Chapter 18: Broken Crystal

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Y/n and Drac were in Van Helsing's lab as he examined the crystal.
Van Helsing: Well, it's broken. The crystal's cracked, and it's beyond repair.
Drac: Wait, what?! Then get a new one!
Van Helsing: These crystals are very rare and hard to come by. It took me three years to find that one. You see, I was a young monster hunter at the time--well, not too young, but I felt young.
Drac: Okay, don't need the whole story.
Van Helsing: Well, luckily for you, I was brilliant enough to install a locator on the ray for just this situation.
He pressed a small button on the ray, which made it open and projected a map, and showed a red dot in the middle of South america.
Van Helsing: There it is!
Drac: South America?!
Y/n: That's a problem...well, we can just drop down and get the new crystal.
Van Helsing: If it were but that simple, my friend. First, you must travel through the treacherous jungle. Survival's doubtful. Then down a perilous river, until you reach the Cave of the Reflexion! Where entering is deadly, and escape, impossible! cost me my right back wheel.
Drac: Uh, sorry for your loss?
The hologram shrunk down to a map on the ray, which Van Helsing handed to Drac.
Van Helsing: Well, happy hunting.
Drac, groaning: Ugh, this is a disaster!
Y/n: We'll get this sorted out quickly. I should tell Mavis we're going...but at the same time, maybe that would freak her out too much. Besides, we haven't gotten much time to get to know each other better.
Drac: Right, right! Okay, time to go, not a moment to waste!
He jumped in the air and flapped his arms, before falling to the ground.
Drac: Right, still human.

[In the Dining Hall]

The Ice Sculpture of Drac was starting to melt, the magic of the beam still inside it.
Frank: I-I don't know. It took me by surprise. It's, uh, kind of an improvement.
Wayne: Right? I think Y/n looked way better as a monster.
Griffin: Yeah, there's a good-looking guy in there.
Murray: Even if he doesn't have much of a physical body, man if only Mavis could see him.
Frank's phone rang and he pulled it out of his suit.
Frank: Hey, it's Drac. "Going to find crystal to fix ray, to turn us back to normal." "Don't tell Mavis"?
Wayne, groaning: Drac always does this. I hate getting caught between him and Mavis.
Frank: What should I write back?
Murray: How about, "No, we're not covering for you anymore"?
Griffin: Yeah, "Now that you're human, you can't do nothing about it."
Wayne: "Go do your own dirty work for a change, buster."
Frank: Okay, got it. Send.
Griffin/Murray: What?!
Wayne: You actually sent that?!
Murray: Oh, man, we're in trouble now.
Frank: Nah, I just sent him a GIF.
He shows them the GIF of A cat dancing as Blobby walked up.
Frank: Oh, hey, Blobby, check it out.
He showed Blobby the GIF, who copied the cat, making Frank laugh.
Murray: That's a nice one, Blobby.
Griffin: Hey, here's to Blobby.
He took a cup and got some of the green water from the fountain, then mimicked blobby, who gave a startled response.
Griffin: No, Bl-- No, Blobby. I just said, "Here's a toast to a bunch of great guys." What does he think I said?
Blobby gives a low growl, as the group grab cups and drink the green water. After drinking it, they start to transform.
Murray: Something is happening! Oh!
He screams as all of his bandages fall off, Wayne's fur starts to shed, Griffin starts to become visible and Frank's stitching starts to fall out.
Griffin: Oh, no. No, nose, nose!
Frank: Uh, wh...why? My stitches! Oh! What the-- What's going on?
Murray's Bandages then fall apart, where he was now stood an old man.
Murray: What the-
Wayne's fur continued falling off.
Wayne: My fur!
The fur around his head falls off, turning him human, as he rapidly grows a beard and mustache.
Griffin: Oh, no, no. What's this, you guys? Oh, I'm balding?
Murray: What's happening?
Wayne: What the...
The two saw each other and screamed as Griffin became fully visible.
Wayne/Murray: Naked!
Griffin: Huh?
He screams and scrambles to cover himself up.
Frank: Wow. What's up, fellas?
He turns away from the window where he was checking his reflection and takes a selfie of himself.
Wayne: Oh.
Griffin: Oh he got the worst of it.
Blobby then burbled, confused, before rapidly turning into regular Jello, the four other ex-monsters scream in horror.

[Meanwhile, with Drac and Y/n.]

The two were flying on Gremlin Airlines, Y/n using his newfound powers to inhabit Drac's phone.
Y/n: I have so much leg room in here, surprisingly. How are you doing, Drac?
Drac was hyperventilating into an oxygen bag.
???: Feeling better?
Drac looks at the oxygen bag, which was another type of monster.
Airbag Monster: Nervous flier, huh?
Drac screams and pushes the monster away.
Drac: How is this plane even in the sky?! What is that sound? Do you smell burning?
Y/n: Drac I'm in your phone, no I do not smell any burning.
Drac: Is that duct tape holding the wing together?!
The Duct Tape then breaks, making a large part of the wing fall off as Drac screams and pushes himself away from the window.
Pilot: Okay, folks, we've reached our cruising altitude. We're not expecting any turbulence, so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
Drac starts to calm down and sits back in his seat and sighs, before the gremlin pilot makes the plane bounce up and down, forcing Y/n out of Drac's phone and into a seat as the plane then spins, making Drac nauseous.
Y/n: Uh, Drac? Need the window?
Drac shot out of his seat and ran to the bathroom, before getting stopped by one of the flight attendants.
Flight attendant: Aw, are you feeling sick?
Drac: Yes.
He retches in his mouth, and tries to get around her.
Drac: I just need to-
Flight attendant: Try spinning!
She spins Drac around.
Flight Attendant: Huh. Maybe some food will settle your stomach.
She holds the monster food (that is in no way fit for human consumption) up to Drac.
Flight Attendant: No? Or maybe some fresh air, then.
She ties a rope to Drac's legs and opens the door to the plane, sending him out, but still tethered to the plane.
Flight Attendant: he seems better.
Y/n: At the very least, he'll be able to throw up.
Flight Attendant: Helping's my job.

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