Two Months Later

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It's been a few months and so far I haven't heard anything about another trip or not. Everyone's gone home now and it's safe to say I miss them all a lot. I call them almost every day but it's not the same. I got back to school a couple days after coming back, it was a pretty weird thing if I'm being honest. Everyone would either talk about me in the hallways, ignore me completely, or bombard me with questions about what happened during the trip, or they would tell me they think that my brother is hot. (Gross, I know.) 

I was going in the house after school when my phone started ringing in my pocket, it was Dakota. I smiled, then answered the phone. "What's up my dude?" I asked him. "I have some news..." he trailed off, this didn't sound good. "What is it?" I asked, preparing myself for the worst. "WE'RE GETTING A SEASON TWO!" he yelled. "What!?" I asked. "Yeah, they called this morning and told me. Aren't you excited?" "Of course I am! When do we leave again?" I questioned him. "Well, we're not leaving until towards the end of the school year. I told them I wanted you to have at least some time at school before we went out again and they agreed, so we're leaving in early May." he said. I was beyond excited. 

"Also, I was thinking of doing something different on this trip. The episodes are going to be split into two different parts and there will be a break between the two. And, I want you guys to pick a location. Is that something you'd be down to do? Tanner and Chelsea have already said they'd do it, but Alex said he wants to be in the dark like usual." he told me. "I think I'm with Al on this one. It'll take too much time, and I don't want to accidentally spill the beans." I say to him with a laugh. He laughs a little too, then says, "Okay, well I should go now. I'll talk to you later, okay?" "Okay." "Love you." he says. "I love you too, Dak." I respond then he ends the call. 

I run up the stairs to my room and call my friends, they all answer. "What's wrong? Why are you calling so soon after school?" Hunter bombards me with questions. "Woah dude, chill, we just answered the call." Jackson scolds him, I thought it was cute that he was so worried. "Okay, I'm calm now. What are you calling to tell us?" he asks me. "So something happened a few minutes ago." I said. "Did you get a boyfriend?" Ellie and Ava ask at the same time, which was very weird. I saw Hunter's face fall, and I immediately said what actually happened. "NO! No. It's just that Dakota called and told me WE GOT A SEASON TWO!" I said, screaming the last part. 

All of their faces lit up at seeing me so happy. "Congrats Madi." Jackson says. They all tell me that they're happy for me but they don't want me to leave them again. "Well, we're not leaving until the beginning of May but when we do it'll be for longer because there's more locations this time." I tell them. We talk for a little while longer before they get off one by one until it's just me and Hunter. "I'm coming over and staying the night." he says, definitively. "Oh yeah? And what if my parents say no?" I ask, smirking. "You know they won't. They love me, go ask them and see what they say." he says, smirking right back. 

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Hey Mom, Dad?" "Yes, honey?" my Mom asks as my Dad looks up from his newspaper. "Can Hunter stay the night tonight?" I ask. "Well, I don't see why not. It's a Friday anyway. As long as it's okay with his parents." Mom says. "Yeah, you know we love the kid." Dad tells me. "Told you." Hunter says from my phone. "Shut up. Just get your stuff and get over here." I tell him before hanging up. 

About 30 minutes later, there's a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I yell before racing down the stairs and opening the door. "My favorite person!" I exclaim as I give him a hug. He comes in and we go upstairs to my room. 

We've been talking about who knows what for hours and now it's around 2 in the morning. We've been fighting sleep for so long now, most of our words don't make sense. Suddenly, Hunter sits up and looks right at me. "What is it?" I ask, afraid he saw something paranormal. Now that I think about it, the house has been really quiet since we got back but that's not the point. "I need to tell you something really important." he says. "Okay, shoot." I say, sitting up as well. He stands up and starts pacing the length of the floor. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, reaching out to grab his arm to stop him. He stops dead in his tracks and looks at where my hand is before looking at my face. "I like you." he blurts out, and for a moment I'm stunned. I had no idea he felt the same. "I-I like you, like you. A-and it's okay if you don't feel the same. I just had to tell you, whether you felt the same or not." he rambles out, and I just laugh lightly. "W-What's so funny?" he asks before looking down. "I can't believe you feel the same." I tell him. 

He slowly looks back up at me with a skeptical look on his face. "You like me too?" he asks in a small voice. "Y-Yeah, I do." I tell him. He walks towards me, puts his hands on my cheeks and asks, "Is it okay if I kiss you?" I just nod my head and he leans in. Our lips connect and I can't believe what's happening. I'm kissing the boy I've liked since 3rd grade, and it's amazing. I couldn't have imagined a more perfect first kiss. We pull away for air and smile at each other before going back in for another kiss. After we pull away again, he looks at me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Of course I will." I smile at him before he kisses me again. 

A/N: I am so proud of this chapter because I've never written any kind of romance/adorable pining-for-each-other thing before. This chapter is an apology for not posting for 2 weeks and it's also a filler for in between the seasons. Hope you enjoyed this. See you next week. Love you all 3000 <3 bye bye!

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz