Quest Buy part 1

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Star's POV

"Aww, the effort to blow long hair dry!" I tried to blow-dry my hair manually. Comet was standing next to me brushing her hair. Her wand was next to the sink. It gave me an obvious idea. Why didn't I think of it before! "I have a wand!" I used my wand to levitate the hairdryer and a brush. "Much better!" I said. Comet looked at me and stated "Star, you shouldn't rely on only your wand you know?" "I don't" I defended myself "I'm just taking some effort from my life." My hairdryer blew into the direction of her and Marco, making their hair messy. Comet's hair wasn't that bad, since her hair was long, but Marco's short hair was blown into all directions by it. He looked at us and complained "Hey, you know the rules. Keep your stuff on your side of the counter." He picked up his minivac and vacuumed some items from our side. "Is it so hard to just be a little organized?" he grumbled. "I'm organized" I claimed "Your stuff is there, Comet's stuff is there, my mess is here, and... well, that's pretty much my system." I was pretty satisfied with this system. You never have to clean up and still find the things you use the most often. Suddenly my wand crackled and fizzled. "Huh?" It powered down, and my stuff fell to the ground. "What's wrong with this thing? Hmm... Better check under the hood." I opened my wand's front compartment and saw my millhorse Pumpkin panting and looking exhausted and starved. "Oh, no. Comet can I borrow your wand while I charge mine?" I asked while looking for my charger. I glanced over to Comet's part of our sink when I saw her millhorse, Iris, peeking out of the hood looking terrified from me to Comet before hiding inside the wand again. Okay, that's a no then... "Have you seen my charger? I know it's around here somewhere." I frantically searched between the piles of stuff I had. "Where did you last see it?" Marco asked me, trying to help me. "Ah! Where is that stupid thing?!" I panicked. I didn't want my wand to die! "Star, calm down!" Comet said from behind my back. Marco joined her "Star! This is why you need to get organized." He showed me his cabinet revealing well-organized and labeled shelves of bathroom items. "See? With my system, nothing ever gets lost. Nothing's ever out of place." I grabbed him by his hoodie and yelled "This is serious!" I showed him my wand and pointed to the wand power gauge "You have to recharge wands with magical energy. If it goes to skull, it'll be dead forever!" I was devastated. I would be the first princess to break her wand. And mom would be soooooooo mad and disappointed. "Can't you use Comet's charger? Or just buy another charger? " Marco asked. I gasped and said "Of course! They sell them at Quest Buy!" "I should buy a new one too. My old one is slowly running out" Comet added. "Quest Buy?" Marco asked. I opened the Quest Buy portal and pulled the two of them with me through the portal. "Come on!" We entered Quest Buy and I announced "Welcome to Quest Buy!" "I think I forgot my wand" Comet reckoned "How am I going to know which charger I need?" "Don't worry. We need the same charger. We'll just take two of the one that fits mine" I suggested. "Attention, Quest Buy shoppers. We have a red-ticket special. 25% off of all things that murder" the Sloth Clerk declared before being attacked by something that, well... murders. "Whoa" Marco was amazed. "Come on, let's go find these chargers!"

A/N: So, I know it's been some time ago since I updated the last time. If you read the last A/N, you know why ^-^. I'll see when I have time to do the next update.

CU, Yvie

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