Part 7 (shenanigans)

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Madison's POV

I woke up in my bed, Dakota must have brought me in here when I fell asleep. Right as I sat up, my phone rang from where it was sitting on the table beside the bed. It was Hunter wanting to FaceTime. I picked the call up and immediately saw all 4 of my friends. "Oh my God Madi! Thank goodness you're okay! We all just watched the episode. You had an asthma attack, twice! Are you and Tanner okay?" Ellie asked immediately. "What do you mean you all just watched the episode? You're still at school, I can see the building behind you." I said ignoring the questions Ellie asked. "The school decided that the whole school was  going to watch all the new episodes when they come out so we can support you. Everyone wondering if you're okay." Hunter explained. "I mean, yeah I'm fine. It scared me, but I'm fine. No need to worry about me." I told them. Once I assured them I was fine, we steered the conversation on to other things. After a while we hung up because they all had to go home but we promised to FaceTime again sometime soon. After we hung up, I went back into the living room of the rv.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Tanner teased when he saw me and the others turned and looked at me from where they were sitting. "Hey guys." I said as I sat down on the couch, beside Dakota and put my head on his shoulder. He put his head on top of mine and kissed my forehead. "I thought I heard you talking back there. Who were you talking to?" Dakota asked, moving this head s9 he could look at me. "Oh I was just talking to Hunter and the guys. They wanted to make sure I was okay." "Why did they want to make sure you were okay?" Alex asked from his seat across from me. "We'll get this, the school has decided that when a new episode comes out, the whole entire school is going to watch it to, and this is quoting what Hunter said, 'to show support for a fellow student.'" I said. They all nodded. We eventually started talking and goofing around before we decided to play a board game for some group bonding time before the next location. "I don't care what we play as long as we aren't playing monopoly." Tanner said throwing a dirty look my way. Chelsea just looked confused so Dakota decided to elaborate on what Tanner had said. "Before we left the apartment we all played monopoly and Madi won and Tanner is still butt hurt about it." He said and Chelsea chuckled. "I am not! She just cheats!" He said and we all laughed at him. We eventually got to playing the game of life and about 3/4 of the way through the game, Hunter sent me a video. I opened the video to see him doing the belly dancer trend on TikTok.

I immediately started laughing like a maniac and the other just looked at me like I was crazy. "What's so funny?" Dakota asked me. I tried to speak but every time I was about to say something, I would just laugh harder. It got to the point where I could barely breathe and I had tears streaming down my face because I was laughing so hard. Dakota eventually just took my phone from my hand and played the video so they could all watch it. By the time the video was over they all just looked confused and weirded out but I was still laughing. When I finally calmed down, the boys all turned to me with dead serious expressions on their faces. "Who was that boy and why did he send you a video like that?" Dakota asked. "More importantly why did he not have a shirt on?" Tanner asked. They always get protective of me, and it's cute, but sometimes they can be a little overbearing with the protectiveness. "That was my friend Hunter and he sends me videos like that all the time because he knows they make me laugh and as for the shirt...." I left the sentence unfinished and Chelsea just shook her head at me. The boys didn't look very satisfied with my answer but they left it be for now.

We eventually finished the game after I texted Hunter saying he almost got me in trouble with the guys because they thought I had a boyfriend or something and told him not to post the video to save him the embarrassment. After we finished the game, we ate dinner and went to sleep afterwards because tomorrow was the packet read. We were all itching to figure out where we were going next.

(A/N: Sorry for not posting guys and also sorry this is so short. I just wanted to post something to keep you entertained until I can get the next part with an actual location out. I'm just too lazy to do right now, which is 1:54 am, so enjoy this and hopefully I will have the next part out tomorrow which is the goal. Also, happy new year and hopefully this year is better than last year! Love you all 300 <3 😘😘

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now