Chapter 4: Heart to Heart

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Y/n: Why did you tie me in rope over the fire?
Quasimodo: Because chains would- oh no!
The fire burned the rope away, dropping Y/n directly next to the fire, somehow, as Dracula burst into the room.
Quasi: Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula!
Drac: Shut your hump hole.
Y/n: Ha, hump hole.
Quasi: Now you're helping him? What is it with you and this human?
Drac: He's not a human!
Y/n: Yea, I'm A Frankenstien Monster!
Quasi: If he is a human, let him scare him Esmerelda.
Drac: The mouse? Pfft. Without a doubt.
Y/n tried scaring the mouse, but failed.
Y/n: Eh, I've always been better at scaring people with a guilty conscience anyways.
Quasi: A human! A human! Monsieur Dracula has brought a human into the-
Dracula froze Quasimodo
Quasi: Esmerelda, help me.
Drac and Y/n then left the room and walked through the halls.
Y/n: Thanks for the help back there, Drac, that guy's crazy.
Drac: Follow me, I have something to show you.
He brought Y/n up to his bedroom.
Y/n: Is this your room?
Drac then showed Y/n a picture.
Y/n: I kind of recognize her, there's A legend about her.
Drac: Legend?
Y/n: Yea, The Lady Lubov. The story is that a lonely count met her by chance, and they say that no two souls were ever more meant for each other. Eventually, they settled down at Castle Lubov and had a child. But then, a horrible tragedy happened. A fire started mysteriously one night, and it killed both of them. When I was at the castle, I could still feel their powerful love. They say it's as if a soul is still trapped in the ruins themselves.
Drac: The legend is wrong. It was only the wife who died.
Y/n: Oh.
Drac: And it was no mystery who killed her, it was your kind!
Y/n listened as Drac told Y/n the truth, humans set their house on Fire and he took their child, Mavis, to safety, and his wife died in the fire.
Y/n: I' sorry, Dracula. Nobody deserves to suffer in such A way.
Drac: It's okay, Y/n, humans are the real monsters. I built this place for my love, to protect my child. As A father, you do everything to keep your family safe, even if you have to-
Y/n: Break their trust.
Drac: So you understand.
Y/n: Of course, I have many things I keep hidden from my family to protect them.
Drac: Well, now Mavis has feelings for you.
Y/n: Wait, what?
Drac: It's alright, you are a good one. If the world was different, maybe it would be possible.
Y/n: Drac, this is the 21st century. People aren't the same as they were back then.
Drac: Can you tell me for certain that if we came out into the open everyone would accept us, everyone?
When Drac asked, Y/n thought of all the criminals he's fought.
Y/n: No, you're right. I'll go for good this time. You can just say I had some kind of emergency, or the gremlin lady ate me or something.
Drac: no no no, I don't want to ruin her birthday party. You can sneak out after it's all done.
Y/n: I'm sorry. The last thing I want to do is hurt her, or you.
Drac: You know, you make an awful Frankenstien's Monster, but you'd make a great vampire.
Y/n: Really?
Drac: Mhm, you'd be great!
The two started to goof around for a little bit before the party started.

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