Chapter 20: Closer and Closer

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Y/n and Drac make their way through the Jungle at faster speeds, as they walk, Y/n's electric body spasms out of control and starts flashing colors, before he shoots lighting into the sky, before it crashes back down, then Y/n regains control of his body.
Y/n: Huh, being a monster is kinda weird.
Drac: Yeah, but being a human is the worst.
Y/n: I know, right? I can't even imagine life without my powers now.
A mosquito then buzzes past Drac.
Drac: What was that?!
Another Mosquito lands on Drac and starts to suck on his arm, before he slaps it.
Drac: Mosquito!
Y/n: There's been a lot of comparisons between Vampires and Mosquitos over the years, I understand on a base level, but I can't see a Mosquito making a good parent.
The Mosquitoes start to swarm Drac as he slaps them away.
Drac: They're everywhere! Yi! Y/n, they're all over you!
Y/n: I mean if they touch me they're gonna get zapped, so not much of a problem for me.
They stop swarming Y/n, and immediately swarm to Drac. Y/n manages to grab a Mosquito, and sent a small jolt of electricity through the entire swarm, one at a time...think Lighting Reed from PVZ2.

[With Mavis and Ericka]

Mavis and Ericka took a blimp to find the boys, Ericka piloting the ship while Mavis looked at a map, with the pups in the back with Wendy trying to keep their chaos in control, and Wayne trying to find clothes for Griffin.
Wayne: Here, try this.
Griffin grabbed the small unicorn shirt and tried it on, though it didn't fit.
Griffin: Seriously? I look ridiculous.
Frank: Keep your shirt on pal! We've seen more than enough of you. Me, on the other hand--easy on the eyes.
Eunice: Ugh, please. I wish I had Y/n here to smack some sense into ya.
Wendell: Coming through!
Wanda: Wendell, get down from there. Wally, sweetie, uh-uh, don't touch that. Wendy, no. Put that down.
A large arrow-thing hit the box behind Wanda, which she hit her head on.
Wanda: Ow. Wesley, what did I just-- Huh?
She looks over and sees Murray holding the crossbow.
Murray: Oops.
He chuckles awkwardly
Murray: My bad.
He puts the crossbow behind his back, knocking another harpoon gun down and making it fire and almost hit Mavis.
Mavis: Oh!
Ericka: Hey! Do not make me come back there! I will turn this blimp around!
All: Sorry Ericka.
Mavis: Sorry, I didn't think leaving them at a monster hotel would be safe. Guess I didn't realize your blimp would be such a, uh...
Ericka: A monster killing machine?
Mavis: Psssh, what? No.
He leans on the control panel and accidentally presses a button, opening a trap door beneath her, though she turns into a bat and flies back into the blimp quickly.
Mavis: Okay. Yeah, it's a death trap.
Ericka: Yeah. Sorry about that. All this-- this is the old me. Your dad helped me leave that all behind. I hope he's okay.
Mavis: Don't worry. We're gonna find them.
The blimp flies from Transylvania to South America and over the jungle, when they're over the Jungle, the group goes to the front of the blimp.
Ericka: Okay, guys, we've made it.
Others: Woah!
Eunice: It's enormous. How are we gonna find them in there?
Frank: Didn't Y/n become an electric monster? Can't we just look for any signs of electricity?
Ericka: The canopy is too thick, it'll drown out most if not all of the electricity he could try to produce to signal us.
Mavis: I think I have an idea.
She quickly puts on some gear to go down to the Jungle.
Mavis: But we're gonna have to take this search to the ground.
Ericka: I have just the thing.
The group all drive out of the blimp in a car, which ejects a parachute as they fall, then landing in Jungle and driving through it. The monsters and humans in the back talking with excitement or nervousness. The car goes over a bump, launching Eunice and Frank into the air before they land back in the car.
Eunice: Oh, my hair!
Frank: Oh, my hair.
Griffin: Ah! Where's Blobby?
The jello lands back on the plate.
Ericka: Okay Mavis, what's the plan?
Mavis turns into a bat and jumps onto the hood, and uses her supersonic hearing to find the boys, she manages to find them through the crackling of electricity that Y/n was creating.

[With Drac and Y/n]

