Blood Moon Ball part 1

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Comet's POV:

Star and I were at school, in geography class to be specific. It was one of the very few that we did not share with Marco. The class hadn't started yet, and Star and I had moved together to finish Star's homework. "Ohhh... Now I understand! I think." Star scribbled down the answer to the last question. "Thanks Comet, you're the best! Hug!", she exclaimed, and hugged me. "You're welcome", I replied, hugging her back.

Suddenly, the door to the classroom was opened, yet we didn't hear the voice of the teacher. Star and I looked up, but I couldn't see who it was, since the girl in front of us blocked my view. That changed however, when the whole table and the girl on her chair, Ingrid, started to levitate. From underneath the floating table, I saw fire, and with that, I already knew who it was.

'Oh, for the love of Mewni...', I internally thought, already bracing myself for the fight that would ensue. I looked up and saw Tom.

"Hey Star." He removed his sunglasses. "I'm here to take you to the Blood Moon Ball." He created a red flaming crescent moon in the palm of his hand. I could feel Star's annoyance radiating of her body. She got up, grabbed Tom from the air, and dragged him to the door. She gave me one pleading glance, enough for me to know that she wanted me to come with her for emotional support. So I followed her outside, while also preventing Ingrid from falling and hurting herself. The class watched silently as we left the room.

"Nope-nope-nope-nope-nope. You need to leave right now. Take your fire and dead horse, and go back to the underworld", Star fumed, as she dragged Tom back to his carriage. I joined them, but decided to not intervene for now. Star seemed to have it under control. She shoved Tom into his carriage, and turned around to leave. "Let's go, Comet."

I looked back at Tom. To be honest, I felt a bit sorry for him. Despite his difficult past with Star, he was one of the few people I called my friends in Mewni. Of course, I didn't wish for him to get back together with Star. To call their relationship difficult and heated was an understatement, and I didn't wish for either of them to go through that again. Tom didn't seem to think so though.

"Aw, come on, Starship", he said, and created a fire line to Star, which lifted her up and let her fall into his arms. "It's the Blood Moon Ball! It only happens once every 667 years", he explained as he flew a spiral with my sister in his arms. Star flipped backwards and landed next to me. She flipped her hair back. "We broke up. Period", she told him decisively, and walked again once more. "Sorry", I whispered at Tom. But he wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Star, hang on." He stepped in her way to stop her from leaving. "I'm a changed man", he claimed, "I've got a life coach, Brian." A man came out of his carriage. "Hey", he greeted us. I waved back slightly. "He's awesome", Tom stated. Next, he revealed a sweet little bunny to us. "Aw, so cute", I adored the pink, fluffy animal.

Tom grinned happily. "Yeah, that's my happy bunny. And! And I have been anger-free for 53 days." He proudly showed us a button on his shirt that read '53 DAYS ANGER FEEE'. "53?", Star asked in awe. "Don't you want to pet my bunny?", Tom offered. Star seemed to be contemplating. "Well... He is adorable", she said, holding out her hand to touch the bunny's fluff. Suddenly, Marco's scream pierced the semi-peace of the place. "Hiii-Yah!" He chopped off Tom's hand and yelled: "Back off, demon!"

"Marco!", Star and I exclaimed in surprise. I looked at Tom, who was holding his arm in pain, and glared at Marco with glowing red eyes. "Oh no", Star breathed out. Brian rushed to Tom, and started walking circles with him. Tom's head stayed focused on Marco. "Walk it out and talk it out. Walk it out and talk it out. Walk it out...", Brian repeated. "Uh... you better run", Star advised Marco, tugging at his hoodie.

"Oh! No-no-no-no", Tom laughed nervously, and his eyes faded back to their normal state, "No, no." He took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. "That's why I got my support system", he explained, "I'm good. Got the angries out!" His severed hand picked up the bunny and levitated back to his wrist. "Everything is... Whew! Under control" I looked at him skeptically, before my gaze turned to the bunny, who's fur had become all poofy from Tom's petting.

Star sighed. "Marco, don't karate him. This is... Tom", she introduced Marco to him. Marco let his stance relax a little. "Demon ex-boyfriend Tom?", he asked. "Nice to, uh, meet you, Marco." Tom shook Marco's hand. Marco pulled away when he saw Tom's hand detach from his body once more. "Whaaaat is he doing here?", he asked. "He wants to take me to the Blood Moon Ball", Star admitted with a small voice. "Star, never go with a predator to a second location by yourself", Marco said. "Who said she's going alone? I was planning on inviting Comet too", Tom defended. "Wait, what?", I asked. Tom's eyes widened. "Oh, I mean, only if you want to. I know you're not one for social events... But I thought Star would maybe feel more comfortable if you went together", he explained.

Marco seemed not convinced, returning to his karate pose. Star crossed her arms, looking away with a huff. I looked to the floor, feeling the tension rise in the group. Tom sighed. "Look, I can see you're mad. You think I'm a total jerk. I get it", Tom calmly said, "But I have changed."

I had to admit, he seemed to be doing a lot better than the last time I saw him. In the past he would've probably already flung Marco to the ground and thrown a temper tantrum. And with someone as stubborn and prideful as Star, who was unafraid to get loud too, it would've probably resulted in a fight loud enough to get us suspended from school. Star too seemed to be impressed of Tom's mature handling of his emotions, for she looked to him with a more sympathetic expression.

"Remember...", Tom pointed to Star's horned headband, "I'm not the only one with horns." This seemed to strike a cord in Star, for she smiled at him openly, a stark contrast to how she acted before. I didn't exactly know what it meant, but I wouldn't have been surprised if it was some reference only they understood.

"Why didn't you tell me I'm dead?", the horse of Tom's carriage asked, interrupting their tender moment. Marco made karate-like sounds, still very obviously suspicious of Tom. "No pressure", Tom said, both directed at Star and me, "If you decide you want to go, just toll this bell." He handed Star a small black and red bell. He then entered his carriage, and it was engulfed in flames. Tom stuck his hand out one more time. "Oops. Almost forgot the little hammer", he chuckled, giving a matching, skull-shaped hammer to Star. "I hope I see you there." That one was definitely meant for Star. He and his carried vanished in the flames.

"So... are we going?", I asked Star. "I... I don't know yet", Star stammered.

"Miss Butterfly, Miss Butterfly and Mister Diaz! What do you think you're doing out of class!", a teacher called out from the school building. We flinched and looked at each other. "We're in trouble."

Word Count: 1303 

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