Old South Pittsburgh Hospital

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*a week later*
Madison's POV

We pulled over so Kota could talk to the camera and tell it where we're going. He made the rest of us stay in the rv though. I was watching him through the window when he started to get up and come back to the rv. I quickly sat back down in my seat while the guys laughed at me. "Stop laughing  at me." "I'm sorry but it was funny how fast you sat down." Tanner says, still laughing. "We'll I didn't want him to see me watching him. I was trying to read his lips." I said in a huff right before the door opened and Dakota walked in. "What's up fam?" He asked as he sat down beside me. "Nothing." I said quickly which caused the three others to laugh, making Dakota confused.

A little later we pulled up to this overlook place where you can see 7 states at once. We walk over to the balcony thing and Dakota lists the states we can see before saying, "That's our road-trip right there." making us laugh. Next, we walked over a hanging bridge to get to the cavern things on the other side. Tanner thought it would be a good idea to jump on it and make it shake. "Tanner, I swear to God I will punch you if you don't stop. You know I hate heights and this isn't helping!" I yell at him, making him laugh even more before stopping. We finally make it through the caverns before Dakota says he wants to talk to Chelsea and I. "So the place we're going to has one aggressive spirit and it likes to go after women." He says before looking back up to us to gauge our reactions. "What the hell Dakota?" "Seriously dude?!" We say at the same time. "Guys, I know how it sounds but Tanner, Alex, and I are going to be on our A game looking out for you guys." He says before we talk some more about it. Apparently this aggressive entity scratches, pushes, and sometimes even follows women. Great. Note the sarcasm. After a little while we get back in the rv and head to a park for the packet read.

We found out that we're going to Old South Pittsburgh Hospital. This place was the cite of a big civil war battle, the river near the hospital known as Death River, the place is built on a limestone base  which can be a conductor for paranormal activity, a doctor died in the elevator and is still seen to this say. People say there is a lot of residual activity. After the packet read, Tanner said"Dude,. hospitals creep. Me. Out." "Me too, big time." Dakota responded. The next day we met with a woman who saw the ghost of the doctor that died in the elevator when she look her baby there several years ago.

*Several hours later*

We pull up in front of the hospital and grab our stuff before getting out and watching the rv drive off. We decided to set up our cameras and base camp in the front reception area before going into the actual hospital. As soon as we walked in, we saw the elevator. "Dude, this is the elevator where the doctor died." Alex pointed out. "Yeah, he had a heart attack on the first floor and died somewhere between the first and third floors." I said. After talking about the elevator, we walked down the hallway besides it. "We're already getting lost in here." Tanner said as we walked. "Yeah, I'm already nervous and we just got in here." Dakota said.

We decided to go up to the second floor to start off. We stopped in a hallway to talk when we heard a loud noise, scaring us all. Turns out it was just Dakota. He had bumped into a metal railing behind him. I went up to him and smacked him in the back of the head. "Be more careful would you? You scared us." I scolded him. He just looked at me, then the camera Alex had, and said, "You see what I have to deal with?" Making everyone laugh while I just rolled my eyes at them before starting back down the hall.

Next, we decided to go up to the 3rd floor to Buddy's area. He's the spirit of a little boy who died from getting bit by baby rattlesnakes. He's said to like to play but is usually repressed by the dark entity, the creature. We all sit down in a circle, Alex on a chair and the rest of us on the ground. We were asking questions when Chelsea told us to be quiet. "Did you not just hear that noise behind Alex?" She asked. We all said no before we all heard it again this time. We decided to get out of there and take a little brake. Alex, Chelsea and I stayed in base camp while Tanner and Dakota went back up to the third floor to put a camera on the hallway along with 2 rem pods. When they came back down, they said they had the rem pods going off like crazy on them.

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now