Yorktown Memorial Hospital

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I was sitting in my bunk texting Hunter, giggling at something he said. "What're you giggling at?" Dakota asks, making me jump at his sudden presence. "Nothing." I say quickly, putting my phone down. He gives me a suspicious look before saying, "I don't believe you." "Well you should, because I have nothing to hide." "Who said you were hiding something?" he asks with a smug look on his face. "What are you hiding, huh?" he asks as he comes towards me. "Nothing." I say again before trying to scoot away from him. He lunges forward, grabbing me before starting to tickle me.

"AH! Tanner! Alex! Chelsea! Help me!" I yell while laughing and trying to push him away. They all come running from the front, only to stop short and start laughing at us. "Why aren't you helping me?!" I shout while trying to hold in another laugh. "What are you two doing?" Tanner asks while still laughing at us. "She's hiding something!" Dakota says as he continues his assault. 

"Oh yeah? What are you hiding?" Alex asks as they step closer to us. "Okay! Okay, I'll tell you if you stop tickling me!" I yell and Dakota finally stops. I sit up and Dakota huffs before asking, "How come when I ask you don't tell me but when Alex asks, you immediately agree to tell?" "Because he's my favorite." I say before I get a smack to the face with a pillow. "I'm supposed to be your favorite!" Kota yells. "Do you want to know or not?" I ask and they all immediately stop talking. 

I take a deep breath before blurting out, "I have a boyfriend." The guys all look stunned for a moment before Dakota recovers from his shock and says, "What?" "I have a boyfriend." I say slower this time, hoping they actually process my words. "Who?" Alex asks, staring straight at me, making me even more nervous. "Hunter..." I say and they all nod. "We're going to have to have a talk with him when we get back." Tanner remarks before Dakota says, "Definitely. 

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. 

The next afternoon, Chelsea takes us to a go-kart place to have some fun while she takes her camera and tells the people who will eventually see the footage things about the location she has picked for us. 

After having our fun at the go-kart track, we sit in the rv with the cameras rolling, talking about how this is Chelsea's first ever location pick. "I'm nervous because all of your retaliation is going to be at me because of what I've put you guys through on the last trip and the last location." "Yeah, you're for sure going to get it." I said before he turned to me saying, "Not helpful." "Pleasure to be of service." I said doing a fake little bow, he chuckled at me before turning to Alex and asking, "So Al, you and Mads decided to skip out on a location pick. Why is that?" "Well, we kind of talked about it and we both thought it would be torture to know exactly where we're going and what is waiting for us there." He explained as I nodded. 

"I'm not going to give you guys a hint." Chels says before we all start begging and pleading with her to before she finally caves and gives us one. "2,000 people have died in it's 30 years of operation." She explains as we all sit there dumbfounded. "2,000 in 30 years? That's a lot. More deaths per year than any location we've been to in the past." Dakota says, looking a little scared. "Yeah, that's about 67 deaths per year. Holy crap." I say, looking up from my phone where I just did the calculations. "I knew you had a dark side, Chelsea." Kota says as she gets up and goes to the back. 

She comes back with cowboy hats in hand. We put them on as she tells us, "We're going horseback riding." "I love when Chelsea picks locations!" Kota shouts as I make a face at him. "You weren't saying that a few minutes ago." He gives me a sour look. 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now