Cheer Up, Star part 2

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A/N: Not my video ^-^

Comet's POV

I remembered Star being overly excited, even for her standards, as she came home.

<> Flashback <>

Marco and I were sitting at the living room table. He was showing me a video on his phone when Star burst through the front door. She ran past us, and as she ran upstairs, she grabbed the phone from Marco's hand. "I'm expecting a phone call! From Oskar" Star tittered. "Oskar?" I repeated askingly. "That guy who's always at the parking lot" Marco informed me. "Oh." "Why don't you just give him the home line?" Marco asked Star, a little annoyed. Star didn't seem to notice. "Mmm, I like your ringtone better" Star simply replied. She turned on the ringtone. "So cute" she laughed and dashed to our room. Marco sighed "It's supposed to be ironic. I'm going to my room." Marco got to his room and I followed Star into the loft. She was sitting at her table, her eyes glued to the black display of the phone on it. "Space unicorn-" Star quickly picked up. "Hello?" "Hola, Marco, it's Grandma" the voice from the other end said. Star groaned disappointed and hung up. I was getting the feeling that this would be a long night.


"Star, it's time to go to bed" I said as I closed my book. " 'kay" Star mumbled. She was still holding the phone, looking at it both hopefully and disappointed. I eventually fell asleep. The next morning, Star was looking sadder than I had ever seen her. Even sadder than that time Mom told her she couldn't keep the wild unicorn that she had brought into the castle when we were seven.

<> End of Flashback <>

"I guess I'm just not cool enough for a guy with a record" Star sighed sadly. "Are you kidding? You're the coolest girl I know" Marco said genuinely. Star smiled thankfully. Marco was taping some buckets to her feet as boots when the shed shook violently. Star fell over onto the floor, pulling me with her. "Anyway, you were so sad. It was time I cheered you up."

<> Flashback <>

"Star, don't be sad. Maybe the note fell off and he didn't have the chance to read it" I told her. She ignored me and kept her face buried in her pillow. I decided to leave her alone until she wanted to talk.


A shriek woke me up that night. I turned on the light and asked alarmed "What's going on?!" Turns out it was Marco in a clown costume and wearing makeup. I quickly pulled him out of the room. "Marco, what are you doing here wearing that?" I asked him. "I just wanted to cheer Star up" he replied. "Star has a little coulrophobia (fear of clowns)" I informed him. "I thought she liked clowns! Sorry!" he screamed in through the door. "Listen, I want to make her happy too, but I kinda think she needs time for herself now" I told him. "Yeah, you're probably right" Marco said. I yawned "We better go back to bed. Good Night Marco." "Night." I entered the room again and saw Star in her bed with her blanket wrapped around her. I walked up to her and assured "It's okay Star. There are no clowns here anymore." She nodded slightly and we went back to sleep, only to be woken up again after a few hours. "Hey, Star, up here!" Marco yelled. I blinked a bit and saw a red blur surrounded by yellow spots of light. "Ha-ha, watch this. I'm gonna..." Marco stammered. He said something to himself. Now that I could see more clearly, I saw him getting out of the cart, but it already took off. Fireworks lit up the room as Marco screamed and flew uncontrollably through the air. A rush of water brought Marco down the stairs in front of a shocked Star sitting on her bed. "Ta-Da!" Marco tried but Star just groaned annoyed and lay down with her back to us.


"I'm running out of ideas" Marco complained "What will cheer her up?" I watched him pacing in his room. "Well, she does like doing a lot of things. How about you pick one and we do that with her" I suggested. Marco stopped pacing. "You're a genius! I have an idea! Gotta go!" he ran out of the room.

<> End of Flashback <>

A/N: I finally had enough time to finish his chapter. Hope you liked it. Today is my sister's birthday, so I'm going to spend some time with her now ^-^

CU, Yvie

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