Chapter 16: Dracula's announcement!

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Y/n was in the dining room of the hotel for the hotel's 125th anniversary, Y/n was on stage, finishing a speech that he was asked to give.
Y/n: That's all I have to say, so, here's to this wonderful hotel, and 125 years!
The crowd cheered.
Van Helsing: Hear! Hear!
Wayne: Way to go, Drac!
Murray: Well done!
Drac, laughing awkwardly: Yes, so great. Thank you, Y/n. What a wonderful speech.
Y/n put the microphone down and walked to the table with Drac and Mavis.
Y/n: That was one of the worst things I've ever written, and I don't write all too often.
Drac: But, now it's time to start the main part of the celebration.
Y/n: Why couldn't we have skipped over the speech thing?
Mavis: You were the first human allowed in the Hotel, it's kind of a big deal.
The Celebration started, with Dennis bursting through the doors atop Tinkles.
Dennis: Happy hotel anniversary, Papa Drac!
Another dog monster was bouncing on a beach ball, while a gremlin lit a ring on fire that Whinnie was carrying, who then jumped through it several times.
Whinnie: Good boy!
Y/n: I...didn't put any of this in the plan...
Dennis: I made a few adjustments.
Y/n: Is any of it safe?
Dennis: Probably!
Y/n: I don't like the sound of that, I'll make sure nobody gets hurt.
Dennis: Frank!
Y/n: You got Frank in on this?
Frank then came out on a unicycle juggling chainsaws.
Frank: Isn't this great? I learned from Y/n!
Y/n: How? I don't do things this dangerous, right?
Mavis shot Y/n a glare.
Y/n: Okay, point taken.
Eunice: And we only had to replace his hands twice during rehearsals!
An Ice Sculpture of what seemed like it was supposed to be Drac was wheeled out, then Zombies started to juggle flaming rods.
Y/n: This is a mess...
Wayne's pups then ran out with signs supposed to say "Happy Anniversary", but they tripped and seemingly lost some signs, as they ended up spelling "Very Phine As". Two of the zombies then lit on fire, freaking Frank out and making him throw the chainsaws into the air.
Drac: Oh that's not good.
Y/n: We really gotta work on that fire phobia.
One of the Chainsaws cut the anniversary banner in half, and another landed in blobby, making him shake violently, as another cut the chandelier above Wayne, Murray, Eunice, Wanda, Y/n jumped up and caught the Chandelier, before landing and putting it down gently. Another one of the Chainsaws...wait why are there four suddenly? Eh, whatever, the fourth anomalous chainsaw cut off the head of the ice sculpture, and landed right in front of Drac.
Drac: Okay, that's enough.
He flew into the air and froze time.
Mavis: Uh, Dad?
He looked down at his daughter, who gave him a death glare.
Drac: Oh, right. Can't freeze other vampires. Oh, hey, Mavey Wavey! Just making a couple of tiny adjustments.
He fixed the Chandelier, then rearranged the pups, before stopping Tinkles from eating the cake.
Mavis: Dad, Y/n tried doing this all for you, even if some of this stuff wasn't in his plan. He was trying to make this day special.
Drac put out the zombie on fire, then put Frank in a seat and got him a slice of cake.
Drac: That's the problem, things have a tendency to, er, how to put this...
Mavis: Turn to chaos when he's around?
Drac: I was going to say fall to ruin when he's around, but yes! Wow, thank you, dear son-in-law.
Mavis: What was that?
Drac: Oh, hey, nothing, honeybat.
Drac took the Chainsaw and repaired the ice statue to look like him.
Mavis: Dad, I know you and Y/n don't always see eye to eye-
Drac: Because he's short?
Mavis: ...Well, yes I suppose there's that, but I love him, and I wouldn't change a thing.
Drac: Really? You sure you wouldn't make just a few teensy changes?
He uses his super speed to put Y/n in a tux and calm his hair down.
Drac: Better, no?
Mavis: No!
She then spins the frozen human back to his original appearance, somehow.
Mavis: He's perfect just the way he is.
Drac: Okay, okay. Whatever you say, honeybat.
They walk away from the frozen vigilante.
Drac: Now, let's continue this special day, 'cause it's gonna get even more specialer.
Mavis: All right, what are you up to?
Drac: What, me? Nothing.
He snaps his fingers and time unfreezes, as everyone murmurs in confusion.
Frank: Huh? Oh.
Y/n: No mess? No mess! Thank the heavens!
Drac then went up on stage with the microphone as Y/n sat next to Mavis.
Drac: Thank you for attempting to make a plan for this party, Y/n. Don't forget, exactly at Midnight, I will make a special once-in-a-lifetime announcement! In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the band.
The Zombie musicians from Mavis's 118th birthday party all those years ago started to play classical music as Drac stepped outside, and sighed.
Ericka: Yoo-hoo! You ready for your big speech, honey fangs?
Drac: Yes, I think so. But, that whole party thing Y/n tried planning is giving me the biggest headache of my entire existence right now, like a giant wooden stake right through my brain!
Ericka: Oh, you know Y/n. Things tend to get weird around him.
Drac: Yes, exactly. And it makes a mess of everything. That's the problem.
Ericka: Well, you'll have to get used to things being done a little differently around here when you retire.
Drac: Shh!
Ericka's statement was carried silently through the party to Mavis.
Mavis: Retire?
Drac: Not so loud. Mavis has supersonic hearing.
Ericka: Why would she be listening? Don't be so paranoid.
Drac: Yes, I-I'm sure you're right. I just...I don't want anything else to go wrong. Everything has to go perfect, when I finally give the hotel to Mavis.
Mavis, spitting out her drink: What?!
Ericka: And Y/n.
Drac: Yes, and Y/n.
Ericka: Oh, it is a big step. I know how much this hotel means to you.
Drac: Ah, yes, but it is time to let go and start a new chapter, together.
Ericka: Well, you are just all sorts of wonderful, aren't you?
Drac: Well, it's not for nothing that they call me Count Wonderful.
Ericka: Oh. Do they?
Drac: And also Dark Prince of Loveliness.
Ericka: Mm-hmm.
Drac: Lord of Smoochy Time.
The two kissed as Mavis was still eavesdropping on them.
Ericka: Oh, stop it, Drac.
Mavis shuddered and started to rub away the bat ear.
Mavis: Oh! Ew, ew. Ew-ew-ew-ew-ew-ew.
Y/n: You can choose what part of your body can turn into a bat?
Mavis: Holy rabies. Holy rabies!
He picked up Y/n, who normally would freak out, considering he's a fully grown adult man that's very physically fit and around 6 feet tall, but he's gotten used to it after several years of being picked up like it was nothing.
Mavis: You're never going to believe it!
Y/n: What? What's going on?
Mavis: Y/n, you better sit down for this.
She put Y/n in a chair.
Y/n: Is it about Dracs' retirement?
Mavis: How did you know?
Y/n: I picked up on the clues. I was a crime fighter before we met, remember? I had to do a bit of detective work to figure that stuff out. Also Intuition and he's at the age that Vampires usually retire.
Mavis: Right, right, but he's gonna leave us the hotel!
Y/n: Oh, sweet! You're gonna be great!
Mavis: Us. We're gonna be great. He's leaving the hotel to both of us.
Y/n: Both of us? You're sure about that?
Mavis: Of course, why wouldn't he?
Y/n: Him and I haven't exactly gotten along in the past, we don't hate each other, and we're friendly, but I was really only trusted with work in the kitchen and with Dennis before.
Mavis: Oh, don't worry, you've proven yourself worthy to take care of the hotel plenty of times.
Y/n: By fighting, I think that's a very important fact we're overlooking. I've solved most, if not all of the problems that have faced the hotel with fighting.
Mavis: That's not all you are, Y/n.
Y/n: Thanks, Mavis.
Mavis: Of course, sweetie.
Y/n: I think I need to go for a walk for a bit.
Mavis: Take all the time you need, I'll come find you when it reaches Midnight.
Y/n nodded and left, going backstage to find Drac, who was practicing his speech.
Y/n: Drac! I need some help!
Drac: What? Oh, what do you need help with Y/n?
Y/n: Okay, so, Monsters are immortal, right?
Drac: Right...?
Y/n: Which means they can live forever, right?
Drac: Right...where is this going?
Y/n: Humans, are not immortal, so eventually I'm going to kick the bucket, and it's not a matter of "if" like for monsters, it's a matter of "when" which means I won't be able to see Dennis grow up, or help Mavis through hard times of parenting, or be there until the 300 year anniversary for the hotel, I'll be here for less than a quarter of Dennis's life!
Drac: We really need to get you some therapy...
Y/n: I've been working on it, do you know of any solutions?
Drac: Well, uh, there's really not much I can tell you, I suppose, just enjoy your time with Mavis as much as possible?
Y/n nodded and left the stage, just as the stagelight turned on and the curtain opened, making the crowd cheer.
Ericka, leaning to Mavis: Excited for the big announcement?
Mavis: You have no idea.
Drac walked up to the microphone and gulped, then chuckled nervously as he tapped the microphone, making feedback. Y/n sat by Mavis.
Mavis: There you are. You almost missed it.
Y/n: Uh-huh.
Drac: Uh, dearest friends and...
Drac dropped his Flashcards all over the stage.
Murray: What's wrong with him?
Frank: Boy, is he nervous.
Wayne: This is hard to watch.
Griffin: Get on with it!
Eurice: Griffin!
Griffin: What? He's dying up there.
Eurice: I know, but you have to be respectful.
Drac scrambled to pick up the flash cards.
Eurice: Get on with it already!
Drac: I...uh...Dearest family, friends, and, uh, and honored guests, I...I have started a new phase, uh, in my life.
Mavis: Here it comes.
Drac: And I feel that now is the time for Hotel Transylvania to, um...uh...uh...Oh. Expand! Yes! We are expanding the hotel!
Ericka/Mavis: What?!
Drac: Yes, yes. In order to address the increasingly long lines, I am pleased to announce we will be adding a new restroom to the lobby. Oh, and I suppose, due to popular demand, we will add a gym.
Murray: Can't ever have enough bathrooms...
Mavis: But...*sigh*...but I thought I heard...
Y/n, quietly: Something tells me there's more to this than meets the eye.
Drac: So, let's get on with the party! Take it away, Blobby!
Blobby turned on the Cha Cha Slide, as the monsters all gathered on the dance floor, except for Y/n.
Ericka: Uh, what happened up there?
Drac: Oh. Uh, uh, Wh-What? What was that, sweetheart? The music-- it is so booming. Oh, yeah, feel it, baby.
Ericka: Drac!
He danced his way out of that encounter, into another.
Drac: Mavis!
Mavis: A new restroom? And A Gym? Really, Dad? That was the big surprise? There wasn't anything else you were gonna announce?
Drac: Like what?
Mavis: Like-- I don't know-- your retirement.
Drac: What?! Uh...Oh! Listen to those, uh, dope-tastic beats. Uh, shake a leg, honeybat.
Mavis: Dad, wait!
He ran away from Mavis and past the table that Y/n was sitting at.
Y/n: I have a terrible feeling that my current mental state has something to do with this. If only I could stop worrying so much about my mortality.
Van Helsing: So, you don't want to worry about Mortality, huh?
Y/n: Van Helsing?
Van Helsing: I can help with that. I've got just the thing down in my lab.

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