Chapter 1: The hotel

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Y/n L/n was a vigilante Martial Artist that specializes in stopping Monster Hunters, since the practice was outlawed a while ago. He followed one of the hunters he's been chasing A while to Romania, where he eventually finds A hotel that had tons of Monsters, and figured that's where his target would be looking for and to watch over the place to make sure that the Monster Hunter doesn't do any damage, he approached the building and as he walked into the rotating doors, A monster noticed him and flew towards him.
Drac: Who are you? How did you find this place?
Y/n: Woah! Oh, uh, I'm Y/n, I was just, uhhh, mountain climbing, with a few people and heard stories about a spooky forest and decided to investigate, curiosity does tend to get the best of me.
Drac: How many of you are there?
Y/n: Just me, the others were too scared to follow me. Cool cape, by the way.
Drac: What have I done?! Oh, no. You have to leave!
Gremlin Lady: Excuse me. One of your piranhas in the lake is very rude. He ate my sister-in-law.
Drac: Be right with you.
Hydra: Mr. Dracula, we asked for a room by the pool./The Room's fine, we booked a massage./Yes, Swedish./Shiatsu./Aromatherapy./Lower Back./Do you have a hot stone? We want a massage.
Drac: I'll get back with you, Mr. Hydrabag.
Hydra: I hope so/I doubt it.
Drac: See that you do.
Hydra: That's Mrs. Hydrabag.
Y/n: Do you need some help? You seem A little overworked.
Drac: Quiet, you fool! What weapons are you hiding? Your pitchforks?
Y/n: I don't own any pitchforks, I don't really have A reason to have one.
Drac: Regardless, you need to go. No humans have been allowed in the castle before. If anyone saw you there'd be panic! And if Mavis saw you, she'd know I lied!
Y/n: If you don't mind me asking. Who's Mavis?
Drac: That's not for you to know, human.
Y/n: Uhh, alright then.
Drac: Just, okay, it's too crowded right now, come with me we need to disguise you.
Y/n was dragged away and Drac looked for a disguise; he eventually gets Y/n disguised as A Frankenstein's Monster.
Drac: There, that should work.
Y/n: Alright, works for me.
Drac: Okay, now we leave.
Y/n: Right!
The two hurried over to the entrance, but somehow Y/n got knocked away and into another room. Y/n fell to the ground, taking someone down with him. Y/n tried to get up and apologize, but when he locked eyes with the girl he felt a small zap somewhere inside him.
Dracula: Mavis, Honey, are you alright?
Mavis: Yea, I think so. That was weird.
Y/n: I feel like that should've hurt more.
Mavis: Um, who is that?
Drac, nervous: Oh, him? He's nobody.
Mavis: Seriously, Dad?
Y/n: Wait, Dad?
Mavis: Yea, Dracula's daughter. Everybody freaks out a bit.
Y/n: Huh, cool.
Drac: Okay, we gotta go!
Drac then drags Y/n away from the room.
Y/n: I didn't know vampires could have children, I guess I never had time to question how more vampires are created I suppose but regardless, wait you're not gonna suck my blood are you? Uhh, that wouldn't be a good idea.
Drac: Can you quiet down? I can't think.
Y/n: Sorry, so you're not gonna drink my blood?
Drac: Classic human paranoia, we don't do that, human blood is too fatty, you never know where it has been, so we use replacements.
Y/n: Oh, that's a relief, so you're THE dracula? Like, infamous 19th century vampire? King of the vampires?
Drac: No, that's my father.
Y/n: Cool, cool, so what exactly is this place?
Drac: What is this place? It is a place I build for all those monsters out there lurking in the shadows, hiding from the persecution of humankind. A place for them and their families to come to and free themselves. A place void of torches, pitchforks and angry mobs! A place of peace, relaxation and tranquility.
Y/n: So, in summary, A hotel for monsters?
Drac: A hotel...way to sum it up.
Y/n: Thanks.
Drac: Okay, hop on my back, we're leaving.
He then transforms into A bat.
Y/n: Oh, and you're a bat now.
Mavis, appearing suddenly: Hi!
Y/n: Aah!
Drac: Mavey! W-What are you doing, my sweet little blood orange? Our friend was just leaving!
Mavis then turned back to human form.
Y/n, whispering to himself: Do the clothes also transform?
Mavis: Who exactly is that?
Drac: Uhh, Honey Bat, you see, it's your birthday, and, you know, I wanted you to have the bestest, specialist party of your life, so I got him to help.
Mavis: You needed help?
Drac: Well, look, I am pretty good, but I thought that it would be even more bestest, specialist if someone closer to your age helped plan the party.
Mavis, excited: You're my age?
She got closer to Y/n's face, as Y/n turned a little red.
Y/n: Well, how old are you?
Mavis: A hundred and eighteen.
Y/n: A hundred and-?!
Dracula elbows Y/n.
Y/n: Right, I'm, uh, A hundred and nineteen.
Mavis, still excited: Really?!
Y/n: Y-yea
Drac: You see? This is all very, very normal. I'm throwing a party and he is helping.
Suit of Armor: Sir, there is an emergency.
Drac: Not now. Can't you see we're in the middle of something very normal here?
Mavis: Wait, what is going on here? There's an emergency in our precious hotel and you're not running to fix it? Is it because of him?
Mavis pointed at Y/n, who was currently stretching.
Drac: No, honey bones, it's not because of him.
Mavis: Good, then you go deal with the emergency and I'll keep him company.
Y/n: Wait what?
Drac: No! Anything but that!
Mavis: What?
Drac: I mean, because...
Y/n: I have to plan! I'm sure your father won't want any surprises ruined! Right?
Drac: Uh, right!
Mavis: Okay, if you're not planning later, do you maybe want to hang out later?
Y/n: Uh, sure!
Drac: Yes, hear that? Sure, you two will hang out later!
Y/n then gets dragged away by Drac, as Y/n sighs in relief.
Drac: You will not be hanging out later, you are leaving.
Y/n: Good idea, I'm getting way too nervous here.
Suit of armor: But sir, the emergency!
Drac: Follow me!
Y/n followed Drac as he walked off.
Suit of Armor: That kid smells weird.

Hotel Transylvania: The Hero (Hotel Transylvania X Male!Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum