Joliet Prison

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"I'm scared. I'm really scared at her choice." Dakota says as we watch Chelsea talk to the camera about her location choice. "I mean, she's just making us sit here and think about what her location might be." Alex says. "Yeah, she's had a grin on her face the whole day." I say, looking back out the window. "She's trying to let us marinate in our own fear right now." Tanner says. 

We then see Chelsea yell something towards us, but because we're inside the rv, we can't hear her. "What?" we all yell at the same time. 

Chelsea comes back inside a few minutes later and then we're back on the road. "I'm not gonna lie Chels, I'm feeling a little nervous. I hate not having control, and I feel like you've had a smirk on your face all day. And you just- yeah! There it is!" Dakota yells as Chelsea starts smiling again. 

"That. That right there is what makes me nervous, right there." Tanner says, turning to face Alex's camera. "Come on Chels, give us something, please!" I beg, pulling out my puppy eyes. She sighs lightly before telling us that, "Someone at this location actually screamed themselves to death." 

"Okay so right now we're in Illinois, where I went to optometry school and I want to share a little of Chicago with you guys." Chelsea tells us as we pull over. She then takes us across the street and we all get on some segways, zooming around the city before getting off in front of a building when she tells us to. 

"Okay, now we're going to Willis Tower, the tallest building in Chicago where we will stand on a glass platform that is over 100 stories up. This will be a good warmup for tomorrow because this location will really test us."

We ride the elevator up to the 103rd floor. "There is actually a rumor that this cracked once." "And you want me to stand on it?" I say, giving her a horrified look. "Alex, go take a peak." Chelsea tells him. "Go take a peak, Chelsea?" Alex laughs. "You should do it because you're the one who brought us here." Dak tells her. 

Eventually we decide that we're going to all stand on it on the count of 3, just long enough to take a picture. Once we do, I immediately jump off saying, "Nope, never again! Let's get out of here!" followed by all the guys laughing at me before following me out. 

After getting some food, it's finally dark enough outside to do the packet read. "This might be the scariest location yet." Chelsea tells us as she hands me the packet to open. "Damn, straight to the point today, huh?" I ask, fully serious. The guys all laugh at me before I open the packet. "Joliet Prison." I read. 

We learn that the prison was in operation for 144 years and conditions were so bad that activists fought for more than 100 of those years to close it. It was built to look like a castle so people would be scared of it. The actual number of people who died in the prison is not known but it is estimated to be in the thousands. "What the heck." I say as I pass the packet to Dakota to read. 

January of 1858, 53 inmates were sent to get limestone across the street and lived in temporary barracks while they basically walled themselves inside. "Limestone is also said to be a conductor for paranormal activity, which might be why this place is so active." Dakota points out before passing the packet to Tanner. 

Madison Laden (Destination Fear)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang