West Virginia State Penitentiary

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We arrived at a place where they have a small pond an different things as a small pit stop. Dakota walks in the opposite direction of Tanner, Chels, Al and I. We walk to the edge of the pond and get on a paddle boat while Alex films us. Tanner and Chels start paddling the boat while I sit in the middle of them. "Let's chase the ducks!" I yell and see Dakota turn his camera towards us after hearing that. Tanner laughs and says, "You scare me sometimes." I just turn my head to him and smile, but we still chased the ducks. After a little while more of chasing the ducks, Kota tells us it's time to go. "Aw, but we were having fun terrorizing the ducks!" I say. Dakota looks at me weird before saying,"You are psychotic." "No, I'm psychic." I retort. He lets out a small laugh before grabbing my shoulders and steering me towards the rv once more.

We get back in the rvand Dakota asks us how we think we've changed through the trip so far. "Can't really sleep anymore. Nightmares and stuff." Al says and I immediately put my hand out towards him and stay "Amen brother." and he gives me a high-five. We continue to talk for a while before I get up and go to the back to call my friends. I open the facetime app and hit our groupchat. It's a Saturday so I know they're not doing anyrhing right now. Once they all answered, I'm bombarded with questions about how I'm doing and how the trip is going so far. After I tell them I'm fine and the trip has been fine so far, we start talking about normal teenager stuff. Somehow we got on the topic of which celebrities are the hottest. "Tom Holland." Ellie says. "Colby Brock." Ava says and Ellie points to her, agreeing. "Zendaya." Jackson says. Hunter looks up and says, "Honestly dude, same." "What about you, Mads? Who's your celebrity crush?" he asks me. "No, you guys are going to laugh at me." I say and they all start saying that they won't. I sigh before mumbling his name. "Who?" Ellie asks me. I roll my eyes before saying it again, louder. "Andy Biersack." Jackson laughs before saying, "You are so emo Madi." "I am not." "What's the name of his band again?" Ava asks with a smug smile. "Black Veil Brides." I say through a huff. (A/N: Black Veil Brides is my favorite band. you should chec them out if you don't know who they are.) "Exactly. They are emo and so are you." Ellie says and they all start laughing which causes me to laugh a little before trying to defend myself. "He's hot!" I say, trying to defend myself and my taste in men. "Who's hot?" I hear Dakota yell from the front of the rv, sounding a little protective as usual. "Your face!" I yell back. "Thanks!" he yells once again and everyone in the rv nd on the phone sart laughing.

After a little while Kota tells me to hang up the phone because he's taking us somewhere. I get to the front and plop down on the couch next to Alex.

"We're going to go soomewhere that will lift up our spirits a little bit. None of you have a problem with heights, right?" "Uh, that makes me a little concerned." I said and Dakota just smiled evilly at us. "I am taking us to a ropes course and we are going to ride a giant swing that is about 30 feet in the air." He says and smiles at us again. "No thank you." I say and lay back against the back of the couch. 

Eventually we make it to the course and we get to the front of the building. "We would like to ride the swing." Kota says to the person at the desk. "Okay, how many?" he asks. Kota looks at me and I hold up 3 fingers. "You sure?" he asks. "Yup. I am perfectly fine standing with Alex." "Okay," he turns back to the guy and says,"3 please." "Okay, we'll get you harnessed up and we'll get you up there." We go outside and they get their harnesses on. We walk up the hill towards the swing. "That is so high up." I say and continue towards the side of the swing where I then help Alex with the cameras to get good shots of the guys in the swing. 

Once they get to the top, they tell Chelsea to pull the chord. She hesitates a little bit before pulling the chord and they go flying forward ans swing back and forth really fast. They start screaming bloody murder as they go back and forth and I turn my camera towards Alex and say, "I honesltly would've passed out, I would've been to scared." "Same." he replied and we fist bumped. They eventually got down from the swing, Kota takes us to a railing on the edge of the ropes course and tells us, "Somewhere out there is the location we are going to tonight." "What, where?" I ask and start looking along with the other 3 but none of us can see it. "I can see exactly where it is." Kota says and I turn to him and say, "Show me where." "No. Cause then you'll know where we're going." "You're so mean to me!" I say in a fake whiny voice. "Shut up, you love me." he says and pulls me towards him and forces me into a big hug. "Dude, get off me." I say and push him away. "Aw, do you not want to be seen giving your big brother a hug?" Tanner asks with a smile. "No, I don't." I say and immediately regretted it. They all looked at each other before picking up their cameras and running at me with their arms outstretched and they pull me into a big group hug. 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now