Part 4 (Questions)

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Madison's POV

We have been on the road for a little while now and I decided to start on my schoolwork because school started back about 3 days ago and I needed to get some of the work done. Not to mention, I have a zoom for my math class. I hate math, it's always been my worst subject. My best however, has always been history. I just love learning about all the different places around the world and what happened to the land and the people who live there or once lived there. But getting back to the task at hand, I turned my laptop on and went on to google classroom. I saw that my zoom with my math class was set for 1:00. It was currently 11, so that leaves me two hours to get all my other work done. I started with the subject I had more trouble with which was science, then moved to one of the easier ones for me which was English, then to the easiest and my favorite, history. I got all my work done and it was 12:45. I have 15 minutes to get ready for math. I go and get my notebooks from my bags in the back and grab a snack on the way back through to the living room. I ate my snack then went to set some ground rules for the boys so they know not to interrupt with their craziness.

I sat back down at the table and noticed I had 10 minutes until the zoom. I quickly tuned to all of them, they were all either sitting on the couch beside the table or in the seat across from me. "Okay guys, we need some rules." I said looking at them very seriously. "For what?" Dakota asked as they looked at mr weird. "I am about to attend a zoom for math class and I don't need you guys interrupting or being weird and diverting my attention." "Oh." Was all that came out of their mouths. Chelsea just chuckled at them. "Okay, well what can't we do?" Tanner asked. "Well I would appreciate it if you kept it down, try not to do anything that could cause me to laugh and loose focus, and please don't interrupt unless it is really really important. And this goes for every zoom I have on this trip." I said listing things off on my fingers. "Okay, I think we can do that." Dakota said nodding his head at me. "Good, now I have to go get ready to zoom." I said and walked in to the room Chelsea and I were sharing so it would be a little more quiet. Then I remembered that all my friends were in this class with me, so it wouldn't be as bad. I grabbed all my stuff and put it out across the bed, and logged in to zoom and waited for the teacher to start the call.

About a minute later the screen lit up and I could see my teacher as well as everyone in the class. They all waved at me and I waved back. "Hello Madison! It's nice to finally see your face." My teacher, Mrs.Webb said. "Hi, it's so good to see you all too!" I exclaimed looking at everyone on the screen. "Well Madison, we aren't doing much yet, what with only starting school a couple days ago, and everyone is wondering where you are and what's going on. Can you tell us?" "Yea sure, I would be glad to." I said and saw everyone perk up on the other side of the screen. "We'll I let the kids ask you some questions until we run out of time I guess." Mrs.Webb said and moved away from the camera so I could see everyone fully. She called on someone and they asked their question, "Where are you?" "Well right now, I believe we are in Tennessee. Other than that I have no idea." I answered. "Why aren't you at school?" Another asked. "Well, I'm on a road trip with my older brother and sister and our friends." I said. "Why did the school give you permission to do your schoolwork online and go on a road trip?" A girl named Ava asked. Ava was the school bully. She never really liked me, I don't know why though I never did anything to her. Heck, I never talked to her in the first place. "Well it is a big opportunity for me and the school saw that so they agreed to let me do this." I answered truthfully. I could see all my friends nodding in the back, being the only kids in the school that knows the whole truth about this trip. "Well how is it an opportunity?" She fired back. "Well Ava, if you must know it is going to be on tv." I said and everyone looked shocked. "Ooh, what channel and when does the first episode air?" A boy I had seen around the halls over the years asked. I think his name is Tucker? I don't know. "Well it is going to be on the Travel Channel, and as for the first episode, I don't know, let me go check." I said and stood up from the bed and walked back into the living room area. Everyone looked up from what they were doing and looked at me. "Hey Madi, done already?" Alex asked.

"No no, but they aren't starting work yet, so they wanted to ask me questions. So I'm here for the answer to one," I turned to Dakota "when is the first episode airing." I asked. "Well it should air about a week after we go to the location." He said. "Kay thanks." I said and walked back to the room. (A/N: I know that episodes don't air like this in real life but I'm making it this way for the story so that I can make parts the way I plan for them to be. <3) I sat back down an everyone looked back up at me. "He said that they would be airing about a week after we get to the locations." I said. Someone else raised their hand and the teacher called on them. "What is the road trip for exactly?" They asked.

This is what I was afraid of. Someone asking what we were doing on this road trip, and making fun of me afterwards. I know a lot of people don't believe in ghosts and think that people who do are just down right crazy. But when you grow up in a house as  haunted as mine was, it's impossible not to believe. When I was little, I tried to tell one of my kindergarten friends that there was a ghost in my house, but she just laughed at me and told me she didn't believe me. That turned me off of telling my friends what was happening at my home, that was until my friends that i have today came along. They wanted to come over to my house, but I told them no. They kept insisting, and eventually I caved. They came over and witnessed it firsthand. They were the first people outside of my family to believe me.

I took a deep breath and proceed to give them their answer, waiting for whatever they might say. "Well... what the trip is for is well..." I was struggling to get the words out, "well my brother is taking us around the country to haunted abandoned buildings to see if we can capture anything, but he's the only one who knows where we're going so the rest of us are in the dark." I explained and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I saw my friends all giving my thumbs up from the back and smiling at me. That made me more confident. "You believe in ghosts?" Ava scoffed. "Well when you grow up in a haunted house, it's kinds hard not to believe." I fired back. "Come on, we all know those shows are rigged. Take Ghost Adventures for example, that show is rigged." Ava said trying to put their show down. That's when I got mad. I have met Zak before, he is a very sweet person and would never rig a show. Plus, Dakota was on the show with them as their camera operator for a long time. He would have quit if they were rigging it because he would never be a part of something like that. "I know for a fact that Ghost Adventures is not rigged." I said in a calm tone so that hopefully this wouldn't escalate. "And how's that?" She asks. "I've met Zak before and he's nit the type of person to do that. Also, my brother Dakota was their camera operator for a few years, he would've quit if they weren't being truthful about the stuff they catch." I said and finally the conversation steered away from that and on to the fact of how much this opportunity could mean for me and my family. Finally their class bell rang and we ended the zoom. They were all excited for me (except for Ava) and told me they would all watch the first episode next week. I flopped back on the bed and groaned. If things are like this with all the questions and stuff, I don't know what I'll do once I actually get back to school.

I put all my stuff back up and went out to the living room area with the others. "Hi" "Hey" "Hi Madison." "Hey Madi" they all said as I sat down. "Hi" I said back. After that we all just sat around and talked before we ate supper and went to bed to get some rest before the packet read tomorrow.

(A/N: sorry for not posting this week, it's been kinda hectic. I had a choir concert on Monday and the rest of the week was just as busy. But I finally found the time today. It is currently 12:28 am but still, I got a new part out for you  all. I will most likely make another part tomorrow about the packet read and the location so be prepared for that. It might take a little while though, I have stuff to do tomorrow. Love you all thanks for reading!!! <3

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now