Chapter 10: Back to the Hotel

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After a while at Y/n' parent's house, Mavis started to realize she was very out of touch in the human world, and Y/n offered to go back to the Hotel if she felt too out of place, and to see Dennis again.
Mavis: That would be helpful. Maybe if Dennis grows up away from Transylvania he won't be so freaky, like me.
Y/n: Mavis, you're amazing, you're so full of life and curious about everything, if Dennis grows up to be like you, I'd be one lucky father.
Y/n then got a text from his friend, Johnny, sending him a Video.
Johnny: Dude, this kid is an absolute daredevil!
The two watched the attached video and to their shock, and horror, it was Dennis falling from a tower and being caught by Drac, who was clearly trying to teach him how to become a bat.
Mavis: What the-?!
Y/n: We've had the wool pulled over our eyes! Of course he was trying to make Dennis a vampire while we were gone!
The two got into the car as swiftly as they could after packing their stuff and got onto the road as fast as possible as Mavis tried to call her dad.
Drac: Yes, honeybunch?
Mavis: Dad, where are you?
Drac: Um...we're having a cookout, outside the hotel.
Y/n: Is that A siren?
Drac: Uh, those are just some wailing banshees checking in!
Dennis: Is that mommy and daddy? I wanna say hi! Mommy! Daddy! Papa Drac taught me how to fly!
Y/n, tightening his grip on the wheel: Did he now? That's so cool! Hopefully he didn't do anything too dangerous.
Mavis: We're going to the hotel right now! And you better be there or I swear, Dad, you're gonna be very sorry!
Y/n: There are many things I want to say right now, but Dennis is present, so I will not say anything, just know it's all very bad!
They hung up the call and sped up.
Y/n: How are we gonna get there quickly? We'd have to catch multiple connecting flights to even get to Transylvania!
Mavis: It's getting Dark, I should be able to fly us there!
Y/n: Wait, what?! Wouldn't that be too heavy?
Mavis: Of course not!
She turned into a bat and flew the car to the hotel, when they got there they sat outside waiting for Drac, who arrived shortly after.
Mavis: Give us our son.
Drac: We just went out for some Avocado.
Dennis: Mommy! Daddy! I flew!
Y/n: We saw, buddy, good job. But, don't try anything that reckless again, please? I can't stand the idea of my little buddy getting hurt.
Dennis practically jumped into Y/n's arms and Y/n took Dennis inside.
Y/n: Hey buddy, you know what's coming up soon?
Dennis: What?
Y/n: Your fifth birthday! You're gonna be five soon bud!
Dennis: Yay!
Y/n: You know who mommy invited? Because I don't.
Dennis: She invited Daddy's family!
Y/n: Ah, Mom and Dad, remember them?
Dennis nodded excitedly and Y/n smiled softly at the boy as he turned on some calming music and slowly danced around Dennis' bedroom with the boy, slowly putting the small boy to sleep.
Y/n: Sweet dreams, hero.
Dennis smiled as Y/n put him in his bed, turned off the music, and walked out of the room, where Mavis was standing.
Mavis: Where's Dennis?
Y/n: I just put him to sleep.
Mavis: All by yourself? I could've helped.
Y/n: It's okay, I just did some calm dancing to get him to sleep.
Mavis: You really are a jack of all trades, huh?
Y/n: Seems like it.
The two hugged outside of Dennis' room before going back inside to watch after him for the night.

Hotel Transylvania: The Hero (Hotel Transylvania X Male!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora