhal Blast..." she directed the wand behind her and hit another monster with her spell. Now Emmitt was talking to Miss Skullnick in gibberish. Star said "Wait a second" She ran up to Marco, who was fighting off some monsters. "Hey, Marco, you can handle this for a minute on your own, right?" "Oh, yeah. No problem" he replied "Cool, thanks!" Star thanked and ran back to me. "We two are gonna fix these lovebirds up!" She dragged me with her to Miss Skullnick, who was trying to climb over the fence. "Oh, Miss Skullnick" Star sing-sung. "What?" Miss Skullnick asked rather harshly. "See that monster over there?" Star pointed at Emmitt, who was fighting. "He thinks you're cute." "Really?" Miss Skullnick asked excitedly. She climbed off the fence "Ooh! What should I do?" "Wait right here" Star ordered. We ran across the field, over to Emmitt, disrupting him in trying to kill Marco. "Hey there, monster guy" Star said. "Emmitt" I whispered. "Emmitt" she repeated "Yeah, see that troll over there" He looked at Miss Skullnick and spoke excitedly in gibberish. He ran up to her. Star and I turned around to see Ludo and his army chasing Marco. "Get him! Get him!" Ludo shrieked. "Hey, guys! I think you forgot something." Star shouted, drawing the attention on us. I looked at her and she nodded. I immediately understood. We took each other's hand and pulled our wands out. They shimmered yellow as we shouted, Star drowning out my words "Thermonuclear Butterfly Blast!" A loud explosion covered the whole yard in rainbow light and butterflies. We stood in the middle of the yard. "Oh dear" I whispered. "Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!" Star excitedly got over to Ludo, who was on the ground with Beard Deer. Beard Deer had his eyes closed. "Told you we weren't distract- Wait, did we just kill that guy?" "No, he's not dead. He's probably just bleeding internally and being a total baby about it!" Ludo growled in reply and kicked his minion. "Stupid wuss..." He opened the portal and ordered "Get up dipsticks!" All the monsters groaned as they got up and walked defeated through the portal. We saw Emmitt and Miss Skullnick. They walked together towards the portal. Marco made a disgusted  face, while Star was really excited. "So... now that I hooked you up, how about that 'A'?" she asked. "Honey, please! I'd give you an A+ if I was still a teacher. I'm setting sail with Captain Triceps here" Miss Skullnick chuckled. Star's smile turned into a frown. "What about my 'A'?" "Try studying" Miss Skullnick just replied. Marco imitated a sad trombone. I took Star's hand. "Come on Star " I tried to cheer her up "Next time the three of us will study together. That way, it'll be way more fun." Star smiled.


"So anyway, long story short, Skullnick ran off with this weird man bull guy thing to another dimension, and now she's gone forever" Star explained. We were back in school, and of course, everyone wanted to know what happened. After Star had explained everything, the class was quiet, processing the facts. "The Butterflies rule!" a boy cheered and the rest joined in. They crowded around Star and me. I flushed and hid behind my curtain of blonde hair. I've inherited my shyness from Dad, but even he wasn't as shy as I was. Right now, the only people I was confident around were my family, Pony Head, Marco and Jackie. Speaking of which, Jackie came over and said "Wow, that's so rad, girls!" "Thanks!" Star said "But actually..." She pulled Marco into the middle of the crowd and shoved him towards Jackie "... It's Marco who deserves all the credit. Marco blushed and chuckled nervously. "Really? That's awesome" Jackie told him. The students now all cheered for Marco. The three of us smiled at each other. A bright light and scream grabbed our attention, and we turned around to Miss Skullnick's desk. A portal was over it and Miss Skullnick crashed on to her desk. The class gasped. "Miss Skullnick?" Marco asked bewildered. "He dumped me. I think. I don't know. I couldn't understand a word he was saying!" Miss Skullnick said. It seemed like Star's matchmaking talent hadn't improved at all since she was ten. "Welcome back, Skullzers" Star said nervously. Miss Skullnick turned around and shouted "Get ready for the worst pop quiz of your lives!" Our classmates looked at Marco and groaned. Marco whimpered as Jackie looked at him disapprovingly and walked away.  "Sorry, Marco. I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of Jackie" Star whispered to him. "Are you kidding?! That's the most she's ever talked to me!" Marco replied. Star gasped "Then that means I'm even better at matchmaking than I am with magic!" She toyed with her wand and accidentally blasted something at Marco. His head had now butterfly wings and antennae. One  of his antennae was on fire. Star tried to blow it out. I reversed the spell, both of them looked gladly over to me, and we focused on the class.

A/N: And here we have Match Maker. My aunt has arrived now. We're going to make Easter eggs. 

CU, Yvie

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