Chapter 3: Letting Loose

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A while later, the party was still being set up while Y/n shared stories about his adventures with the other monsters.
Quasi: Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula! May I make you an omelet?
Drac: No, no, no, no. I'm not hungry.
Quasi: What? Esmerelda, you smell it again?! Human!!
Drac: I am hungry! You know what? I'll take 50 Omelets!
Quasi: You heard the man, make them!
Mavis: What other places have you visited?
Y/n: Well, I've been to Japan, all across America, Canada, a lot of places, really
Drac: Look, love droppings, I got you A bagel with your favorite spread, scream cheese.
Mavis: Holy rabies! Thanks dad! Here Y/n, try some Scream Cheese, it's awesome!
Y/n: Oh, uh, no thank you, I'm Scream Cheese intolerant.
Drac: Of course you are, Y/n, can we party plan for a moment?
Y/n nodded and stood up and waved to the group as he walked away.
Drac, whispering: What are you doing? If they find out you're human, they'll go bat poop!
Y/n: I don't think anyone suspects anything, don't worry about it.
Drac: Just wrap up the conversation, just say you're going to the pool and act excited or something!
Y/n: On it! Wait, there's A pool?!
Drac: Yes, from here you'll go out the west door and down the corridor to the right and out the last door on the left, got it?
Y/n: Okay, sir!
He walked back to the group as Drac watched from afar and told the group he was going to the pool, but the other followed, soon a full party started in the pool as Y/n scrambled to get out.
Y/n: Well, that didn't go according to plan...
Suddenly everything stopped as Drac froze time.
Drac: What are you doing?! Oh, you messed up, man. You messed up big-time. You'll ruin your hotel if they find out.
Y/n: I...don't know, they look like they're having fun, a lot of fun.
Drac: That? That's not fun, that's chaos! Everyone running, jumping, swimming with no order. That was the opposite of fun.
Y/n: Man, you should learn how to loosen up, Count, can I call you Count?
Drac: Just call me Drac, actually no, don't call me that! Just, whatever, look at me! You have no memory of this place or the monsters you met. Leave now and never return!
Y/n: Wait, never return?
Drac: Huh? You were supposed to forget the hotel! I just used my powers to erase your memories, I looked you straight in the eyes!
Y/n: Ohh, I've always been somewhat immune to hypnosis, either that or it's the fact I'm not looking directly into your eyes.
Drac: Ooh! Just, never return here, okay?
Y/n: Okay, okay.
He turned around and left the hotel as Drac unfroze time.
Y/n: Well, it was fun while it lasted, guess I better get to work.
A bat suddenly appeared next to Y/n, startling him.
Y/n: Ah, Drac! I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
The bat then transformed, revealing it was Mavis.
Mavis, softly: Follow me.
Y/n: I can't, Mavis, your dad wants me to leave.
Mavis: You sure? It'll be fun.
Y/n: Well, I suppose it's better than wandering around the forest aimlessly. You dad won't see me, right?
Mavis: No, no he won't.
She then picked the boy up and transformed into A bat, and flew Y/n to the roof of the hotel. The two sat down on the roof next to each other.
Y/n: Woah, this view is amazing! I can almost see Budapest!
Mavis: Who-da-pest? Is that near Ha-wi-fi?
Y/n: Hawaii? No, not at all, they're quite a while away.
Mavis: Oh, you know so much about the human world.
Y/n: Well, I like to learn, and travel, the other option would just be sitting at home, really, that's not life for me.
Y/n stood up as Mavis stayed sitting, the moonlight reflecting off his eyes.
Mavis: Y-yea.
She looked up at the fit boy as he stared at the horizon.
Y/n: The sunrise up here must be great.
The sun started to come up, a bit of the sunlight touching Mavis.
Y/n: Oh! You've never seen the sunrise, have you?
Mavis: N-no.
Y/n brought Mavis to the shadows.
Mavis: What are you?
Y/n: Even in the shadow here, you should still be able to see it.
The sun rose slowly as Y/n stood behind Mavis, making sure she didn't touch the sunlight.
Y/n: Amazing, right? I can't imagine not seeing this view almost every day.
Suddenly, the floor came out beneath Y/n, as he fell he landed in the sauna.
Drac: Y/n?!
Y/n: ...Shit
Drac pulled Y/n away.
Y/n: Look, I was going to leave, but the sun was coming up and I figured I would have at least one look at it from the roof before leaving!
Drac: I can't believe you stuck around, man! Bad things are coming your way. I got to get my thoughts in order.
Y/n took a step back when Drac let go of him.
Drac: Okay. You see these tables? You can spend the entire day pushing them out and placing them, Party Planner.
Y/n: Hmm, alright, anywhere specific they need to go?
Drac: Huh? Well, just place them where they'll work!
Y/n: Got it! Can't believe I'm stuck here now. *muttering* Now I know how Mavis feels.
Drac: That's it, you're in timeout.
Y/n: Time out? I'm an adult!
Drac lifted Y/n with telekinesis and placed him in a corner.
Y/n: Oh, okay then.
Drac: Okay, let's get to work.
He clapped as the Table's sprung to life, he started to direct the tables to their position as Y/n watched in amazement, soon, Y/n didn't really know how, the two were flying down the halls on the tables, racing.
Quasi: Yes. Keep smelling. Catch him, then I will make Human pot pie!
Soon, Y/n and Drac got separated, Y/n was taken by Quasimodo somehow as Drac looked for him.
Drac: Mavis?? Why are you still up? The sun is out. It could kill you, my honey guts.
Mavis: I couldn't sleep, do you know where Y/n is?
Drac: I don't know. He... Why do you want to know?
Mavis: Oh! Uh...
Drac: Do you like him?
Mavis: What? Pfft! No! Come on, Dad. He's so weird and awkward. It's like, are you an idiot, or do you know you're adorable?
Drac: Eh... Hold that. Do you have a location on Quasimodo?
Armor: Yes, Sir. They're heading through the lobby, to the kitchen.
Drac: I need him stopped immediately, is that clear?
Armor: Yes, quite. We are on it.
Quasimodo: Ha-ha! Missed! What is the meaning of this? Let me pass!
Armor: Quasimodo Wilson, you are coming with us.
Quasimodo then kicked the Armor between the legs, which made it fall to the ground.
Armor: Why did that hurt me?
Drac: Look, honey, there's no falling in love at your age.
Mavis: Mom was my age. Eunice said mom kissed you first cause you were too scared to make the first move.
Drac: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, forget about me and Mom kissing.
Mavis: Dad, at some point, I'm going to get married, I can't be here forever.
Drac: What? Why not? You barely got out of your training fangs. But why all the sudden interest? Every time we talked about love you were always like "Eww, dad, that's gross" and "ooh dad I don't wanna know about that"
Mavis, sighing: I don't know
Armor: Sir, he made it to the kitchen
Drac: What? What do I even pay you for? I'm sorry Honey but I have to go.
Armor: He doesn't pay me...

Hotel Transylvania: The Hero (Hotel Transylvania X Male!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang