Fairfield County Infirmary

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We are currently sitting in the rv in the middle of Ohio, stuck in traffic. We've been here for about 2 hours now. "I don't know if there was a bad accident or what, but we haven't moved." Tanner says to the camera that Dakota is holding, standing in the door outside the rv. I move to the door but as I get closer to it, Dakota pushes me back from the door. "What are you doing?" I ask. "I'd feel a lot better if you weren't so close to the road." he says. I laugh and say, "You're such a big brother." Dakota just blinks at me before saying, "That's what I'm supposed to do." The others just laugh at us before Dakota pushes us all back in the rv and he goes to sit on the grass in the middle of the highway to talk to the camera. 

When he comes back, we just sit around in the rv and talk for a while before we finally feel the vehicle moving. "We're finally moving after 3 1/2 hours!" Tanner yells and we all laugh at him. Once we get on the road, we decide to turn the cameras on and talk for a little bit. "This whole trip started because of what went on in our house when we were growing up. Alex, you lived right across the street from us and you were pretty affected by this too." Kota says. "Yeah, you guys were always pretty scared in that house, Madi escpecially. Do you guys remember that time we were sitting in your backyard, at like 2 in the morning, and we heard a female screaming?" "I remember waking up one night to a police officer standing at the foot of my bed, telling me we needed to get out of the house because one of our little sisters saw someone in the house but they never found anything. They told us there was nothing they could do for that. That's actually why we had to have 2 pastors come and bless the house." Chels says. After a little longer of talking, Dakota clears his throat and announces, "Since this trip has been so dark for us, I decided we needed a little light, so I'm taking us somewhere fun." But now he won't tell us where that place is. 

"Come on, Kota!" I say, exasperated as I dramatically fall onto the floor of the rv. He laughs at me before looking out the window and saying, "Well if you want to know so bad, why don't you just look?" I jump up as we all crowd around the window to look out and see a county fair. "It's the county fair!" Chels yells in my ear. We get out, get our wrist bands, and head straight to the games. "We're going to cash you in like an ATM." the guy at the balloon dart game says to me. "Well actually, you're going to be cashing my brother in like an ATM because I'm a child and i have no money." I say. The guy laughs as Dakota looks at me, "I see how it is." and hands the money to the dude before letting me and Chels start playing. We both end up winning a stuffed dinosaur. After watching Tanner lose at the rope climb game, we get some funnel cake before setting out cameras down on a bench to film us while we eat it. As we're talking, we hear a little girl scream in the background and Kota has the nerve to say, "That's going to be you two tomorrow." to me and Chelsea. We both look at him before, in unison, saying, "Or you." 

After eating our funnel cake, Kota finally gives us a clue. "Locals call it the 'black mark' of the town." After hearing that disturbing piece of information, we get back in the rv to head to a park to read the packet. 

We get to the park, set up all the cameras, then sit down and read the packet. "Since you guys are so good at speaking in unison, why don't you both open it, Madi? Chels?" Kota asks and Chels opens it before we both speak. "Fairfield County Infirmary." We found out that it was built in 1826. In 1851, 31 neighbors went to the newspaper to report the violent and cruel punishments that the patients were getting from the superintendent, him often dragging them out to the field behind the infirmary to beat them. Once admitted, most patients never left. There are even thousands of unmarked graves of all the people who were left unclaimed when they died. In the winter, they would store the dead bodies in a makeshift morgue in the basement, where they also kept the food. There is also a gated room, much like a jail cell, where they would put the especially violent or misbehaving patients. They would usually put 20-30 people in there at a time and people get very aggressive EVPs and experience poltergeist activity in this room. The most active areas include room 322 where the ghost of a little girl named Suzie is said to reside, laughing and giggling. The attic where A woman named Jane burned to death when her dress caught on fire. Many people report seeing a large, male shadow figure up there. 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now