Madison Seminary

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*A few more days later*

We step off the rv and into the parking lot of aa laundry mat. "Finally get to do laundry!" Chels exclaims. "Clean clothes!" Tanner yells while I laugh at them while following them into the building. 

About an hour later we finfish with our laundry and we're back on the road to our next location. "How do we feel about the trip so far?" Dakota asks after we turned the cameras back on to get some footage of us on our way there. "It's getting harder you know. We haven't been getting sleep and it's just putting more strain on us and just making it harder to go on." Alex says and we agree with him before Dakota tries to give us a hint. "Let us enjoy our day!" Chels tells him before chucking her phone at him, making me laugh. He tries again before Tanner hisses, "Hey!" to try and get him to stop. "This isn't going to ruin your day. More women have spent their time here than at any other location but it's not a malevolent haunting, they might actually respect you guys more here." Dakota finishes, looking at me and Chels. 

A few minutes later we move on from talking about the location and talk about how it's rained at a lot of the locations we went to so far and how it might be bad luck for us when it rains because of all the activity we've gotten over the past few weeks. All of a sudden, Chels and I go sliding backwards and Dakota shouts at the driver to pull over.  We get out in the parking lot and take a look at the rv to see that somehow the extending side came loose and started to extend on the road which is really dangerous. 

An hour later we're still in the parking lot and we're laying on our cots with some of our stuff. We accidentally left a lot of our audio equipment on the rv and the rv is gone now. We're stuck here for a while until we can get a rental car but the nearest place is a couple hours away and it's a holiday weekend and no taxi can fit all of our stuff plus all of us. All of a sudden Al points up at the sky. "There's a hawk!" Chels says before Alex cups his hands around his mouth and says, "Fly us outta here hawk!" in the most ridiculous voice he could come up with. "I think we should just try to get a hotel room for the night and figure out everything else in the morning." Tanner says and Dakota agrees so looks like we're staying in a hotel tonight. 

It's been 5 hours now, sitting in the parking lot and I've been texting my friend group the whole time. I told them we were stuck in a parking lot and they have been really worried and have been texting me since I told them. I sent a text back to Hunter just as an SUV pulled into the parking lot. We put all of our stuff in it and we drive for a while until we reach a hotel in Cleveland, Ohio. Everyone gets their own room except for me because I decide to room with Dakota for the night. We get in our room and put our stuff down. I collapse on the bed while Dakota laughs at me. "What's so funny?" I ask him. "Nothing." he says with a smile still on his face. I get up and slowly walk towards him. "What're you doing?" he asks, uneasy. "Nothing." I say mocking him. I then start running at him and tackle him to the bed. "Oh my God! Madi what the heck?" he asks before starting to wrestle back. 

We finally quit wrestling and decide to go to bed. "Night Kota." "Night Mads." He says as he pulls the covers over both of us. 

*Next Day* 

I wake up to Dakota's loud alarm. "Mads, it's time to wake up." He says. "No." he sighs before getting up and getting ready. "Madison, I'm going to tell you one more time, it's time to get up." He says his big brother 'do what I tell you to' voice. "And I'll tell you again, no." I sass. He just shrugs before coming over to my side of the bed and picking me up, putting me on my feet. I groan and he gives me a triumphant look. I finally get dressed and Dakota says we have to go wake everyone else up so we can open the packet. "This early?" I ask and he just laughs at me before we head out the door to get the guys. 

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