Chapter 7: Wedding and A Child

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It's been five years since Y/n and Mavis started dating, and now, five years later, it was their wedding day, as the two were getting ready Drac was welcoming guests.
Drac: Welcome! Welcome!
Y/n's parents then entered the hotel, excited.
Drac: Ah, M/n! D/n! Welcome, welcome!
Y/n: Mom! Dad! You actually made it!
D/n: I couldn't miss my little man's big day, could I?
Y/n hugged his parents before the ceremony started and the group took photos, of course, Dracula and Mavis didn't appear in the pictures.
The wedding starts as Y/n and Mavis walk to the podium together, the wedding seemed to fly by them. Y/n remembers almost all of his wedding, specifically cutting a screaming wedding cake and Blobby accidentally getting a gremlin stuck inside him when he tried dancing with her and Y/n helping Globby get the gremlin outside of his body.
Dracula: Is it everything you wanted, my little poisonberry?
Mavis: Oh, it is, Daddy. Except, where's Grandpa Vlad?
Dracula: Honey, your gramps would not have been cool with this. He's old school.
Mavis: But if he could just meet Y/n-
Drac: He would've eaten him, he's not as enlightened as your hip Daddy.
Y/n: And I would like to not be eaten on my wedding day, that would be kind of a killjoy.
Mavis: So, you're really okay with him not being a monster?
Drac: Monster, Human, Unicorn. As long as you're happy.
Mavis: Thanks, Dad.
The three of them climbed to the top of the hotel to look at the Moonlight.
A year later, Y/n and Mavis approach Drac.
Mavis: Hey, dad, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a fly with me.
Drac: Oh, okay! We haven't done that in forever, any special reason?
Y/n: Hmm, not that I can think of.
The two go off on A flight, and Mavis tells Drac that she's pregnant, Y/n patiently waited for the two to return, in the meantime he looked through his phone's photo album, he started to get bored when the two vampires finally returned.
Nine Months later, Y/n and Mavis were in their hotel room, Y/n supporting Mavis as she pushed, after an agonizing while, their son, Dennis, was born, he had jet black hair, just like his mother, and E/c eyes like his father. Dracula had helped them with the delivery and as Mavis held their child, he reached his hand up for the first time.
It had been a year since Dennis' birth, and they were celebrating the child's first birthday.
Y/n: I can't believe it's already been a year with this little guy.
Frank: Must be crazy, huh?
Y/n: That's an understatement.
Soon it was time for presents, and the gifts were very...unique, so to speak. Murray got him a cursed artifact, which, of course, Y/n made sure was a good kind of curse and wouldn't do anything bad to the child. Dennis walked over to Y/n, who picked the child up and put him on his shoulders.
Y/n: He's only starting to walk, I don't think he'll be able to carry around that without falling over.
Drac: You're okay, Denisovich.
D/n: His name is Dennis, named after my father.
Drac: It's not his vampire name, my little Denisvochy-weevochy.
M/n: Are we sure he's a vampire? I mean not that it's a bad thing but shouldn't he have fangs or the pasty skin you guys have?
Y/n: Mom, he's a hybrid, he's bound to have human-like and vampire-like features, his teeth are hardly growing in, I'm sure he'll grow his fangs in no time. Hey wasn't there a marvel comic about A half-vampire?
D/n: Maybe he'd be better off where we live, there are more humans there.
Y/n: Dad, there's no guarantee he'd grow up well where I grew up, you know how kids can be, he's already around others he knows and gets along with.
Eunice: We have a gift, we hope it's acceptable.
Drac: "My first guillotine." Very educational. Well played, Frank.
Mavis: It's great, we just need to baby proof that, Y/n do you have the rubber guards available?
Eunice: Baby-proofing a guillotine? So you cut your finger off, it's part of the fun.
Drac: She made me baby proof the entire hotel. Someone's overprotective.
Mavis: Y/n and I agreed we would keep Dennis as safe as possible. Oh! Y/n! Come quick! He said his first word!
Y/n rushed into the room, almost falling in the process as Dennis laughed at his Father's stumble while trying to get through the door.
Y/n: He did?! What was it?!
Dennis: Bleh bleh bleh.
Drac: I don't say bleh bleh bleh.
Mavis: We never said we did.
Drac: Then where did he get that?
Y/n gave Dennis a small fist bump, Y/n was the one who taught Dennis that, later in the lobby, Drac started to panic when his phone started ringing, forgetting that he got one, Y/n grabbed it out of his pocket and handed it to him.
Y/n: Just a phone, gramps, oh you got a text.
Drac tried texting but it didn't work.
Y/n: Maybe it's your fingernails, watch. /Psyched for date night?/
Mavis: /Gotta cancel, I can't leave Dennis./
Y/n: /Can't we get a babysitter or something? I want to spend some time with you./
Mavis: /Sorry honey, maybe next time./
Y/n: Wow, okay, well that went downhill fast.
Drac: Seems like it.

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