Nopeming Sanatorium

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It's been a couple months since we found out about season 2, and we leave in a day. It turns out, we had to leave a couple weeks earlier than we thought because that's the only time we can get into whatever the first location is. I was currently in my room, hanging out with Hunter when there's a knock on the front door. I hear my mom open the door and she yells up the stairs, "Madi, it's your brother!" "Okay!" I yell and quickly turn to Hunter. 

"You have to be cool, okay. He doesn't know we're dating." "What? I thought he would be the first person you told because you're so close." he says, confused. "No, definitely not. We may be close but he's a little overprotective and I don't want him to interrogate you. I will tell him, I promise. But I'm going to do it after we leave so he can't kill you." I tell him. "Aw, that's sweet. I don't care when you tell him, just do it whenever you're ready." he tells me, before I pull him towards me, kissing him. "You're the best." I tell him with a smile. "I know." he smirks before we make our way down to the living room where the guys are. 

"Wassup my dudes?" I ask as I plop down on the couch next to Alex, Hunter standing behind the couch. "Not much, just here to hang out with you guys before we leave and get some footage." Tanner says, smiling at me. "I'm going to head home now, we'll all come see you before you leave tomorrow." Hunter says. I hug him goodbye before he heads to the door, going home. 

We get our coats on before going outside, Alex, Tanner and I going to the front of the house to mess around, while Dakota goes to the backyard to talk to the camera about wherever we're going. 

A few minutes later, Dakota returns to us. We tell the camera about how Alex lived across the street from us while growing up and how he saw a lot of the stuff that happened in our house and how it effected us. "This is our last day of freedom for a while." I say, sighing. 

Later that night, we're headed to the airport to pick Chelsea up. She gets in the car after putting her bags in the back and I immediately tackle her in a hug as the guys laugh at us. "I missed you so much. There's so much I need to tell you!" I say and she tells me we'll hang out and I can tell her everything later. "The squad is finally together!" Tanner yells as he starts driving down the road. When we get home, we go into the backyard to start a bonfire. 

We get the fire started and sit down in our chairs. Alex turns all the cameras on and starts filming us. "Last time, it was a mental and spiritual challenge with the road trip. This time it will be mental, spiritual, and physical because we're doing this in the dead of winter." Dakota says. "I'm nervous for Tanner and Chelsea's locations." I say and Dakota and Alex agree. "Alex, do you think there was enough time in between these trips to process the last one and prepare for this one?" Kota asks him. "No, I do not." he responds. "I just can't believe we followed through with the last trip, let alone do another one. I never thought I'd do that." Chelsea says. "I second that thought." I say as I sit lower in my chair. 

The next morning, I'm awoken by someone jumping on me. "OW! What the hell Dakota?!" I yell as I sit up, only to see it wasn't Dakota. It was my best friends all standing around my bed. "Not Dakota." I say as they just stand there smiling at me. 

They make me get up and get dressed before we go downstairs to eat breakfast. After that, it's all tearful 'goodbyes' and 'see you later's before we're in the rv once again, traveling to the first location of this long, long road trip. 

After a couple hours of being on the road, we turn the cameras back on after Dakota tells us he's going to give us a hint. "1,500 people died in its 90 years of operation." "Are we still staying in Minnesota?" Tanner asks him. "I don't know. I'm not going to say." he says with a weird look on his face. "I mean, we're in Minnesota. So like, we're going northbound on 35 right now. So it's either Canada or Minnesota and I didn't bring my passport." Tanner tells him. "I don't even have a passport." I mumble. "Okay, so we're not going to Canada." We think for a minute before all of us say, "So, Nopeming?" at the same time. "What?" he asks us, confused. "We're going to Nopeming." We all say at the same time again. We start arguing with him, telling him we know that's where we're going before he finally gives in and tells us that it is in fact where we are going. 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें