Part 22: Final Transformation

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[With Drac and Ericka]

The group walks through the crystal cave, looking around.
Drac: Okay, everybody, the crystal has to be here somewhere.
They continue to walk through the ominous crystal cavern, looking around.
Drac: We'll find it as long as we stay focused and don't get...
He turns around and sees that nobody is following him anymore.
Drac: Separated...
He sighs to himself and keeps looking for the crystal.
Murray: Drac? Where are you?
Wayne: Murray, is that you?
Frank: Hey, Eunice, where'd you go?
Eunice: I'm right here. Where are you?
Ericka: Okay, just calm down. Nobody panic.
Griffin: Guys? Guys, Blobby is freaking out.
Murray: So am I.
Frank: Murray.
Wayne: He's right here. Oh, wait. No, false alarm. That's a pointy rock.
Griffin: Guys, Blobby's really losing it!
Drac: Stay in one place!
Eunice: Frank!
Wayne: Where am I?!
Ericka: Uh, what's happening?
Murray: Someone, find me!
Griffin: What do we do?
Eunice: Where are we?
Drac: We're lost!
All: How do we get out of here?!

[With Y/n and Mavis]

Mavis continues to fly towards the cave as Y/n chases after her.
Mavis: Which way?
Phone: Sorry, I didn't quite get that.
Y/n leaps off the ledge that Mavis was flying in front of and Mavis flies down as Y/n follows her.
Phone: Calculating new route. Make a sharp left.
Mavis follows the phone's directions as Y/n disperses into electricity on the ground, then reforms and continues to chase her, the lightning on his body reaching out to touch her. She flies deeper into the ravine as the sun starts to rise.
Phone: Your destination is on the right.
Mavis flies into the cave entrance, which was too small for Y/n to fit in.
Mavis: Okay honey, you just stay here, I'll be right back.
Y/n's body stops moving rapidly and sits still at the bottom of the ravine as Mavis flies into the crystal cave.
Mavis: Hello? Dad? Ericka?
Murray: Woah, woah, woah!
Eunice screams as she runs around, lost, Frank also screams, and then sobs.
Frank: Hold me. I'm scared.
Mavis: Huh?
Griffin also sobs as Mavis looks at the reflections on the crystals.
Mavis: Blobby?
Wanda: Woah!
Wayne screams as he wanders around.
Drac: Mavis!
Mavis screams at the large, distorted reflection of her father appears in front of her, he puts his hand on her shoulder and she punches him out of reflex.
Drac: Ouchy.
Mavis: Oh, Dad, it's you.
Drac: Yes, of course it's me. Ow. I think my nose is broken. Y/n really taught you how to punch.
Mavis: What is going on? Did you find the crystal?
Drac: Ugh, the crystal? We can't even find each other. It's cuckoo in here.
He then gasps.
Drac: But wait. You've come back. You're not mad anymore?
Mavis: Of course I'm still mad, you and Y/n kept a pretty big secret from all of us! But that doesn't matter, we need to save Y/n.
The crystal save then has a spark of electricity shoot through it, bouncing off the crystals, until it hits a wall and breaks it open. Y/n was outside the hole in the wall, being held up by electricity coming off his lower body. His body was now more fragmented than ever, his white eyes now glowing red.
Drac: Y/n?
Mavis: Oh, no.
He then shoots more electricity into the cave, which bounces around, Drac and Mavis dodge the electricity.
Drac: You okay, Mavey?
Mavis: Yeah, I'm fine.
She looks up and sees a bolt of electricity about to crash down on them.
Mavis: Go, go, go!
Griffin runs around, keeping himself and Blobby away from the electricity, before a jolt of lightning strikes Blobby out of his hands and makes Blobby fly through the air, and slide on the crystal back onto the plate.
Murray: Keep moving, legs.
He remained still despite trying to move forward, just as lightning was about to hit him, Ericka noticed and gasped, pulling out a gadget and pointing it at Murray, then pulling the trigger, which made a claw come out and pull Murray away.
Wanda: Wendy, Wally, Wilma, Wyatt...
Wayne: Is this all of them?
Wanda: Not even close!
They looked over to see several more pups playing with the crystals. Frank and Eunice also sprint away from the electricity bouncing around the room.
Both: If he ruins my hair, I'm never gonna forgive him!
More electricity gets shot into the room, Mavis stops running as Electricity lands in front of her, Drac trips and rolls, crashing into a crystal and cracking it.
