Nightmare (Not On Elm Street)

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I'm sitting in a hallway that is eerily silent. I don't know where I am, or how I got here. I have a flashlight and the ovilus in my hand, but those are the only things I have with me. I look down to the other end of the hallway and see nothing so I decide to move to see if I can figure out where I am. As I move, I hear footsteps behind me. I look back, but there's nothing there. I move on. 

I eventually come across a room that seems to draw me towards it. I walk to it and turn the door knob. When I step through the doorway, I'm suddenly in a completely different place. I try to turn back, but the door won't open. At this revelation, I know I have no choice but to move forward into this unknown space. I walk into a living room. It looks normal, inviting almost. But for some reason, I almost felt safer in the abandoned hallway. 

I walk next into the kitchen. It seems normal enough, just like the living room. Suddenly, I hear a thud upstairs and I go to investigate. As I reach the top of the stairs, I see the apparition on a little girl. She's small, maybe six or seven, with blonde hair. "Hi." I say softly. She says nothing and walks back into the room behind her. Bewildered, I follow. She goes over and grabs some of her stuffed animals and begins placing them in a circle in the middle of the floor. 

"What are you doing?" I ask softly. She says nothing again, but looks up at me when she places the last bear down. When I see her eyes, I scream. They are bright red. I turn and run out the door, down to the first floor once again. When I look back at the stairs, there is no longer a little girl. Instead, there is a black mass, radiating evil. It starts down the steps, coming after me. I run out the front door. When I face fully forward again, I realize I'm in my living room back in Minnesota. 

The door slams shut behind me, the creature no longer in sight. Carefully, I move further into the room. I see Hunter sitting on the couch. Relieved, I sigh and walk towards him, only for him to stand up first. When he turns around, his eyes are bright red. Again, I scream. Again, I run out the door, only to be in a different place once again. 

This cycle continues until I'm in a hallway at my school, hyperventilating, not being able to breathe, when suddenly... 

I awake in my bed in the rv. I realize it was all just a dream. But I still can't breathe. I'm having a panic attack which triggered my asthma, but I can't call out for help and my inhaler in in one of the gear bags up front. I try to get up, but I can barely hold myself up from how much just trying to  breathe is taking out of me. 

Suddenly, the door opens. 


We've all been lounging around the rv all day, trying to recover from Rolling Hills Asylum before going to the next location that we're currently on our way to. Alex is sitting on the couch, on his phone, Chelsea is reading a book, Tanner is also ln his phone, and I'm editing some videos. Madison went to take a nap about an hour ago after finishing her school work for the day. 

Suddenly, I have a weird feeling, so I say, "Hey, I'll be back, I'm going to go check on Madi real quick." 

They all nod in acknowledgement and I get up, moving towards the back of the rv. As I open the door, I hear a weird sound. I open the door all the way, only to see Madison on the bed, in the tripod position, wheezing, trying to breathe. 

I immediately run back out in the hallway, rushing to the front of the rv to get her inhaler out of one of the gear bags. I open the first one I see, only to not find it in that one. "What's going on?" Alex asks, watching me rapidly searching through the bags. "Help me find Madi's inhaler!" I shout. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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