Chapter 6: The Return

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Drac went to find Mavis, who was in her room, he opened the door after knocking.
Mavis: Dad, can you do me a favor?
Drac: Yes, yes of course, darling. Anything.
Mavis: Will you erase my mind?
Drac: No, no, no, no. No, I won't do that, there's too much I want you to remember.
Mavis: You were right, Dad. The Humans hate us.
Drac: Sweetheart, there are so many monsters out there. You're still so young to...What is it? What are you reading?
Drac and Mavis read the book Drac read to Mavis as a child about Zings.
Mavis: I thought we Zinged, dad.
Drac, gasping: You and Y/n?
Mavis: I guess it was only me. But you should be happy, Dad. There's no reason for me to leave. No more dreams. I'm just like you.
Drac: Martha...what have I done?
He left to get the monsters to help him, though most of them didn't believe him and refused to trust him.
Eunice: Frank's not talking to you. First you tell us humans are bad, now they're good. What else? Up is down, Cold is hot, gremlins don't smell.
Gremlin man: Hey!
Frank: I really liked Y/n, cousin or no, he told good stories.
Drac: I think they Zinged.
The monsters, shocked, restated what he said for confirmation.
Drac: But I got in the way.
Griffin: Well, what are we doing? Let's get Y/n. Come on! Yeah, let's do it! Come on! Yeah! Okay, okay, where am I going?
Drac: The human world, before Y/n's gone forever.
Murray: But what about the sun?
Drac: I don't know. We'll just have to roll. So we follow his trail of, something, that's where you come in, Wayne.
Wayne: Me? There!
Drac: I knew he would drop something from that bag of his.
Wayne: Wait, you want me to track his scent? No way, my tracking days are far behind me.
After some convincing, the group left to go find Y/n, where they found him in an Airplane to go back to New York, learning that the monster hunter he was going after was already arrested due to many other crimes he did there. Drac flew up next to the window next to Y/n, who was watching (And heavily judging) Twilight.
Drac: Is this how we're represented? Y/n! Y/n! Do you hear me?
Y/n: Huh? Drac? What are you doing?
Drac: I'm sorry!
Y/n: Huh? I can't hear you dude.
Dracula then flew up and mind controlled the Pilot to talk to Y/n.
Drac: My dear boy, I have made a terrible mistake. I was trying to keep my baby to myself, because I knew I would always protect her... but I realize now children need to discover things for themselves. They'll stumble and fall, laugh and cry, but such is life. The truth is... you and Mavis are meant to be. You zinged! If she must give her trust to someone else, I'm thankful that it is you, Y/n. I hope you can hear me, and forgive me.
Y/n smiled and went up to the cabin and gave him a thumbs up, then went to the back as Drac flew to the other end of the plane as Y/n  jumped out, Drac catching him and flying him back to the hotel. The other monsters that Drac brought with him finally arrived and helped Dracula get Mavis out of her room.
Mavis: What's going on, Dad?
Drac: Well, we have a small surprise for you.
Mavis: Huh?
Y/n hid behind Dracula, waiting for the reveal.
Drac: Well, we all remember our first Zing, and I'd hate for you to remember heartbreak when you remember yours, so we found someone.
Mavis: Dad, you can't try to recreate the Zing, I can't believe you'd-
Dracula then stepped aside to reveal Y/n.
Y/n: Surprise!
Mavis: Y/n! But, you-
Y/n: Yea, I didn't want to hurt you, so I left, but I see my mistake now.
Mavis kissed Y/n quickly and when they broke the kiss and smiled at each other, Mavis then rushed Y/n off to show him the rest of the Hotel.

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