Brittney's Party part 3

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Ludo's POV

"Ugh, finally", a human girl huffed as she came into the room. Star Butterfly crashed into her. "What is going on here?!", she exclaimed furiously. I ignored her. "Three-eyed Potato Baby! Take the wheel!", I demanded, and he growled at the bus driver and took his place. When he didn't immediately follow through with my plan, I yelled "Will you get on with it?!". He finally accelerated and all the humans were thrown back by the force. 

Star stood up with Comet's help. "What's your game?", she asked, glaring at me. I opened a soda and answered "I'm gonna bus-jack this bus." The princesses looked at me dumbfounded. "That's a particularly stupid plan, Ludo" Star finally said.

"It's a great plan!" I defended "Shut up!" I realized I had my monsters with me. "Oh, just... just get them" I ordered.

My army ran up the bus after Star and Comet Butterfly. The human girl growled and sat down next to me. "Star's the worst" she growled. "I know, right?" I agreed. "I hope you destroy her." "Thank you! That is so nice."

The girl kept glaring at the air. "Typical. Star and Comet ruin everything! Why did they have to come here anyway!" she complained. "Oh, they're here because I want their wands" I proudly told her.

She glared at me. "So it's your fault that they are here?! Ugh." She stomped away.

Comet's POV

Star and I were on the top of the bus, fighting against the monsters. Star, as always, was going overboard with her magic spells. I just tried to not fall off the bus.

I looked at the dimensional portal. It was much closer than I liked it. "Star!" I yelled. She looked at the same direction and gasped. "Oh, no!" She leaned over the bus and yelled "Marco! Quick, take the wheel!"

She ran back to me and we managed to overpower the monsters, when the roof gave up under us. I gasped when we fell into the bus.

Marco was still driving the bus. Suddenly, he turned right very sharply. Star fell on me as we fell to the ground. "Sorry Comet" she said.

The bus crashed to the side and we, the monsters, and the party guests all emerged from the bus. Marco ran past us to the next garbage can and threw up. Ludo joined him, screaming "Out of the way!"

"Sick. Party animals" Jackie grinned. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the  party. That is, everyone but Brittney. 

Star grabbed me by my hand and we joined Marco. He put a had on Star's shoulder. "Man, girls, that party was the jam!" Star removed his hand and said "Please, don't with your puke fingers." "Oh yeah. Sorry. You know, if I ever have a party, you two are gonna be my party planners."

"Sure!" Star agreed. "Are you sure?" I asked him as we slowly walked back home.

A/N: So, umm... Hi. I know I've been gone for a long time. I will be updating a separate A/N where I'll be explaining and asking some things. I'd be glad if you guys would read it and give your opinions. 

CU, Yvie

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