Drac: Ooh.
The wall shatters, Drac runs from the breaking crystal, and behind the wall is the crystal.
Drac: Is that...
Mavis: The Crystal! Thank you, Y/n!
Y/n roars again, and Drac hands Mavis the ray.
Drac: Go!
Mavis runs forward and grabs the crystal, then loads it into the ray, and switches the ray to Human mode.
Mavis: Please don't be too late.
She aims the beam at the electric figure that was once her husband, another part of the wall breaks, and sunlight beams down, hitting Mavis's arm. He yelps and pants, as the electricity continues breaking holes in the walls, letting sun shine through them. Mavis ducks and weaves around the sunlight, unable to get a clean shot.
Mavis: Woah, woah!
Y/n lets out a roar that sounds like static on A TV, before Y/n finally enters the cave himself, the electricity following him as he entered broke a large part of the wall, making the sun shine down on Mavis, she drops the ray and covers her head and she slides on her knees, until a shadow steps in front of her to stop her from burning.
Frank: Hey, kiddo.
Mavis: Thanks, Uncle Frank.
She then gasps as she looks at Y/n's consistently fracturing form.
Mavis: That's it!
She points to a high point on a crystal.
Mavis: I need to get up there!
Frank: Don't worry. We got you covered!
He hands her the ray that she dropped. He then runs with Mavis, keeping her covered from the sun.
Eunice: What are you standing around for? Go, go, go!
Mavis turns into a bat and flies between the people creating shade for her.
Griffin: Stop moving, let me get balanced.
Wayne: Ow!
Griffin: Okay, Mavis!
She flies in the shade of the two on each other's shoulders, Wayne struggling to keep his strength to carry Griffin, until Eunice makes shade for Mavis at the tip of the crystal next to the one Mavis was attempting to get too.
Eunice: Ready, Murray? Murray?
She looks down and sees Murray napping next to the crystal.
Eunice: Murray!
He then wakes up and stands up straight.
Murray: I'm awake! What are we doing?
Eunice grunts and takes her head off, then throws it to give Mavis the shade she needs to get to the top of the tallest crystal. At the top, she turns back to normal.
Mavis: Okay, Y/n, please still be in there.
She fires the beam at Y/n, hitting him directly, the beam, however, doesn't work, Y/n then strikes the crystal, shattering it, making Mavis fall. She then gasps as she looks up at Y/n, the electricity shooting everywhere, his body hardly even a humanoid shape.
Mavis: We're too late.
Drac: No! It can't be!
He then takes a step forward and steps on Squishy, he groans as he lifts his foot, some of the jelly stuck to his foot, before he gasps.
Drac: Sorry about this, Blobby.
He then steps on Blobby again, getting his other foot covered in Jello, before he skates up a crystal up to Y/n.
Drac: Y/n!
Electricity catches Drac, as the Y/n lifts himself to Drac's eye level.
Mavis: Dad!
The rest of the group gasps, before they realize that the electricity isn't hurting Drac.
Y/n: Sp-ea-k.
Drac: Y/n, you are the marshmallow!
All: Huh?
Griffin: Wait, he had a Marshmallow on him?
Drac: You taught me that if I only saw the worst in things, I would miss the best parts, and you were right. I know you are worried about what happens when your life comes to an end, but if you only worry about that, you'll miss the good that happens when your life is still going.
The red in Y/n's eyes start to flicker and fade.
Drac: Before you, my life was like a burnt marshmallow, hard and crunchy and sad, but you cracked it open, and it became the ooey-gooey center of all of our lives.
Wayne, sighing: We're dead.
Drac: What I'm trying to say is that you are part of the family, my family. I can't believe it took me becoming a human to realize it, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to say it, and maybe now it's too late. As long as the people you've affected with your positivity, with your happiness, with your stories of heroism, you will never be gone from this family. No matter how many lifetimes pass, you'll be part of my family, and so many others will see you as a true friend.
The red in Y/n's eyes fade as his form starts to rebuild itself.
Y/n: D-Dr-ac?
Drac: Y/n!
Y/n puts Drac down and lowers himself, his body fully reformed. Ericka hands Mavis the ray, Mavis aimed it at the electrical form and fired it. The lightly colored electricity faded as Y/n returned to normal.
Mavis: Y/n!
She runs up and hugs Y/n
Y/n, strained: Mavis!
She hugs both Y/n and Drac, who hug her back. The rest take a trip back on the blimp, where Y/n turns the monsters back to how they were before.
Frank: Hey, not bad, huh?
Eunice screams and grabs a scimitar off the wall, and cuts Frank's hair back to normal, who groans in annoyance.
Eunice: Much better.
Wanda leans back in a lawn chair as Wayne is covered in his sleeping pups.
Wayne: I miss being Walter.
One of his pups then bites his foot.
Wayne: Ow!
Griffin, now invisible, tries taking off the tight clothes.
Murray Woah-woah-woah-woah-woah-woah! No-no! You are keeping those on!
He forces the clothes back onto Griffin.
Griffin: Don't be so uptight. I'm inviz.
Murray: Man, just because you're invisible doesn't mean you get to be naked. What is wrong with you?
Y/n: Alright Blobby, sorry it took so long.
He pointed the beam at Blobby and fired it, Blobby grew back to normal size.
Y/n: Uh, yeah you look fine.
Blobby growled disapprovingly at the googly eyes and plate in him, and the footprints on him. Drac ties his tie with his powers.
Drac, chuckling: Oh.
He then notices Mavis silently piloting the blimp alone.
Ericka: Go ahead. Now's your chance.
Y/n walked up to Mavis with the ray.
Y/n: Being a monster isn't half bad.
Mavis: Y/n, you don't need to be a monster for me.
Y/n: I know, I don't want to turn back anyways. As it turns out, having your body replaced by electricity hurts. A lot.
Drac: Uh, Mavey? Y/n?
Mavis: Yes?
Drac: Well, I-I...I know a lot has happened...but I was hoping that, uh, if-if you're still interested, I, uh...I wanted to say that the hotel...
He sighs silently.
Drac: That the hotel is destroyed!
Y/n and Mavis: Huh?!
They look out the window and see the hotel burning.
Drac: What happened?!
Y/n: We leave for like, what, a few days and everything falls apart?!
Gigi then walks out of the smoke and roars, then gnaws on the remains of the hotel.
Drac: hotel!
Y/n charges up energy in his fists and opens one of the doors, Y/n and Drac both jump out, Drac turns into a bat and Y/n flies next to him.
Drac: My hotel, my hotel, my hotel!
He fires the ray at Gigi, turning her back to normal.
Y/n: Oh, I guess we're not doing an epic final showdown against Gigi. Phew, I am so okay with that.
Him and Drac fly down to the broken entrance of the hotel, as Drac picks up broken parts of the hotel.
Drac: hotel. My hotel. My hotel. My hotel.
He dings the small, broken golden bell.
Drac: My hotel.
The other monsters walk up, gasping and murmuring.
Wanda: Oh, no.
Murray: Oh, man, this is unbelievable.
Tinkles then pops his head out from the rubble, as well as the other pets and Van Helsing. Tinkles opens his mouth and Dennis and Whinnie roll out.
Dennis: Hi, Mama! Hi, Papa!
Mavis and Y/n: Dennis!
They both hug Dennis and each other, before looking at Drac.
Y/n: Don't worry, Drac. We'll rebuild it just the way it was.
Drac: No. Rebuild it the way you want to.
He hands Y/n and Mavis the large key.
Drac: It's your hotel now
Y/n: Did you have that with you the whole time?
Mavis: Dad, are you sure?
Drac: It's time to begin a new chapter.
Y/n: As nice as this moment is, you two better find some cover, the sun's coming up.

[One year later]

Fireworks go off in the sky as the new hotel is officially finished.
Y/n: Okay, Drac, open your eyes!
He opens his eyes and gasps, the hotel is fully rebuilt, almost exactly the same way it was before.
Drac: The...the hotel! I-I don't understand. It-It's exactly the same.
Mavis: Well, we just made a couple of tiny adjustments.
The two led Drac inside the hotel, where there was now much more room in the lobby, as well as a game room off to the side, and a spa.
Y/n: We also added a few rooms for the people who live here, we added a few more security measures, I added a dojo for monsters wanting to learn self defense, oh, and the new bathroom and gym.
Y/n gave Drac a tour of the new hotel, finally finishing up not much later. When it hit midnight, Y/n charged electricity in his hand leftover from his transformation, and shot it up for the final firework.

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