Chapter 15: The Kraken

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Drac: Y/n, are you sure about this?
Y/n: I think you need to get your mind off the captain, this party will be the perfect way to focus on something else.
Y/n: I know this isn't going to fully help, Drac, but it's a start, so let's try to enjoy ourselves a bit.
Drac went off to enjoy himself while Mavis, Y/n, and Dennis stayed together.
Mavis: I can't believe my dad Zinged with someone who wants to kill him!
Y/n: Well, love is a complicated thing, and Zings may be even more complex, I mean up until now we believed you could only Zing once but now we know that's just simply not true.
Mavis: Honey, she's trying to KILL MY FATHER!
Y/n: You just need to let the tides go as they will, regardless if you swim against them or with them, you will be dragged in the direction they want you to go, why fight if there's nothing that can change the end result at all? They may be separate now, but eventually they'll form an unbreakable bond, we were once separated like that, A human vigilante and the daughter of dracula, two completely unrelated people, until that fateful night at the hotel when our paths intertwined, that was the result of the tides pushing us in the direction of each other, and now we just have to hope that Dracula's tides will push him in the right direction.
Davis: Wow, you sounded pretty smart, dad!
Y/n: You gotta exercise both brain and brawn if you wanna be the best you can be, Dennis!
The group went into the party, Y/n and Mavis keeping Dennis by their side.
Mavis: Let's go talk to Drac.
Y/n: Huh? Okay.
The three walked over to Y/n's father in law.
Mavis: Dad, you should go talk to Ericka.
Drac: What? I know.
Mavis: I know I maybe overreacted a teensy bit. It's just the thought of losing you.
Drac: Huh? What are you talking about losing me?
Mavis: Well, Obviously when you get married you're going to live on the boat and travel around the world.
Drac: Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there, Mavis, I can promise you two things, One, nothing can ever take me from you and all my family, two, I will never live on a boat.
Y/n: Honestly, I think that's the most relieving thing possible, living on a boat just sounds like torture.
Drac: You're my cute little tarantula, how could I ever leave you?
Mavis: Now, seriously, go talk to her.
Drac: I can't you heard what she said, she could never be with me.
Mavis: No, Dad. You're just a half, and you have to go with your tide and find an infinite world.
Drac: You sound like Y/n
Y/n: I actually used A tide metaphor a couple minutes ago-
Mavis: Point is, you can't deny A zing. Monster, Human, Unicorn, it doesn't matter. So go to her! Now!
Drac: Okay! I'm on it!
Y/n: Unicorn? Why is that a separate category than Human and Monster?
Mavis: Never thought of it, really.
As the party continued, the DJ got kicked out of his own booth.
Y/n: What- hey! You can't kick someone out of their own booth!
Drac: Who's this?
Van Helsing: Ha! You don't even recognize your greatest rival!
Drac: Hmmm. Oh, right. You own that holiday inn by the airport.
Van Helsing: No! I am Abraham Van Helsing!
Drac: Van Helseing? After all these years? You look awful.
Van Helsing: Always with the quick insults, well this will shut you up, and all monsters!
He started to play A dubstep song that awoke the kraken and made it attack the monsters, when they tried to run the bridge was broken.
Frank: We're trapped! Everyone ran back!
Y/n: No! Every monster that can fly, grab as many monsters that you can and fly them to the other side, when you get to that side, come back, the rest of you, wait to get flown over and run back to the casino! I'll try to see if I can solve this!
Mavis: Y/n! You can't!
Y/n: I can try my best! Go get others to safety!
Before Mavis can say anything else, Y/n rushed forward, using his energy to push himself faster, the Kraken tried slamming his tentacle on Y/n, who jumped out of the way and up to where the DJ booth is and slammed his fist down on it, cracking it, but he was pushed out by a metal arm, several more appeared and tried attacking Y/n, Y/n broke a majority of them, but his energy was running low fast, so he had to hurry and break the DJ Booth. He then again got up to the DJ booth by using his energy manipulation to increase his jump power, then again hit the booth, almost breaking it, one more hit should shatter the booth. Finally, he was out of energy, right as he was about to be squished by both the Kraken and Metal Arms, Mavis grabs him and flies him out of the way.
Y/n: I'm...out of energy...I just need a bit more to be able to shatter that booth.
Mavis: Everyone is out, how do we give you more energy?
Y/n: I, uh, don't know.
Mavis: I have an idea.
Y/n: Uh, what's tha-
Mavis kissed Y/n suddenly, when they broke the kiss, Y/n was energized again.
Y/n: Huh, that actually worked, be right back! Keep Dennis out of trouble!
He rushed back out and as another Tentacle slammed down, Y/n started to climb it, but the Kraken tried hitting him again, Y/n used his energy to jump and change directions midair by shooting a projectile to fire him towards the booth. He then slammed down again and shattered the booth, Y/n grabbed Van Helsing and got him to the ground as Dracula grabbed Ericka. Mavis hugged Y/n and after using so much energy so quickly, Y/n was exhausted and tuned out Van Helsings and Draculas conversation until Erika got included.
Erika: It's time to start a new legacy!
Y/n: Huh?
Dracula: A monster-human legacy.
Y/n: D-didn't that get started with Dennis? Wasn't Dennis the first Human/Monster Hybrid?
Mavis: Just let them have this.
Y/n: Uh, alright then.
Dennis was being chased by Winnie, trying to get him to look at her to Zing.
Y/n: I, really hope they understand that isn't how that works...I think, I still don't know how Zings work.
Soon, Van Helsing gave the monsters a full refund for the cruise.
*Much, Much, Much Later*
Dracula brought Ericka to the roof of the hotel, when Y/n and Mavis got up there, Dracula had proposed, and Ericka said yes. The celebration lasted A while, Y/n snuck outside of the Hotel to feel the cool breeze through his hair and to think about something, until Mavis walked outside with Dennis.
Mavis: What's wrong?
Y/n: Huh? Oh, nothing's wrong, I was just wondering something.
Mavis: What's that?
Y/n: Well, I can use my Energy to change my direction midair, but if I concentrate it enough I make a beam, which also pushes me in the opposite direction, so if I find a way to give myself lift then maybe...
Y/n's hands glowed F/c and he started to levitate.
Mavis: Woah!
Y/n: It worked! I can fly too!
Mavis: That's Awesome! Wanna go on a family flight?
Y/n: Hmm, why not? I could use some pointers before flying whenever I want.
With that, Mavis and Dennis transformed into bat and started to teach Y/n how to fly, soon enough the three were soaring through the air as if they were born in the sky.

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