Star and Comet come to earth part 5

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A/N: This is a bit my own fan art ^-^ 

Marco's POV

I stood outside the Stop & Slurp. The cloud that Star had conjured over me was still raining. I saw a man on the way into the shop. "Here he comes. Here he comes. Hey, brother, do me a solid! Refill this for me!" No luck. The man ran inside the store, obviously trying to get away from me. I tried to explain to everyone and yelled "They won't let me in because I'm soooooggyyyyy!" The woman with her son came out of the store. "Did you bring me my refill?!" I demanded. "Don't make eye contact" the woman ordered the boy, and they too, ran away from me. That's it. I aggressively chewed on a bar of chocolate I had managed to get. Then I bellowed after them "You come to my house, you bring toilet paper!". I turned around and nearly died out of shock when the girls were standing right in front of me. How did they even get here? Star took out her wand and finally made the rain cloud disappear. She and Comet had sad impressions on their face. "What are you doing here?" I asked them. I was still angry. "We didn't get a choice about coming to Earth" she started. I was surprised. What were they trying to tell me. I was even more surprised when Comet continued "And you didn't get a choice about having to deal with us." "We'll... We'll find another family to live with" Star told me. What? My anger was gone and replaced by regret for being so awful to both of them. I didn't miss the reaction of Comet earlier when I had been angry at her. I wanted to apologize to them when I saw some mean looking creatures behind them. "S-S-Star? C-Comet?" They turned around. The small green guy said "Star and Comet Butterfly! At last, I've found you."  Star pulled Comet behind her and got into a fighting position. "Ludo!" she remarked "How did you know we were here?" Ludo chuckled "Wouldn't you like to know?" Star nodded "Yes. That's why asked" I hold my laughter. Really, if we weren't in this position, I would have laughed out loud. Ludo actually seemed to reply "Well, Buff Frog- hey! I don't have to tell you anything! Get them!" The monsters attacked and Star and Comet took their wands out, ready to fight. But before they could do anything, I attacked the monsters with my karate. "Hi-yaaa!" I yelled. Star was stunned and asked "You can fight?!" I grinned at her "It's called... karate!" Star and I started to fight while Comet defended herself from anyone, who wanted to get close to her.  " I heard Ludo telling the frog man off "You said they were unguarded!" We continued fighting. At last all three of us stood in the middle of the parking lot. Star cried "Mega Narwhal Blast!" The monsters were defeated. Ludo was the only one standing. Star made her way to him and asked in triumph "You want some of this, Ludo?" Ludo saw he had no chance "No..." he groaned, taking some scissors out of his pocket "You see, you morons?! This is what happens when you don't work out!" He opened some kind of portal "Your muscles are like pudding! Come on, back into the portal. You even retreat like losers!" 

Comet's POV

Before Ludo was completely gone, he said "I'll get you Star and Comet Butterf-!" But before he could end his sentence, the portal cut him off. The only thing that remained was his skull hat. I shivered. Then Marco said "That was amazing! I was amazing! You were amazing!" Star grinned "Yeah I guess we were" she sympathized. Her smile faded, and she continued "Well... We should probably go pack our bags. Comet?" "Yeah" I agreed, and we started to go back to the Diaz's home. "Wait" Marco stopped us. We looked at him confused. "I don't want you to go. I want you to stay" he assured us. "Really?!" Star asked. She smiled again and hugged Marco. "Hugs!" she said. Marco smiled. When they parted he looked at me. "I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have acted the way I have." He apologized. I smiled at him and assured "No need to apologize. You were angry, that's all. I understand. I would have been angry to if I were you." Star hugged both of us and said. "Comet's just shy like I said. But I know the more time we spend together, the more confident she'll be around you, Marco." We started walking home. "Are there gonna be monsters attacking us all the time?" he asked us while doing some of his karate moves. Star and I exchanged a look. "Probably" I replied. "All right! Sounds so dangerous" Star giggled. We were about to cross the street, but Marco stopped us. "Whoa! Let's cross at the light"   he suggested. "Okay, 'wild man'" Star shot a fish-shaped magic stream from her wand. It flew up and twirled around the moon. From that moment forth, I knew that we would make a great trio.

A/N: Well, this concludes Star and Comet come to earth. Should I continue writing this fan fiction? Tell me what you think. 

CU, Yvie

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