Statler Hotel

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We finally got our new rv after about a day of waiting. We were sitting around talking when I noticed Dakota get up and slip out of the rv, most likely to get footage of him talking about where we're going. After a few more minutes of us just talking, Kota comes back in and we hit the road once more. 

"Okay, so we're headed to Buffalo, New York and this is going to be the biggest location on this trip." Kota tells us. "How big are we talking?" Tanner asks. "How about nearly 1 million square feet?" he asks and we all look at him like he's crazy. "One million?" I ask, dumbfounded. "Yup." he says popping the 'p'. "Dude, this is not going to be fun." Chelsea says and Dakota smiles. "Well at least the pitstop will be." "What?" I ask. "I'm taking you guys to Niagara Falls. Figured we might as well see something beautiful while we're on this road trip." he says and we all freak out, excited. 

We arrive at where the Maid of the Mist is supposed to leave and Dakota looks at his watch. "Oh crap guys, the Maid of the Mist leaves in one minute, we gotta go!" he says and we all take off sprinting across the parking lot and towards the boat. We get there just in time and we get our ponchos. "Nice outfit Tan." I say, pointing my camera towards him. "It's a new fashion statement." he says dramatically and we both laugh. We walk further onto the boat and the boat's horn goes off, scaring us and making all of us and the people around us laugh. "Destination Fear, baby." Kota and I say at the same time. We immediately look at each other and laugh. "I've been spending WAY too much time with you." I say and he laughs at me again. We move to the side of the boat as it starts moving. "This is by far the coolest thing we've done so far." Chels says and we all agree with her. After a few minutes of waiting, we come up to the falls and we immediately start to get soaked. "Oh God, it's so cold." I say as I walk over to Alex and hug him for warmth. 

The boat docks again and we all get off and head back to the rv to change. Once we're all changed, we sit down in the living room of the rv to talk and hang out for a while. "I think we all needed to see something that beautiful." Kota says. "Definitely." Alex agrees. We turn the cameras off after a little while and I fall backwards on Alex's lap rather dramatically. "Whatcha doing?" I ask him. "Nothing much, how about you?" He asks while laughing. "Same." I reply and sit up to see the others trying not to laugh at me. "What?" "Nothing, nothing." Kota says. 

After that we decide to play a game for a little bit before it gets dark enough to do the packet read. 

After about 2 hours of playing games and Tanner accusing me of cheating later, it's finally time to do the packet read. Chels grabs the packet and we all look at it. "The Statler Hotel." she says. "You called it, it's a hotel." Tanner says looking at me, and I smile triumphantly. 


It turns out that The Statler was the gem of Buffalo and many celebrities have stayed there. it is over 950,000 square feet and 18 floors tall and the place has many ties to the mafia. Many violent crimes have happened here and many people have come there to commit suicide. The meat locker in the basement is said to be very haunted and people get a lot of communication with a mob enforcer named Frank and one of his victims, Kevin. Every floor from the 2nd up is said to be a 'suicide floor'. It is also said that a maid once had her arm ripped off in a service elevator. The 18th floor is one of the more haunted and has disembodied voices, and lots of shadows darting in and out of rooms. The shadows are usually darker than the dark which is pretty unsettling. The elevators apparently move on their own accord and stop on floors you don't push and especially  on the 11th floor. 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Where stories live. Discover now