Saratoga County Homestead

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It has been around six months since the last road trip and I'm currently in Vegas with the guys waiting to get on a flight to New York where we will meet Chelsea. I finally got my cast off about 2 weeks ago but I still have to wear a wrist brace for a while to make sure my arm keeps healing. Alex and I also chose to pick a location together, so that's going to be really fun. 

I walk downstairs while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I see the guys in the kitchen with the cameras out, filming. "It's been about 6 months since the last road trip and it is currently 3:39 in the morning. We have to catch a flight to New York which is where the location is." Kota says after Alex asks. "I let Tanner and Chelsea pick locations last time to see if it would heighten the fear for myself, which it did. I feel like I left on a bad note and this location will be perfect because we just went through isolation due to the pandemic." Kota says and turns around. 

They all finally see me standing there and turn the cameras off. "She's awake!" Tanner yells and they all run over and give me a group hug like the goofballs they are. "It's too early for this." I mumble as they let me go. "It's never too early for a hug." Alex says and then they all walk off to get the rest of their stuff together. "They are so weird." I say to myself as I go to the kitchen to get something to eat. 

We are now in the rv after picking up Chelsea and are on our way towards wherever we're going. "Is it weird that I missed it?" Tanner asks as we're talking about this road trip. "Yes, yes it is." I deadpan. "You don't count though." Alex says. "Why not?" I ask. "Because a ghost broke your arm. You're traumatized so you don't count." 

"Whatever you say dude." I shake my head. These boys really don't make sense sometimes. 

"Okay, right now we're going to a lake in New York where we will be doing extreme hydro flight." Dakota tells us. "That sounds painful." I say which makes Chels laugh. "Yeah, what is that?" she asks. 

"It's where you stand on a board and water thrusts out of your feet at 120 miles per hour." he says. "So, it's definitely going to be painful. Gotcha." I say. "I feel like you're trying to get rid of us already." Chels says which just makes Kota smile at us. 

We make it to the lake and take turns in the bathroom, putting on our swimsuits. The boys are all wearing swim trunks and Chelsea and I are wearing swimsuit tops that look like sports bras and shorts. We walk down to the docks and meet with the Captain of the boat, Mike. 

He tells us all the stuff we need to know before going out on the water and then we're off. 

Chelsea goes on the board first. She falls a few times before she shoots up out of the water. "AY! GO CHELSEA!" We yell. Next, Tanner goes. He struggles for a minute before gliding through the water, making us laugh. 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now