Drac wakes up with a headache, he doesn't remember what happened to make him pass out, but he was being carried.
Drac: Oh! My Head! What? What's going on?
Y/n: Oh, you're awake.
Drac: What happened?
Y/n: Not sure, you just passed out while we were walking. You were probably overexerting yourself.
Drac: How are you carrying me without electrocuting me?
Y/n: Rubber.
Drac: Hey, where are we?
Y/n: Following the map.
Drac: Okay, it seems like we're going in the right direction.
The map then fizzles out and turns off.
Drac: Huh? Wh-what's going on? Oh, what's wrong with this thing? We lost the signal. Why would it just--
The two then found themselves at the top of A mountain.
Y/n: Oh my god am I getting dumber? How did I climb an entire mountain without realizing it?
Drac: Just-get us down.
Y/n nodded and rushed down the mountain the way they came and continued on the path at the same speed.
Y/n: We could've just done this the whole time.
Drac: Finally, now we're getting somewhere!
After a few hours, the sun had set and the two had set up camp. Y/n and Drac were roasting marshmallows, and by that, I mean Drac was roasting marshmallows, Y/n was frying them because they melt every time he touches one.
Y/n: Aww.
Drac's marshmallow then lit on fire.
Drac: Aw, no, it's ruined!
Y/n: Not exactly, Drac. Try pulling it apart.
Drac: Huh? Okay.
He pulled at the two sides and they split, the gooey inside keeping the two halves together.
Y/n: See? Sometimes, you just need to look past the bad and focus on the good. Go ahead, try it.
Drac tried to gooey Marshmallow.
Drac: Mmm. Gooeylicious!
Y/n: I feel like Blobby wouldn't appreciate that word.
The two laugh together as Drac grabs another Marshmallow.
Drac: I guess it's always been hard for me to see the positive side of things. You know, raising a daughter on your own for so long, you're constantly worried. Always fearing the worst. That's why I built the hotel. To protect her. To protect all of us. It's...It's part of our family. Sorry.
He sniffles and wipes some tears away.
Drac: Maybe it's this new me, but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Y/n: I know what you mean.
Drac: You do?
Y/n: Not about raising kids alone, no, but having trouble seeing the positive side? I relate to that all too much.
Drac: How so?
Y/n: Well, I started going after Monster Hunters when I was fifteen...crazy to think that only four years later I would go to the hotel and meet you.
Drac: You were only 15?
Y/n: Still in high school, I taught myself how to fight. I didn't think it was right to hunt other living beings just like me because they're different. Truth be told, I've always thought monsters were cool.
Drac: Really? That's new.
Y/n: I mean, all their unique abilities, how different they are to humans, I find all the small differences cool...but after I became A vigilante, I was exposed to the darker side of our world. It broke me down the longer I interacted with it. Slowly I started to become a shell of my former self, until my parents lifted my spirits with this exact metaphor, that marshmallow I had that night was the best marshmallow I've ever had. I think that was my real start as a vigilante.
Drac: Is that why you still do what you do?
Y/n: No, I do what I do for my family. We both know what that's like.
Drac: Exactly.
Y/n: I have a wife and kid that I should watch over. They can handle themselves, yes, but they haven't seen combat like I have. After fighting so much, it becomes part of your nature to fight for what you want to protect. When I pass on, I'm worried that Mavis won't find another Zing like you did. I don't want her to live the rest of her and Dennis' life in sadness because she was meant to be with a mortal creature.
Drac: Y/n, I promise to you, we'll either find a way to make you live longer, or I'll take care of Mavis when the time comes.
Y/n: I appreciate that, Drac.
Drac: You know, I always figured you'd have tried to become a monster sooner than you did.
Y/n: Oh, I did.
Drac: You did?
Y/n: Yeah, I tried to convince Mavis to turn me into a vampire.
Drac: She said no?
Y/n: She said no, and then gave me a lecture on loving myself how I am.
Drac: Was it because of the mortality thing?
Y/n: No, I just wanted to be a Vampire.
Drac: Why?
Y/n: Vampires are cool.
Drac: Fair point.
Just as Y/n was about to speak again, Ericka's car drove through the bushes and came to a stop in front of them.
Mavis: Y/n!
Y/n: Mavis!
She went to hug him, but Y/n moved.
Y/n: I'd love to hug you too, honey, but electricity tends to hurt!
Mavis: Right, right, it's you! It is still you in there, isn't it?
Y/n: Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?
Ericka: Hey hot stuff.
Drac: Ericka!
He tries to make himself look more fit by inhaling, but Ericka just chuckles.
Ericka: Don't sweat it.
She kisses him quickly.
Ericka: I love you inside and out.
Drac exhales with a sigh.
Drac: Ericka, what's going on? I-I mean, what are you doing here?
Griffin: She's not the only one. Hey, hey, buddy.
Drac: Guys? You--I-I mean, you're...
Murray: Human? Yeah, we noticed.
Frank: Though in my case, it's a huge improvement.
Y/n: Jesus-
The other three sigh.
Griffin: Can we move on?
Drac: I don't understand, I mean, how did this happen?
Mavis: That's what I'd like to know, Y/n, why'd you turn yourself into a monster.
Y/n: Humans die of old age eventually...monsters don't. If I have the opportunity to not have to leave you because I kicked the bucket I'm taking that opportunity.
The group collectively awed, until Y/n's body started to crackle with more electricity, and his colors started to flash more, his voice becoming distorted as thunderclouds surrounded overhead. In a burst of light, several bolts of lightning struck at once, and Y/n's voice distorted
Suddenly, Y/n darted off into the jungle as a bolt of lightning.
Mavis: Y/n, wait!
The group stood there, stunned, until Mavis turned into a bat.
Mavis: Ericka, let me know if you find the crystal, I need to find Y/n before it's too late.
Drac: "Too late"? What does that mean?
Ericka: Come on. I'll fill you in on the way.
The group gathered in the car and drove off.

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