Part 2 (friends)

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Madison's POV

I finished packing in about 3 hours so I decided to call my friends and tell them all what was going on. I got on my phone and went to the group chat in my messages and hit the FaceTime button. I don't have a lot of friends but the ones I do have are my best friends and have been since we first met in kindergarten. My friends names are Ellie, Ava, Jackson, and Hunter. I am a little nervous because I do know how they will react to the news of me leaving for a few months. As I waited for them to all pick up, I sat down on my bed, mentally preparing for every outcome of what they might say. After a minute or so, they all picked up.

"Hey what's up?" Hunter asks for everyone. "Hey guys, there's something really important I need to tell you." "Well what is it?" Ava asked. "So you guys know how when you come over there is some weird stuff that happens in my house?" "Yeah, we know. Your house is haunted, we've seen it firsthand we believe you." Jackson said looking at me confused from the other side of the phone. "And you know how Dakota was working for the Ghost Adventures crew?" "Yes. Wait, did you say was?" Ellie asked me.  "Yeah I did. He quit and is getting his own show on the Travel Channel." "Ok, what does that have to do with us?" Hunter asked me. "We'll earlier I asked him if I could go with him and the others who are going and he said yes. So did my parents. And we're leaving in about 3 weeks." I said and looked down at my phone for their reactions. They all just looked stunned. "We'll what about school? What about us?" Jackson asked me. "We'll my parents are going to call the school tomorrow and tell them what's happening and we are going to work something out to where I can do work online. And as far as you guys, I have my phone and it's not like I'm going away forever. I'll be back in a few months at the most." "Ok well I'm glad you get to do this, I know this is something you have wanted to do for a while now. We're just going to miss you Madi." Ellie said looking a little sad. "I know, I'll miss you guys too. But I'll call you the morning after every location, after I call my parents. I promise. And I'll call when I have free time so you guys can tell me what's going on back home. And you can watch the show so you know what's been happening on the trip if I don't want to talk about it. Come on guys, we know this is a huge opportunity for me and it's been something I've wanted to do for a while now." I said looking at them with a pleading look on my face. "We know Madison, and we are happy for you. It's just that we're going to miss you and we are going to worry about you because you never know what might happen." Jackson says confirming that they are happy for me and that they support my decision to leave. "Thanks guys, it means a lot that you support my decision and are happy for me. Love you guys. We need to hang out before I leave because Dakota, Tanner, and Alex are here visiting and I'm going back to Vegas with them the week before we leave to go on the trip. So we only have about 2 more weeks together." I told them. They all looked a little sad but at the same time happy for me and they all agreed that we need to hang out before we leave, and we decided to have a sleepover at Hunter's house for a couple days to hang out so we have time together. After a while of talking, we all hung up the FaceTime and I went to tell mom about the sleepover. I went downstairs and saw mom, dad,and Dakota in the living room watching tv. "Hey mom, can I got to Hunter's house for a couple days?" "Ooooh who's Hunter? Your boyfriend?" Dakota asked cooing like a little kid. "He better not be." Dad said looking back at me from the couch. "Ew no, definitely not. Mom and dad, you guys know he's just a friend. Anyways, we all want to have a sleepover for a couple days to hang out before we have to leave to go to Vegas before the trip starts." "Well I don't have a problem with it as long as it's okay with their parents." "It is they all already asked, they were just waiting on me to ask you guys." "How long do you guys plan to be there?" She asked. "We'll we were thinking from like tomorrow to about Saturday." "Okay that's fine with me, but Dakota will have to take you over there because your dad and I have to work. You'll take her, right Dakota?" "Uhhh, yeah sure." He says. "Ok we'll I'm going to go pack and let them know." I went back upstairs and texted the group chat to let them know what my parents said and then I packed another bag for the sleepover.

We had our sleepover at Hunter house, and had hung out a lot over the past 2 weeks. Mom and dad got in touch with the school and told them I would be going on the road trip and that it would be put on television and that this was a huge opportunity for me. The school didn't quite understand the reason for this road trip, but they saw how important this was for me and how passionate I was about what would be happening on the trip. So, they are letting me do my schoolwork online. They have talked to all of my teachers and they will be assigning all my work on google classroom and I might have to attend a zoom during some classes, but most of it can be done online by myself.

Dakota, Tanner, Alex, and I were currently sitting in the airport waiting to get on our flight back to Vegas. I was going to be staying in their apartment with them for the next week until we went to meet Chelsea before getting on the road to go to our first location. Finally, after about an hour of waiting, our flight was called. Since the airport was really crowded, Dakota made me stand between him and Tanner, so they didn't lose me while Alex was walking behind me. We made it onto the plane and took our seats. Kota was in the window seat, I was in the middle, Alex was in the aisle seat, and Tanner was in the aisle seat in the row next to us. It was going to take about 8 hours to get to their apartment in Vegas and about halfway through the flight I fell asleep on Alex's shoulder. After a while, I was being shaken awake by Alex. "Hey Madi, wake up. We're about to land." "Okay." I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and a few minutes later we had landed and we're getting off the plane. We got into the airport and got our luggage and got into a taxi and went to their apartment. Once at their apartment, we got settled in. I would be sleeping in Dakota's room with him for the week. Then, in the rv we would be living in for the next few months, I would be sharing the biggest room with Chelsea. Once we were settled in, we ate dinner and watched tv for a little while before we all went to bed.

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