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I'm so sorry I've been MIA lately and haven't written anything. I just started school again a couple weeks ago and I've been trying to get back in the swing of things but I promise I will try to get more organized with how much and when I publish parts of this story and my other story that has second priority. 

I have  the next part planned out, I just need to finish writing it and I'll publish it. I have a plan that I'm going to use from now on so maybe I'll be more consistent with my writing because I love this book and apparently you guys do too. But my plan is to re-watch the episodes over the weekend and write down all the important stuff and then write the parts during the week at school during my enrichment period so that you'll get at least one or two chapters per week that way. 

Once again, I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting but I've also kinda been focusing more on my tiktok lately (which you should check out by the way ;) at marvelsfallenangels on tiktok) 

love you all 3000 <3 bye bye 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now