Chapter 5: Party Time!

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Y/n made his way to the party, making sure the makeup was still on as he stepped into the room and found Mavis.
Y/n: Woah, you look great, Mavis.
Mavis: Thanks. Thanks for the party.
Y/n: Do you like my touches?
Mavis: Mhm! It's great!
The two started to talk and mess around, before Mavis suddenly kissed Y/n and A suit of armor alerted Drac, who flew over.
Drac: How could you?! After I shared my pain with you?!
Y/n, scared:, I can...can I explain?
Mavis: Dad, it was just a kiss.
Drac: No, you're not allowed to kiss!
Mavis: Dad, I'm allowed to do things. I'm not 83 anymore. I'm allowed to like people or go see the world again.
Drac: What?! You saw it! You-you said you didn't like it!
Mavis: Maybe I want to give the village another chance. I need to learn, you know, how to roll with it like Y/n does.
Drac: No, no you can't go back to the village again!
Mavis: Maybe you can make them see that we can still be friends!
Drac: No, that isn't possible!
Mavis: How do you know it?
Drac: Because it won't!
Mavis: Why won't it?!
Drac: Because the village isn't real!
The music stopped, and everyone looked at Drac and Mavis.
Mavis: What do you mean "Didn't exist"?
Frank: What did you do?!
Drac: I did what I had to do.
Mavis: What was it? What was it that you had to do?! Tell me!
Drac: I-- I built the town, the staff put it all together, the... the zombies dressed up as the townspeople. Please, if you really went out there and something happened to you, I... I just couldn't live with myself!
Mavis: You could live with this? Lying to me? Tricking me? Keeping me here forever when you knew my dream was to go?
Quasimodo then burst into the room.
Quasi: Liar-! Liar-!
Quasi: Uh-uh-uh!
His voice was muffled.
Eunice: English, please, your voice is annoying.
Fly: Wait, I speak frozen, he's saying "Drac brought a human into the Hotel."
The crowd gasps and start to panic.
Gremlin wife: A human?!
Gremlin husband: Stay close, Pookie!
Quasimodo then tries to speak more.
Fly: He's saying "There! There's the human!"
Quasimodo pointed at Y/n.
Frank: Y/n's not human, He's my right arm's cousin, he's lying!
Griffin: Yea, and why's he picking his nose?
Fly: He says it's a long story.
Esmerelda then wipes Y/n's makeup off his face, revealing the truth, as the Spider-sense finally stops.
Frank: I don't believe it.
The monsters start to panic and run frantically around the room as Mavis approaches Y/n.
Mavis: Is it true? Are you really A human?
Y/n: I... yes, I'm sorry.
Mavis, hugging Y/n: I don't care! I still want to be with you!
Y/n was surprised and was about to accept the hug, but he decided he couldn't bring any more harm to the Hotel.
Y/n: I'm sorry, I like you too, but I can't accept putting you and the other monsters in the kind of danger that follows my line of work.
Mavis, heartbroken, breaks the hug and Y/n starts to walk away, passing several monsters.
Murray: Ah! Please don't hurt me!
Y/n: Relax, I'm not going to hurt anyone here.
Y/n leaves the hotel and takes a cab to the nearest City to catch a flight back home.

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