Hill View Manor

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We're sitting in the rv, waiting for Dakota to come back inside after talking to the camera about the location. We had pulled off the highway and were parked in the grass. "Who you texting?" Tanner asks as he sits down beside me. "My boyfriend." I respond, looking up at him. "I still can't believe you have a boyfriend." he says as he looks down at me. "Me either. It feels like just yesterday you guys were bringing her home and we met her for the first time." Alex says as he and Chelsea walk out from the back of the rv. 

"Yeah, tell me about it." Chels mumbles as they sit down and Dakota walks back in. "What are we talking about?" He asks. "About how we can't believe how fast Madi's grown up and now she has a boyfriend." Tanner deadpans. "Yeah I'm still not happy about that." he responds before I turn to look at him. "About which part? The fact that I'm growing up or that I have a boyfriend?" "Both." he responds. I sigh before going back to texting Hunter. 

We finally pull back onto the highway and get moving again. "What's the first letter of this place?" Alex asks ash he's on the couch, pointing the production camera at us, sitting at the table. "Where is it?" Tanner asks him directly. "It's like the rapid fire question approach, just ask him straight out." Chelsea says, laughing. "He'll slip up eventually." Alex says. "I won't tell you the location but I'll tell you that we're going to make a pitstop. And it's somewhere haunted." he trails off towards the end to see our reactions. 

We all just have shocked looks on our faces, so he continues. "This place has been on my bucket list to explore for forever. I think it will be helpful to immerse ourselves in a paranormal environment to mentally prepare us for tomorrow night." Kota tells us. "Huh." is Tanner says as he tries to think of where we could be going. "And, it'll be a good spot to read the research packet." he finishes before telling us that we're going to be meeting someone there who can tell us more about the history of the  place. 

We move to the front front of the rv and look out the windshield. "What is this place?" Chelsea and I ask as we look at this massive structure made of metal. "It's called the Carrie Furnace." Kota tells us as we finally pull up and get out. "I can't believe this is supposed to be our warm up." Chelsea mutters, me agreeing with her. 

"Dude this is huge." Tanner says as we walk closer. "That's what she said." I mumbled, hoping no one heard me, but to my luck I felt a slap to the back of head. I look back and see Alex giving me a look that says, 'Now is not the time'.  I shrug before turning back around as a guy walks out of the structure and introduces himself as Ron Baraff. 

He tells us that the furnace made iron there from 1884 to 1982. The technology that they put in place here changed the world. The steel that was made from the iron was used to help build the Empire State Building and many other big construction projects. The metal even built navy ships USS Missouri and USS Oregon. "The furnaces were basically man-made volcanoes." He tells us as we nod along. He tells us that this place had dangers that weren't just physical. The carbon monoxide and methane that was produce could kill you, and kill you quickly. The furnace was considered the riskiest place to work at one point in time. He then tells us that there were hundreds of deaths in there and that it is likely that the place is haunted. We shake his hand and head into the furnaces to look around before it gets completely dark. 

We walk over a puddle of mud and reach an area where you can see almost everything inside the furnace. "This is so cool" I say. We then decide to leave that area to go look at the haunted hotspots since it got dark while we were looking around. 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now